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#TikTok #Dance #TikTokDance
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Heyyy! Happy Wednesday! Thanks for watching! 💚
But anyways, HI clover!!!!
Early btw when is #clovershoutoutday and #clover4love can’t wait to meet u one day my idol plz reply btw ILYSM HUNNY💚💚💚💚
i love your videos they make my day a whole lot better so thank you
Hey Clover ILY if remember me. I Wana tell you thank for the shutout, and you deserve 💖🏵️
Hi! Happy Wednesday to u your vids are the best🍀😻
4 mins ago yay hi clover
my friend:Woah this is cool
me : cause they got talent
3:10 #DOAH they are the best couple ever 🥺✨
Hey CLOVER 💚have are you? i love you so much 💞
I hope that you all are safe and happy ❤️✨
Hii, really happy u added Brent, lexi also pls can u post of amp world, I love them and ur channel ❤️
Ilysm clover you are such a role model for me because you take the time to upload everyday thx 🥰😁
At 3:09 I love that tik tok it was so cute #Doah 😍😁
0:02 slayyyy
Got here a hour late because I was sleeping but this is the first thing I did 🙂
I watch this channel everyday cause I don’t have tiktok!! and this fills me in sm! I love this channel soooooo muchhhh!! and I’m always so sad when u don’t post😕💗💗
how the heck do you post every day….? geezzz i could never 😂 i have school do you ?
0:01 that song has been stuck in my head ever since the first time I heard it lmao. Also, can you start adding @dxddy._.desi it would mean a lot to me Thank you and I love you 💚💚💚
1:16 I can’t be the only one shipping both of those🥺💕
☕ Clover I have a video idea for you but you don’t have to do it, you should make a TikTok complication of all the old/new TikTok dances you like the most! It would be fun seeing your opinion! 💚
8:24 is me in the morning when my sister and the people at school doing to much like chill and let me eat
1:11 I ship them so much
Did anyone else see at 8:25 how one of the twins and nicks were looking at each other smirking 🥰
0:44 love this collab
3:07 is just so cute.
3:08 is just so cute like omg