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US President Donald Trump’s first campaign rally in months took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on June 20, 2020, but only hosted only a fraction of the number of supporters his staff expected. Some of the no-shows may have been teenagers who registered to attend the rally but stayed home. Days before the event, calls went out on social-media apps TikTok, Instagram and Twitter, asking Trump opponents who had no intention of going to the rally to sign up anyway. The message spread among teens, including many fans of Korean pop music, who have recently pivoted their networks to support political causes including the Black Lives Matter movement.*This video has been updated to change a visual element.
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oof that must’ve hurt
Trump getting trolled by kids now. Scary
Now that’s is the true power of social media
K pop fans finally did something useful, they deserve to be praised
We notice there’s less people upper level
Imagine risking yourself to be infected with the coronavirus and got trolled at the same.
These teens just saved thousands of future lives by doing that.
When we have the same enemy that we must defeat
Wait… I don’t get it. Can someone please explain this again?
TikTok users 1, Trump 0
These Chinese expect trump to lose hard but they’re still in the middle of a pandemic those smart people working for corporate businesses won’t really come but you can expect a vote.
i despise kpop but absolutely love kpop stans
I just realized this is actual news.
Must be a slow day at the office.
I am the chosen one, and a very stable genius. In my great and unmatched wisdom, my two greatest assets have been my mental stability and being, like, really smart.
Funny. All of a sudden I’m really passionate about K pop music.
Should have added the Anime (weebs) fan
Ok, Stan loona tho, like seriously do it