Trump Officially Bans TikTok | The Tonight Show


Jimmy addresses the Trump administration scrapping plans to send 650 million masks when the pandemic was starting and officially banning TikTok.

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Trump Officially Bans TikTok | The Tonight Show




Literally he has so much more things to worry about right now and his main priority is to ban an app for entertainment..?

Ava Patrick

Probably shouldn’t say this but still you could go to settings and change your location to Canada

New Message

I suspect ‘specialty milk’ is what the other kids talked Donnie into drinking before bursting out in peals of laughter and shouting “He did it! OMG, he actually drank that lead paint!”


Trump is the King of Panic but he don’t want to create Panic by alerting Americans from real Pandemic.


He will do nothing about the Pandemic, but tiktok – watch out, Donnie will destroy you! 🤷‍♀️

Sons of Dragons

VPN business will be entering their “GOLDEN AGE” thanks to the orange man! He chose empty, meaningless gestures over real measures that will actually better the lives of americans and possibly the world but this is exactly what I would expect from the emperor with no clothes on with a court full of jesters and eunuchs advising the ignorant pretender. All the best with trying to be the greatest country on earth america! She is but a shadow of what was once! Sadly she is just a meth addict nowadays just trying to figure out where her next hit is coming from!

Avery the Cuban-American

The Melania statue used to be wooden but it was damaged by arsonists. Now they replaced it with the bronze one you see here. Either way I did not have that on my 2020 bingo

Night Knight

The “trees explode” that is not a forest ranger
The “science doesn’t know” that he doesn’t know
The “soldiers who died that are suckers & losers”
The “witch hunt” that tries to hide his pointy hat
The “hire the best people” that are in prison
The “loves USPS” that sabotages the post office
The “fair race” that needs voter suppression
The “sues mail-in voting” that mails in his vote
The “man of the people” that stiffs his contractors
The “low energy” that is addicted to Adderall
The “tough on Russia” that is Putin’s puppet
The “loves kids” that puts them in cages
The “tough guy” that hides in a bunker
The “patriot” that dodged the draft 5x
The “deal maker” that can’t make a deal
The “art of the deal” that has 4 chapter 11’s
The “businessman” that declared bankruptcy 6x
The “billionaire” that hides his tax returns
The “self made” that inherited Fred’s tax shelter
The “student” that hides his academic record
The “test taker” that didn’t take his own SAT exam
The “Christian” that never read the bible
The “genius” that writes at a grade school level
The “philanthropist” that steals from charities
The “innocent man” that won’t testify
The “military expert” rebuked by our generals
The “leader” that has zero accountability
The “builder” that never worked a day in his life
The “athlete” that can’t walk down a ramp
The “strong arms” that needs 2 hands 2 drink
The “alpha male” that wears makeup & hairspray
The “playboy” that can’t get female consent
The “grab them by the pu$$y” that has to pay 4 it
The “germaphobe” that craves golden showers
The “moral man” that uses hush money payoffs
The “least racist” that is in fact the most
The “I’m not orange” that is impeached
The “demands loyalty” that gives it to nobody
The “unfair to me” that is a troll & bully
The “nobody knows” that means he didn’t know
The “people are saying” that he’s fabricating this
The “no quid pro quo” that he’s done over & over
The “immigrant ban” who marries/cheats on them
The “big brain” that is lacking knowledge
The “media disgrace” that they fact checked him
The “don’t hire illegals” unless they work for him
The “Mexico will pay” that hides from every bill
The “buy USA made” that sells ties made in China
The “King of debt” that drove us off a debt cliff
The “have the best words” uses rudimentary ones
The “white privilege” born w/ silver spoon enema
The “populist” that only helps the richest 1%
The “science wiz” thinks knowledge is inherited
The “prepared” fired pandemic response team
The “most transparent” that demands every NDA
The “orangutan’s son” that sued Bill Maher & lost
The “healthiest” that lies about his morbid obesity
The “not tiny hands” that can’t fold an umbrella
The “family man” that wishes to date his daughter
The “cares about U” that is a malignant narcissist
The “stable genius” that is certainly neither
The “president” that is never presidential
This is the Liar-In-Chief…Agolf Twittler 🤢🤮😵

Night Knight

Donald: “Today, I am officially terminating my relationship with reality. I don’t like the way that reality has treated me. Reality has been very unfair to me…so tremendously unfair. No one should ever be treated the way that reality has treated me. Reality is a never-tRumper, that’s only interested in harassing me & making me look bad.  That’s why I have instructed my Attorney General William Barr, to launch an investigation into reality and find out it’s connection to the “deep state.” 😁😄😂🤣

Space Force Commander, General ‘Spanky Bonespurs' :

That Melania Statue looks to have been “restored” recently.

yew 2oob

Getting revenge on TikTok because they made him look like a loser…good use of time for the President during a pandemic. 🙄🙄🙄

Nick Wheeler

Just so ya know its because China is stealing Americans info like a Trojan horse with that app. Truth is only America can steal Americas info

mohammad sadeghpour

Wait a second he gets 12 years for that and trump is still president seriously WTF😞😧🤯

Spender MacLeod

Specialty Milk : What Trump makes beauty pageant contestants drink when he visits their changing rooms.


Now I bet someone is going to try to sell a phone installed with TikTok on eBay for over $1,000 after Sunday and some dumb ass is going to buy it like people did with Fortnite


Ross needs to retire. It’s painful listening to him. He looks and sounds like he is always having a stroke.



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