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The presents have been unwrapped, the lights have been pulled down, and another year has come and gone. But as you rifle through your holiday haul, you should take a second look at some gifts you’ve given, that might not be as innocent as it first appears.
Sources: https://pastebin.com/3qiBBa7c
Install Raid for Free ✅ IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://clcr.me/Fb23_Spill and get a special starter pack with an Epic champion Chonoru 💥 Available only for new players for the next 30 days
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✅ Use the Promo Code RAIDRONDA to get a bunch of helpful stuff. Available to ALL users: New and Old by February 28
✅ Use the Promo Code READY4RAID to get great pre-anniversary bonuses. Available for New users only by February 28
*Note that only 1 Promo code can be used within 24 hours
As someone who’s always buying gift cards for people, this is intense.
I hope these scammers will get what they really deserved jail time.
So glad you are covering this topic, the scam is spreading like wildfires.
the fact that stores could easily prevent this by keeping the gift cards stored or behing the counter so ppl can’t touch them without being supervised by a cashier, but apparently they don’t care enough to prevent customers from being scammed
HUGE problem with this here in Canada as well. As for legit cards, avoid Visa Gift cards as well. Im low income and received one for Christmas with about 60 dollars on it. I saved it for an emergency. Finally went to use it and it stated insufficient funds. After one year, they take 10 dollars in ‘fees’ off the card every month. Nowhere on the back of the card did it state this and I had not received any paperwork with it stating otherwise. The card had been extra leftover from a larger amount that my dad gave me for groceries. I had been counting on that money for emergency groceries and it was so disappointing to find out there was nothing left. Visa’s Perfect Gift card wasnt so perfect.
Stores need to start locking the cards up. It’s a shame but, do what you gotta do.
I had a friend who actually fell for this. The scammer called him posing as social security, (also a side note, my friend is on the spectrum so he had no idea that social security does not accept gift cards). They basically called him and said he owed a ton of money and that he had to pay in gift cards. He bought 600 bucks worth. His boyfriend and I actually figured out it was a scam, but it was too late. The store he bought them at wasn’t able to reimburse him and my buddy lost almost his entire savings. So to anyone out there, if social security or anyone calls demanding that you send money via gift cards, DO NOT FALL FOR IT!!!
Great, now there is a likely chance that gift cards will be locked up in stores just like the deodorant tubes at Walgreens. Thanks a lot scammers, you really know how to drain people of their money.
Where i work, you can’t just scan just any barcode. If it’s not in the system on my till, it won’t take it. So if we were to get fraudulent gift cards through our tills, we’d notice it immediately. I feel like more stores need to use this system, and then this wouldn’t be an issue.
I’m so glad this is being talked about, I heard this was happening but it seemed like no one was aware
I had BOTH the ‘fix package errors’ message scam and gift card scam. For the package one, I was puzzled as I didn’t order anything recently and inspected the site and pretty quickly realized it was fake. For the gift card, I got it for Christmas and it was either drained or had a false barcode on the back as it was zero when tried to be used…
Phone call scammers are getting more legit too! I keep getting calls about me needing to fix my Medicare or Social Security aid. The thing is… I’m super not geriatric… so this stuff doesn’t apply to me (and if was ACTUALLY important I would get a letter in the mail). The voice sounded so convincing and they even had a bit about it being recorded for records or whatever. I feel really bad for any old person who gets this call. I think I would have fallen for it too if I was 65+…
I think the place, where I got my new glasses, sold my phone number. And I guess these scammers assumed that if you are buying glasses then you must be elderly? But yeah, maybe warn your grandparents about this one too.
This makes me happier knowing that you can direct give someone a digital amazon gift card. Scammers are getting way too gd good, it’s kinda sick
As a retail employee I am WELL aware of this scam. I ALWAYS make sure, on the customer’s behalf and for their safety, I check that barcode and make sure it’s not a sticker and etc. Even helped a couple of elderly customers who were phone scammed into buying gift cards…. a very real thing.
Here’s an additional heads up on the “stick with cash” front: This is only a viable option if the cash will be presented in person. My spouse has a December birthday & his folks always send a card containing a small sum. This year the card arrived – ripped open & taped shut again – devoid of cash. Plot twist: his father mailed the card from inside the post office, so the cash was taken by a USPS employee, as it never left their possession. These days, _nothing_ is sacred.
I literally used a gift card at my local Walmart today and coincidentally stumbled upon this video. I had no idea people did this with gift cards and that is frightening.
Thankfully I was aware of the scam during christmas season and I was double checking all the gift cards and made sure to tell the customers why I was doing what I was doing so hopefully they were able to tell others and hopefully spread the word about it
See thank you for talking about this, when I was working in retail all of our gift cards were behind the counters and only the employees who worked there had control of how much to add when the customers asked for it
Glad you covered this topic Spill! Thank you for bringing this to light. Scammers may be clever until they get caught!
Also is there any way you can look into spreading Drive-thru theft? Its a thing! I’ve had it happen twice during the holidays. Were you pay at drive thru restaurants during the holidays and employees take your physical card or phone to steal your info while you pay. They figure its so easy to take your card info since its busy and think you’re using it everywhere that you won’t even know who did it! Had this happen to me with a card I never surrender or use physically and used only once physically at a McDonald’s drive thru to pay, the employee took my card and took a while to do my payment. A week later my card was maxed out with purchases, even payed for a cruise vacation, and hundreds of dollars in gas. Little did they know I was on alert since the last time I was a victim of fraud for Apple store credits and I own no Apple products lol. I thought about going to the manager there but I dont want to make a scene. I just dont do business there anymore. And this is how businesses loose business. Never surrender your unlocked phone or card to someone in a drive thru window. Be alert!