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Realised i’m first dang good job to me because other people will be salty
First to comment?
Hello! Remember to drink some water today!
Would like but it’s at 69 👌
This was a live stream
That made my day better. Thanks 🏳️🌈
Hi it’s nice to meet you I’m pan and genderfulid have a happy day
Yay I’m early!! Love ur vids!
Oliver…you’re gonna have a great ass life with your amazing moms and my non-binary heart is happy af and my sister and her boyfriend went to keham yesterday and there was a trans and non binary boy who did the drawing things that drew you and it came out bad and then my mom was like “what is non binary” and I said “it’s when he’s not female or male mom” and she said “ that’s stupid and she’s confused” and I was like “no mom he’s not” it hurt my non binary and that’s why I’m not coming out ever!!
Holy shit, that last one. Too real.
Lmao why is the
last one me but in reverse-
I save these to my gaaaay playlist
for the pridefall im on discord, a server that i started called VIRTUAL PRIDE, catchy name ik, was raided bu pridefall members. We got rid of em but it was still scary
I use to be a straight girl, now I’m a gay guy. Wooooooo
6:43 I guess I’m straight now
5:54 they missed me haha
Im pretty sure I can feel the gay energy of this video form a mile away!!
Keep up the beautifully gay work!
2:11 well I didn’t need to be attack today but alright xD
This is why I am lesbian, isn’t it. Senpai notice me?
today I watched out on disney plus. best decision ever.
3:30. You’re right reverse racism doesn’t exist, it’s just racism.
okay how do i put this… 2:40 triggered me a little bit. reverse racism does not exist but RACISM does. the definition of racism is being discrimanitory towards any race. Black,white,mixed,etc. people are often getting confused and saying white people dont get probed with racist comments. EVERYONE does. why cant we stop looking on the past and using it as a shield to cover the fact that were all scared. were all scared of each other. why cant we just love each other? look past what our ancestors did and focus what the person standing in front of you has done. the world just needs a clean slate for us all to start over where we see each other as equal. no matter the skin color/gender/sexuality
I’m glad that the IUI stuff is getting more attention, and that the procedure is getting safer. Hopefully it keeps getting more attention so that more people know that it’s an option. Good luck and stay safe!
Remember when everyone thought pridefall was gonna happen and then literally nothing did
First they threatened Kpop Fandoms and now LGBTQ+ ????
What the hell they want??
2:40 Reverse Racism doesn’t exist because Racism is simply the discrimination against someone based on their race. “White” people do get discriminated against sometimes- granted, not as half as bad as most other races. Also, if saying Black people is discriminatory and generalizing then so is saying White people. We just need to stop listening to stereotypes based on race
It doesn’t matter about the “Gender” when it comes to “Love” ❤️
I have a question for all those Christian people who hate gay
Why would god put a rainbow in the sky if he put us to hell?
Tops Vs Bottoms Jokes are to the Gays™ what Girls Vs Boys are to the Straights™.
Either way it’s problematic tho
God made hot girls lesbian on purpose to mess with straight males.
Hi! I know im just a random person but I came out to my friends today I will come out to my parents when I am 16…My deadname is Sara but now I am proud to say Hi, Im AJ! I dont know what my gender is still but who cares!!!!!!