Hi Beautiful! Today we watch the worst DIY haircut fails on TikTok! The only question I have is WHY?!
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Video Editing By: Kris Edrosa
Don’t Forget To Live Your Extra Life.
I watch your videos with my mom and she laughs every time 😂
Also your style is just impeccable
your videos have taught me everything i know about hair, i dont know what i’d do without them
Brad’s jacket has “rich widow whose spouse died in mysterious circumstances” vibes and I love it
thank you for not being controversial and doing your job. 🖤keep up the good work brad!
I love your channel, Brad! All of these haircut react videos make me want to cut my own hair, but I can’t get myself to do it! Can’t mess it up! 😂😂😂
Brad in last vid: *sleeveless*
Brad in this vid: *wearing entire polar bear*
It’s a VIBE
Brad I followed your many many tips and I’ve gone from dull & lifeless to the modern Rachel I’m so happy thank you
I just call this a pony tail cut ✂️. Didn’t realize I had been giving myself a wolf cut all these years. I have naturally curly hair and I think that’s probably the best hair type to do this with. Do it wet scrunch it dry with your fave curly hair product. Beautifully layered without much length loss every single time.
I love how I’m watching this thinking “oh maybe this will look okay” or “she’s not doing too bad”, then I see the absolute HORROR on Brad’s face and realize… I am very… very.. wrong hahah
I love how Brad has to hide from the camera to laugh for a second 😂
I love your reaction videos, Brad.. this particular one gave me some anxiety though. Lol Now these were some epic fails!
I couldn’t stop laughing, the expressions when they had cut their Hair like ‘oh heck, what have I done!’ & your reactions too Brad, priceless!
You have such gorgeous hair, Brad! I look forward to seeing how you style it in future vids ^_^
I’ve done “wolfcuts” on myself for decades. About every 7 years I just chop off all my hair. More recently, about a month ago when I cut off 15 inches and am now rocking the “disco look” according to my 16 year old. But I’m lucky, the shorter my hair gets the wavier-curlier it is. So it helps to hide any imperfections. I’d suggest people with straight hair just forego the wolfcuts or get it done professionally if you want layers.
Goodness, I hope you feel better quickly, bein sick stinks (I’m in quarantine with Covid)
I’m 52 and I’ve been watching your Videos for ages, I haven’t been to the Salon in years.
Thank you Brad for all your helpful Videos, you’ve taught me everything I needed to know to get a fabulous haircut!!
As a licensed hairstylist, I genuinely don’t feel bad for these people 😂
tiktokers obviously need you more than us at youtube do. Go Brad, bring them the good word on wolf cuts!
Brad’s concern about how these people function in daily life is spot on. Just think of what they don’t post online!😂
I actually cut all my long hair off last week, it is the shortest it has been since I was very very little it’s even shorter than my brother’s (who is growing his out haha) thanks to watching so many of your videos I managed not to end up in this category and it looks great and I feel fabulous! Thank you so much Brad for everything that you do ❤
I love when Brad “quizzes“ us during these videos and is like “do you know what she’s doing wrong“ and I’m like “yes teacher Brad, I do!” Lmao. He has taught us all so well😪✨