LGBTQ+ Joy on TikTok (because we need it)



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Pokhraj Roy

I don’t daydream, I gaydream: I imagine myself having gay-gency, being unafraid and being in the company of beautiful men.

Milo Konna

Thought that came to my mind lately: When someone says “you never be a real woman” (or man in the case of ftm, or nb, etc.) Imagine someone going to an adopted child, and telling them “you never be their real child”. In both situations, it’s biologically true (or partially biologically true in the case of trans folk), but it completely ignores the social and emotional part of the thing, not to mention that it’s just rude and generally asshole behavior.


“i was in my 20s when i found out the poles spin” hahaha oh dear well i am 22 and after seeing this, i now know they spin. and those wedding clothes are simply to die for, i love them so much🧡🧡🧡

Cannibalistic Ginger

Some poles spin, some don’t. They require different skill sets. When the pole spins you can do tricks that look like you’re spinning without having to loosen your grip which means you don’t automatically slide down the pole while spinning. With poles that stay put you have a looser grip in order to get yourself to spin around the pole and you will slide down the pole. Both styles are super cool in their own ways 🙂

Miranda Rensberger

In the interest of continuing to spread LGBTQ joy, this Friday, July 14, is International Nonbinary People’s Day. Joy to all the enbies out there, and I hope you all have a fantastic day!

Alatus Nemeseos

Yesterday I passed in public for the first time 😊.
I was at the mall and my sister asked me to pick up some shorts for her daughter at a sports wear store and sent me a link and the size and when I went to pick them up I showed the employee the picture and she looked at me and kinda hesitant said “those are women’s shorts…”. I just said “I know, they’re for my niece.” She nodded, took me to the display, asked me what size I needed and handed me the right one. The cashier also seemed to view me as a guy.

Miranda Rensberger

“I feel like 13 is such an age.” Yep. Even for people who didn’t know they were part of the LGBTQIA– specifically the A, in my case. My aro self was so confused about why everyone suddenly found it so important to talk about their crushes all the damn time, and the adults telling me I would start feeling that way too, any day now, whether I wanted to or not. It was so frustrating.

But y’all, I promise it gets better. For the young folk reading this, puberty and adolescence will come to an end, and you will find your people, whoever they may be. Stay strong.

Robin Hazen

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the gender-neutral wedding outfit! I hope many more formal wear designers start creating non-binary looks for their collections. Many of us feel awkward in a dress, and awkward in a suit as well. We need something else…!


Jamie: It’s not always about the mom, dad, 2 1/2 kids.

Me: Who cut a kid in half!!

Love your vids Jamie, keep up the good work


Hey everyone, wanted to share my own bit of queer joy:
I finally figured out that I’m genderfluid! I’ve been questioning for almost two years now, and it feels amazing to finally understand myself. I’m not ready to come out to my family yet, but I think they’ll be pretty accepting when I do. I’ve also been experimenting with how I present, and to finally be able to look in the mirror and see myself exactly as I feel inside is just wonderful. Thank you to everyone in this community who has supported me, I love you all. And to anyone still figuring out their identity, be patient with yourself, use any resources available, and remember that this community is always there to help you out <3

Austin Luther

Love seeing other happy LGBTQ families! I’m a trans man and my husband is a cis man. Our daughters are 9 and 6. Dear God, she’ll be 7 soon.

We’re saving up to take them to Disneyland next year, hopefully. That Bippidi Boppidi Boutique isn’t cheap, especially if you’re doing it twice.


Another great LGBTQ+ thing:
Here in México we have our first Drag news presenter, and she looks amazing!
She’s from Sinaloa, giving a segment called ‘Cada hora, a la hora’, it means ‘Every hour, at the hour’, so she’s on camera a lot.



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