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Social Media: https://linktr.ee/Kallmekris
Cut by Jason Christopher Mayer
IG: @jayjaymay
Does anyone else feels good when Kris complement us & she always makes our day or night even better.
does anyone else feel appreciated when kris compliments us? it simply makes me whole week when i see a new video. i stopped my tv show to watch this. ❤
I don’t think Kris can ever understand how much we appreciate her time and effort in all her videos.
Jay, I don’t think I’ve ever specifically thanked you for what you do. The videos are always golden. But for that pop, thank you. 😘
Now there is a professional, even though she’s sick, Kris still had the energy to make a vid for us.
Kudos, Applause and Praise for your work ethic Kris, and also Jay.
Now this is a vid where we need a blooper reel for later.
I love how Kris gives us a compliment when I could sit there and compliment everything about her
I love that she still makes us happy even when she’s sick ❤ we love you!!
Kris is sick but she still tries so hard to complement us and make us laugh <3
Congrats to Kris for being a beast and being able to put on her beautiful outfit and makeup while she feels like crap. We appreciate your sacrifices 💜
lets all take a minute to appreciate how kris is sick but puts on a full face of makeup and makes us videos at 100% energy, love her
Thank you Kris for making my day! Hope you feel better 🩷🩷🩷
I just absolutely love Kris and the way that she gives of aunty vibes.
I don’t know how you’re still so beautiful and hilarious when your sick. Hope you feel better soon Kris.
We love you Kris and Jay ❤ I hope you’re feeling better since you’ve filmed this Kris. Both you and Jay need to take care of your health before anything, we’ll always be here ❤❤
I recently lost a pet so I’ve been feeling very sad lately but watching kris makes me feel that little bit better to make me go through the day ❤
PURE COMEDY GOLD. Also, I hope you get well soon, Kris! 💗💗
she really makes videos while she is getting sick/ sick and it’s so amazing because it shows how she’s cares about her followers❤❤
I love kris so much she is so funny man I can literally watch her all day, she’s the reason why I feel confident mostly every single day, love you kris ❤
I love how kris complement us it makes my day also love the outfit
i love you Kris, you always make us laugh. i hope you get better soon, thank you for your hard work, you to Jay you guys are a dream team
Yes! You actually can medically induce lactation, and there are many reasons why a person might need to do this.
Sweet Kris, thank you for the Flower intro to this video. I doubt you’ll ever see this comment, but I needed to hear those words today. In case you do, from (a) Rose, you put kindness and joy out into the world, and I appreciate you so much. I love your humor for myself. I preview videos, and my daughter and I watch many of your videos together. You are an example of an authentic, Neuro-diverse, successful person, and you never have to be afraid of disappointing us. Life has ups, and downs, like a roller coaster, and sometimes we can’t see the bumps, turns, or drops, coming. I wish you every happiness, and continued success in your journey. 💜
I think I speak for all of us when I say that we all love you Kris and we feel amazing when you compliment us. Also I think this video is proof that you need to take care of yourself. Also you and Jay are hilarious love you guys❤
The fact that she jumped Pete, made a trick shot and went to heck and back all while she’s sick is amazing. Thank you so much for making us laugh even though your sick❤️. Love you and your videos.
It’s a really hard workout keeping up our self esteem. But you always deliver, Kris. Consistency is the key and you are always lifting us up! Even when you’re sick! You’re swole as heck! Keep it up!
I love how kris becomes less anti-social around Jay. We get to see her full personality, and it’s great.
kris is just the actual highlight of my day and I can’t wait to get home from school after a bad day and watch her videos <3
the fact that she will film these vids for us even when feeling like crap is something i rlly appreciate. and the compliments always make my day
It’s an honor to live on the same planet as this beautiful, funny, and sweet woman 😭❤
Hi Kris, Kayleena here! I’ve watched your tiktoks since 25k! I’m so proud of you and what you have done! You make so many people happy including me! I love your work so much and this is a reminder that YOU are amazing. I also think another Omegle would be dope! (Also because it would be amazing to meet you) Also sorry to hear you sick 🙁 LOVE YOU!
Kayleena <3
I respect Kris so much for being genuine and original. She looks so happy ☺️
i love that in today”s day there is still this community of all these people who were brought together by one girl and a wonderful idea love you Kris❤