Ultimate Dance TikTok Compilation (January 2021) – Part 21



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#TikTok #Dance #TikTokDance

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ariana grande is not a starbucks drink

EARLY ONCE AGAIN! Im about to go to my football training! Wish me luck❤️


Hi presto sorry im a little late but but i love today’s video! God nless everyone, have a great day and stay safe!

Kayla Turner

Anyone realize that Bella P is eating a WHOLE THING OF PICKLESSSSS!! I like them to but the whole thing!!

UK Fan

Can we just mention the last video of Lexi and her friends when she dropped it it was right in front of her and her friends picked it up how sweet:0

Maddy Whitecar

0:12 – 0:24…..me thinking that’s the most biggest bed I have ever seen in my ENTIRE LIFE!! btw hi PRESTO!! 💙🖤💙🖤💙


1:10 girlies y’all are engaged I didn’t kno you was bout to have a kid 😂😂

Please don’t take this in a wrong way this wasn’t supposed to be offensive to anyone i love them this is just a joke 😭



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