TikTok’s Worst “Nutrition” Videos


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TikTok is full of all kinds of nutritional information… and some of it is even good! Today we look at mac and cheese, eating hot foods, John McGinnis, raw honey ASMR, Garnicia Cambogia, Dr. Oz, In-N-Out Burger, french fries, protein, carbs, juice cleanses, mountain lions, Nikocado Avocado, opium, codeine, essential oils, Matt Stonie, Squid Game, marshmallows, processed food, whole foods, Gordon Ramsey, vegan steak, magnesium, sleep, alkaline water, tap water, Liver King, raw meat, and liver!

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-Doctor Mike Varshavski

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** The information in this video is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained in this video is for general information purposes only and does not replace a consultation with your own doctor/health professional **


Doctor Azmain

The fact that manuka honey is antibacterial shows that we doctors use “natural” medicines too – although many of the medicines we use are derived or inspired by natural sources!


What upsets me the most is when people actually take the so-called “advice” and think that it’s a cure all. And like Dr.Mike said, when people find out it doesn’t work, especially patients who have been suffering because of their condition, it makes them feel even worse about themselves. So the “advice” isn’t always harmless. I wish the internet could ban these types of videos.


You should have Matt Stonie on to talk about how competitive eaters actually eat normally. I’ve always wondered how people competitively eat in a “healthy” manner, and if it involves working out, a specific diet, something else, or even just a combination of any of those.


As someone with an eating disorder since age 9, my relationship with food is extremely emotional. I don’t just eat to keep my body healthy and stay alive, my emotions tear me in multiple directions trying to dictate what I put or do not put into my body, and how much of it. This goes along with exercise too. It’s a very hard struggle. I wish I could enjoy a delicious slice of veggie pizza and not be overcome with emotions and thoughts and questions

Seppuku Senpai

Omg, Dr.Mike getting heated over the magnesium one got me a bit emotional. I’m the exact patient he’s talking about. I’ve had sleep issues my whole life, even before I can remember bcs my mother has told me stories about it so I have chronic severe sleep problems. It’s impossible to count how many of these I’ve been suggested claiming it will help (it never does) I mostly can’t even get medical professionals to recognize that chronic sleep problems are even possible. To this day the only meds that truly help are all meant for temporary treatment


Genuine question, just trying to learn: as a doctor, what are your concerns with head trauma and bodily damage from pro boxing?

David Harris

I love it when Dr. Mike gets triggered by the phrase “alkaline water” because I know he is going to lose it 😅


Knowing that Mike is a doctor and also forgets words like “evaporate” makes me feel really good 😆🤣🤣


Doctor Mike: Today we’re going to be reacting to nutrition TikToks.
Doctor Mike, 5 seconds later: Learn how you can get a lifetime supply of ground beef!

Jackie Jensen

I received cough syrup with codine in it. I was a whole miracle drug. I couldn’t sleep because of how much I was coughing and not only did this stuff just knock me out, but it helped with the coughing so much


The honey thing- my dog is a rescue dog and when the nurses found her she had a huge open wounds across her back, and when they stitched it up, they put honey on the wound to relieve the pain. Her name is now Honey Badger.


“Juices benefits: eliminate toxins”
Cool, I guess I won’t be needing these anymore. *cuts out my liver and kidneys and sells them to some shady merchant at the marketplace*

Nirvana Sounds

The “Bro Science” part sent me😂really! some people come up with the most random excuses to justify poor eating habits. Love your videos Dr Mike, very entertaining and super informative, keep up the great work!👍


Every time I hear these juice cleanse commercials on radio, tv, or any social media I just get frustrated. My parents both tried juice cleanses years ago. My dad had “researched” juice cleansing when he was looking to loose weight but without exercising or going on a traditional diet (he was pre diabetic at this point). He got my mom to do it and for a month and a half both of my parents would have nothing but juice for breakfast and lunch. They’d had a solid meal for dinner and that was it. They were losing weight sure but in exchange they were tired everyday even after a full nights sleep. My mom got frequent migraines which she never had a problem with before. I don’t think my parents realized what it was doing to them but they still spoke highly of juice cleansing. My mom even got some of her coworkers starting it. They didn’t stop until my mom’s annual check up and bloodwork was due with her PCP. She got a call from her doctor when her lab results came back. My mom’s levels were the lowest her doctor had ever seen on her before. Her doctor said she was going down the path of malnutrition and wanted to know what my mom was doing that gave such a drastic change to show up in her bloodwork. My mom told her doctor about her juice cleansing and how long she had been doing it. The doctor had to explain to my mom that what her and my dad were doing was doing more harm than good and they needed to stop. Her doctor specifically told her that Juice Cleanses do not work and are not advisable by many doctors. It scared my mom and she stopped her juice cleansing and so did my dad after he got his own bloodwork panel back. He was worse than my mom because he had been doing it longer than my mom.

Ieva Kalniškāne

the part at 9:00 where dr Mike freaks out about how his patients comes in with insomnia and depression literarily brought me to tears because it is exactly what I’m going through. I hate all these “diy” advices soo much, it helps no one

Amber Isabel

Doctor Mike: “Why are we slapping ourselves with cheese?”
Me: “Well it is Nikocado Avocado…”

Coy Wickens

To anyone who may read this, just know that Avocado will most likely make a “review” (rant) about Mike’s video. DO NOT ENGAGE! That nutcase doesn’t just feed off high caloric levels, he feeds off hate. He feeds off drama and starting nonsense. Do not engage with Avocado. Truthfully, he’s already long gone into his delusions of “health”. There’s no helping him

Amanda Sullivan

Your passion and drive to help people actually understand how the body works and what the real facts are is so important. Thank you for making these videos!

Anna Meyers

At this point I feel like we need a 5 hour long compilation of Dr. Mike absolutely losing his mind over misinformation.

Faith Murphy

Oh my! 😂 I’m dead. I love seeing him get SO angry at all these insanely stupid “health hacks”.

[Frankie]-C0me 0ver L!ve

I love how simple Dr. Mike makes health info! It’s really not that complicated, there’s just no shortcuts.

Also, as a biologist, I will hopefully help you feel better about your cat ID. Panther, cougar, puma, mountain lion, they are all correct!! They all refer to the same species. It’s the big cat with the largest demographic range covering most of North, Central, AND South America so it’s not surprising it has so many names 🙂

Kelsey Crump

I really appreciate the disdain for alkaline water. I use to work in a chiropractic office, and one thing he sold was giant glass jugs of alkaline water. And it was expensive. I couldn’t understand WHY people would by this water, when they have much cheaper water at home.

Jonathan Stern

It depends on where the tap water is from. For you and I, in the lower NY area, it’s perfectly healthy, possibly the healthiest and best tasting water in the world. For someone in Flint Michigan, it’s undrinkable.

Burtlederp Inc.

“bro why do you eat fries before your burger?”
the actual answer is: fries only taste worse the colder they get, so you eat the fries first cause your burger’s gonna taste fine a little bit colder and it’s gonna cool down a bit slower anyway


“You know what eliminates toxins? Your organs. Your organs clean out toxins! Kidneys, liver… you have them, use them!”
I would pay for you to come and say that to my mom. I am not even joking.

Also, wanted to puke from the honey part. Still have shivers in my body from how disgusting that was


I adore the passion you have for combating medical/health misinformation. You’re a physician–yet you speak like a patient advocate and dear god how we need more of you!

Liquid Flames

“chemical versus molecular”
I actually did an involuntary Dr. Mike impression and yelled at my TV, *”Chemistry is the sTUDY OF MOLECULES!”*


As a person with a chronic illness, thank you SO MUCH for your rant about medical promises from random tiktokers. It does make us feel like we’re broken and less than.
Hearing doctors make this rant is really validating

Ivory Dawn

I have a kidney disorder that actually does affect my blood pH and all of this alkaline vs acidic stuff being trendy right now drives me up a tree smh I appreciate Dr Mike pointing these things out cause the misinformation around what it looks like if you’re ‘too acidic/alkaline’ is patently ridiculous

Lauren Doe

General rule: Do not take nutrition (or ANY) advice from social media; always seek out credible sources, preferably peer-reviewed. Yes, it’s true peer-reviewed has its flaws… but allowing anyone to say whatever they feel like isn’t one of them.


6:06 she is putting everything that usually children find appetizing into water to make appealing but.. now I think they might become hydrophobic lmao

Donat and Co.

I just recently found out that the guy who microwaved marshmallow (Matt Stonie) is not only a competituve eater but also studied nutrition in college 🤯


As a person with insomnia and depression… I felt that rant at 9:25 😆love you man, thanks for being such a wonderful doctor and person.

Martin Aguilar

You know what actually makes me wake up better in the morning
Doctor Mike videos

Btw thanks for telling us all that accurate medical information
It really helps



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