The Horrifying TikTok Trend That Turned Tragic…


The Horrifying TikTok Trend That Turned Tragic…
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Young Lungs – UDON
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Christopher Rodriguez

And the new one ppl posting the guy that shot himself in the head live stream on fb. Disgusting

Jessica Francis

I saw a guy drink a protein shake with shit ton of nutmeg and it completely messed him up and poisoned him

steven del toro

Bruh tiktok is getting out of hand there was a video of a guy who actually died and it was real

Andrew Gunn

Idiocracy is looking less like a movie, and more like a trip to the future with each passing day


Apparently, there was a suicide video that was getting a lot of attention on TikTok and those that tried to report it were told that it doesn’t violate their rules. I think that the video was finally taken down now but people were warning each other about it on TikTok, Twitter, Snapchat, Insta, etc etc


gen z generation is weird don’t get me wrong I’m also one but like they can make anything a trend and popular ……like someone just added me in “anonymous is daddy” group chat on twitter

Diamond Is Drawing

there is only one word in the title without a “T” and to fix that you could have used the word terrifying

Alex Paige

The fact that I struggled with attempting suicide by overdosing because of constant mental pain and these kids are doing it and treating it as a joke

Paloma Bennett WordPress Blog

What I am shocked about is that Youtube is censoring the word “die” or “dead.”

Concept Creator

Even more so now. Do not watch tiktok atm! There is a person taking his live going around on facebook and tiktok! So stay away! People freaking commenting on it about giveaways as well!!!


I’ve got a new challenge, the caprisun challenge. Try to drink one caprisun once a day. It’s safe and tastes good

Heck Dongle

Smh, kids these days are getting high the wrong way.

What you’ve gotta do is spend 12 hours studying.

When you’re done studying, you can hear colors and smell sounds.


just stay off of tiktok right now. there’s this video going around of a guy who blew his brains out on facebook live. i even heard his mom was watching the live when it happened. people are posting videos of cute animals and then suddenly cutting the video to the moment the gun went off to trick people into watching it. i watched the video and nearly vomited. it’s very graphic, and there is little warning because he didn’t hesitate. there are so many accounts of people reposting the video after it gets taken down and it’s disgusting, they obviously have zero respect for the family. trust me when i say that you don’t want to see it. i do well with graphic content in movies/shows, but this is obviously not near the same. don’t seek the video out. don’t engage with videos of it on tiktok. don’t give people reasons to keep posting the video. report accounts who post it.



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