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The No.1 cooking TikTok creator in Japan!!🎖
42million followers on my TikTok♪
I will post longer videos in YouTube, so subscribe me!!
バヤシのレシピ本が発売中!!『飯テロなのに、お腹が凹む究極めし バヤシの超低糖質レシピ 』Amazonか全国の書店にて購入できます📕
TikTok📱💥 Followers 42,000,000💥:https://vt.tiktok.com/6N3SVb/
Instagram📸 :https://www.instagram.com/bayashi_tv/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/bayashi.tiktok
Twitter🌎 :https://twitter.com/bayashi_tv_2
■The address to send the gifts is as follows
375-9, Shimoyamaguchi, Hayama, Kanagawa, Japan, 240-0116
mobb Inc, Bayashi
〒240-0116 神奈川県三浦郡葉山町下山口375-9
株式会社mobb バヤシ宛
My man’s heart is working hard than a man doing 22 hours work.
My man need to post a video within 24 hours for us to know his heart still working and kicking.
bro pays more for cheese than his house rent
Bayashi doesn’t need a heart.
The heart needs him.
Bayashi single-handedly holds the cheese industry together
This guy’s heart is working harder than me working hard for a test
Great job on 42m followers!🎉🎉
I think this guy loves cheese more than I love my mom😂❤
This dude has millions more followers than the likes of Markiplier, Jacksepticeye and Dream. Not only Is that impressive, but it’s also well deserved 👍😀
00:04 Let’s just take a minute to
appreciate how much time and work she
put into these videos?
It’s unbelievable, and I think they deserve
a lot more than that. ❤️
Very close to 10 million let’s do it ❤️
He is the definition of “a man with powerful heart”
Master Oogway gonna get a lot of backshots from this one.
Question: can bayashi survive without cheese?
Congrats for the 24m followers, Bayashi! 🎉
My god the ASMR. Awesome work! ❤
Meus parabéns Carla muitos anos de vida
Meu coração suspira de emoção.
this man can fry everything 😂
Santa : what do you want for Christmas
Bayashi : heart attack.. I mean 300 slices of cheese
He’s heart is stronger than a relationship in 2023
When he started building the tower of cheese,one thing did come to my mind *”are you sure about this?”*
Bayashi’s most classic recipe, one of my favorites. The “heartstopper” 💯
Tô aqui com água na boca
“A day without cheese is a day without life.”-Master Bayashiway
Every single comment is about his heart when the man eats healthy anyways congrats on 42m followers, you definitly deserve it!