people are upset over this tiktok…


what do you guys think?
intro song:

IG: kaytlynstewart

i love you (:



when will people learn to not get into a mess and just love each other. and at least look into something if you don’t know what it means

• A r i e l •

as a muslim im way offended, yes this is a clip of a part of the quran, this is very wrong and its haram,and if she was muslim how come she didnt know about the quran? i dont know, she should be canceled, plus wearing revealing clothes is haram so of course she isnt muslim, im getting so confused.

Las Traviesas

Honestly nessa acts like she’s innocent but all she does is start drama and pretend it’s okay because she has josh as her bf and that’s how she lost everyones respect

Jazlyn Marie

Ness said she we was Muslim but did this🙄josh sounds stupid when trying to defend She also said I THINK IM SORRY 😐 HUH

punya chandna

she disrespected a whole religion and just a “i think i’m sorry” ain’t gonna fix it…it’s messed up

CHILLbro Lol

Okay but I hate whenever something like this happens, the person is always like “my intentions were not to hurt or offend anyone” yet you proceeded to do it. Did you think about the outcome of what could’ve happened?

cupcakegirls223 Amber

I thought she was so sweet she is basically kinda disrespectful to another religion and if nobody would’ve never said anything she would’ve kept thinking it’s okay …

Laiba rahat

I feel like as a Muslim I honestly was offended by the video because of what the audio translates to in the Quran however I think it would have been better if she’s being honest about having no idea educate her instead of sending hate. It spreads more positive and teaches her wrong and right in a nice and peaceful way although I’m still confused how she is Muslim and doesn’t know what that audio is. In addition to that my friends aren’t all Muslim but have common knowledge about my religion and respect it so either way saying I think I’m sorry in a insincere way is so rude towards our community

Shoto Todoroki is bae uwu

Honestly it’s so stupid how she said that she didn’t know what that audio meant but then she said that she was muslim like why is she lying lmao what’s the point in it lolol

Amy Diallo

As a Muslim I was deeply offended from that video I was also confused when she said she didn’t know what the audio was but said she was Muslim.

Try Me

Just because you’re parent is a race doesn’t mean you have the right do say or do one thing. It still makes it wrong. But she also was kinda hypocritical when she posted that one video saying she was muslim and then she made a post talking about how she didn’t know what the audio was from? Like people don’t forget sis

ang3litaa subs

So she disrespects a religion and thinks sorry gonna fix it? No luv, that’s not how it works.

Sabrina Jeffries

I honestly lost all my respect for Nessa after what she did . I don’t hate her or anything but what she did was wrong . After disrespecting a religion and offending an entire community of people “ I think I’m sorry “ is not going to cut it . Also Nessa using the fact that her stepmom is Egyptian as if it were some kind of pass to disrespect a religion is disgusting.

Gabi Costa

I think the most offensive thing in this whole situation is that she had the audacity to say “I THINK I’m sorry.” That is clearly not a sincere apology, maybe not even an apology in some people’s eyes, and it seems like she doesn’t understand why what she did was wrong. I understand she did make a sincere apology on her story but that should have been the first step in fixing what she did, not making a fake apology and lying about not knowing what the audio was.

Nour Chan

She just canceled herself by saying she doesn’t know what the audio says, but about a year ago she says she Muslim. Like girl sit down and try harder next time

Aymen Saifullah

BRUH WTF “I diDnt KnOw wat The AuDio wAs” that’s just an excuse disrespecting the religion and the people (including me) T-T



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