In this video my girlfriend teaches me Tik Tok dances…
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Everyone in Video:
Kenz: @kenzie
Shoutout to the Tik Tokers:
Lopez Brothers
Addison Rae
Charli Damelio
Kenzie Ziegler
Kyrease Gipson
Gio Pilla
Kayla Z Jones
Find me on other platforms:
Instagram: @Isaakpresley
Twitter: @Isaakpresley
Snapchat: Isaakpresley
#IsaakPresley #KenzieZiegler #TikTok
I felt so single watching this
“If you judge me in the comments, I’m BLOCKING you”
-Isaak Presley, January 12, 2020
6:03 – 6:13
Kenzie: Can’t take… UHHHH
*we all know what tik tok that was lmao*
imagine having a bf like isaak wow
Who else is watching this and single ? 🙋🏽♀️😂
“Not all of us have been dancing since we were six”
**looks away in dance trained since age 2**
Issac: imma change the music so I don’t get copyrighted
Kenzie: *sings all the songs*
Kenzie :”My hair looks so bad
Him :”It looks so pretty , can I smell it?”
I love how he never lets her tell herself Down even if she’s not being serious 😂
Sooo nerve wrackin that we can’t listen to the songs they dance to
this is how many people want kenzie to post isaak on her channel more!!!
i feel like whenever she hugs him randomly she falls in love with him all over again
isaak: throw it back like a f*cking quarterback
Him staring at her but while they learn renegade
issak: so i’m gonna
kenzie: … whip out
issak: my..
kenzie: yeah..
Isaak: “I get to do it!!!??”
Kenzie: “yea.”
Isaak: “YAY!!!!”
i died.
“But don’t sway your body”
“My IcE So CoLd I THiNk iM dOne WiTh ICeE BRRRR”
“What mood are you in”
Isaak: *who comes up with this?!*
Who else thinks “how long did it take to make the wall look like that?”
girlfriend teaches me tiktok dances…
ft. kenzie
when he said “we can’t all throw it back like a quarterback” i felt that
so no one is going to talk ab him being like “duhh..duhduh
Who is watching this in
I think it’s only me
“It’s not that hard” she’s been dancing for years so she doesn’t understand how hard it is to learn TikTok dances-
Nobody at all:
Kenzie: ha
Mckenzie: it’s not that hard !
Also McKenzie: *dances whole life*
Him: who comes out with these
Me: Charlie Damelio