The weather outside is frightful, but inside isn’t any more delightful! At least you weren’t caught on cam like these folks were. But if you’re clumsy, beware of cellphones nearby… nobody is safe from FailArmy in 2022. Have a great Fail Friday everyone!
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6:13 – Got to love how dude saves both of the drinks before helping the girl! 😛
4:20 – My man checking to see how many bites he can get in before that fire gets worse 💀
0:44 They’re in big trouble for breaking the glass!
Little dude got run over by the zip line lady. Bet he thought he was going to win too. Was fun to watch. Great video
He didn’t even help her up. She chose poorly.
This one was particularly brutal lmao.
Cat: “Hey look, I got a birdie!”
When they fall threw the store window and the guy just runs off and leaves her behind 😭😂😂
4:16 man got his priorities sorted 😂
I love how they censor alcohol but yet show drunken behaviour! 😂
0:41 a great example of “blinded by love”
6:18 What a man, saved the beer before the girl.
0:45 one thing is for sure, they’re perfect for each other
I though Kurt Cobain was no longer with us, but it’s good to see he’s taken up skateboarding. 😂
Needs to be shown at the beginning of all AA meetings.
6:19 God bless that man for avoiding 2 casualties 🍻 🙏
0:55 I like how he books it out of there and leaves her sitting there.
4:16 man got his priorities sorted 😂
One thing I’ve learned from these compilations is that people really don’t learn from those self-installed stripping pole fails. Just keeps on happening. 😅
That last move is actually awesome. 7:44 If someone can use that and get back on the bar, it’ll be a game changer.