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A TikTok of a self loathing white woman goes viral. Here is what is wrong with this mentality.
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NO MORE victim mentality.
Whoa.. Girl needs a hobby other than tik tok and Twitter.
Self hate is real, it’s extremely sad seeing people feel this way about themselves and their own people
I love my gender, I love my ethnicity, and I love my color. I will never be embarrassed for something that makes me who I am. All of this nonsense imo is meant for a mental health practitioner 😁
I just high-fived myself for being a great white person. Which is probably some sort of cultural appropriation, but I literally couldn’t give a crap.
I have never been disgusted so much in my life. Why are some people so pathetic and weak. It’s like they get turned on being brainwashed.
I used to get annoyed at people like her, but as Matt said, she’s probably lonely so now I just feel embarrassed and sad for them. Image hanging out or dating somebody like her.
It’s a special kind of low self-opinion that leads you to think self-hatred is going to win you friends.
She looks like the kind of chick who would be caught on video yelling racial slurs at an employee in a taco bell drive thru.
I don’t feel guilty about the color of the skin I was born with and I don’t feel privileged by it either. I grew up dirt poor in the middle of nowhere and nobody ever gave us anything. You gotta work for what u want and I’ve worked with a lot of great guys of all different colors, judge people by their work ethic and character not their color 👍
Get this woman a mail-in ballot and another vaccine booster immediately!
Be proud of who you are, don’t listen to people like this. Experience your life and treat people as individuals not from the colour of their skin ❤️
I love being white. I don’t feel guilty at all because it’s something completely out of my control. 😊
Imagine spending everyday trying to learn things that don’t need to be learned to appease people who will look at you and say you’re racist just because of the color of your skin, regardless of this so called anti-racist lifestyle you try living. Couldn’t be me. Moral of the story just don’t be a shit human and you’re good.
That woman must live a horribly miserable life. I can’t imagine what her family goes through being around her. I’m sure Canada has a solution if she hates her life so damn badly. She can leave all her earthly possessions to a person of color.
The thing about being a good person is that you don’t have to try. You just are, regardless of who you are.
If your family is multi ethic, like mine is, it’s more difficult to hate other races or make crazy generalizations like this woman is doing
As a Black dude, be proud of what race God made you to be even if you’re White. We are all one in Christ in the end.
It is so hard to believe that people will spend their only life they got being upset all the time.
“We are the ones doing bad things.” Should we take this as a confession under the law, lady?