Adam Curry’s Analysis on US TikTok Ban and Twitter’s FBI Links


Taken from JRE #1930 w/Adam Curry:


Mat Gaudet

Tik Tok and social media in general is a cancer on society making us dumber, angrier and more depressed!


While I agree with him that these Tech companies are scared it’s also extremely narrow minded to avoid the fact that western tiktok is full of degeneracy yet the people who made it supply healthy mindfulness and success through the exact same platform. They’re up to something and blaming big tech wont solve it.

Lizard People

The effect that tiktok is having on attention spans is something that doesn’t get brought up enough


I love how he’s making all these claims that they all do it but has no proof of it. It’s been shown proof that tick tock has access to these things.
Just him saying that they do. It is not proof that they do it.

Rich Henry

Unfortunately for Adam, you can actually look at the content on TikTok and evaluate it. And a US corp having a profile is different than a Chinese one having it because we can actually apply our laws to US companies. This guy is a dope.

Kenny Duval

There is zero reason these social media companies are allowed to exist and do what they do if they were not simply the outsourcing of surveillance for the US Government.


For the record and as many of you already know, this is just this guy’s opinion.

TikTok is a Chinese company, which operates under Chinese rules. If you’ve lived in China, you understand pretty quickly that there are no laws, at least as we understand them in the West. You placate people in power, and if they ask about information that your company has, you absolutely must provide it, or lose your company. Dissent simply isn’t an option. The law is subordinate to political power.

For this reason, there are absolutely zero privacy laws, at least as we understand them. You have no legal protection, or right to your privacy. You can’t talk to a lawyer, go to court, and demand that these rights be upheld. If the government asks for information, TikTok absolutely must comply, and it will not be made public. There are no legal processes that will impede this transaction from occurring.

Point being – if you don’t want the Chinese government to have access to your personal data, don’t put it on TikTok. Personally, I’ve love for the app to be banned completely. I’d prefer to have a Western company hold that position, a company that is subject to Western rules, and plays by those rules of privacy and competition.


Joe being confused by the fact most apps already track everything you do, everywhere you go, and everything you say points to how clueless most people are about technology and how it is being utilized. There is a reason Facebook has continuously changed it’s settings to make it more confusing and prohibitive to maintain your privacy. There is a serious problem when a company will give you no option to COMPLETELY remove your data from it’s servers.

George Dreisch

NSA has been embedded into the various telecoms going back to the -60’s, and is the actual collection apparatus. I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that the various social media platforms are mirrored within NSA or like partner / agency, then distributed out to other agencies from there.

adrian street

I’m glad it was brought up in this Podcast. It’s pretty obvious and no one else is saying it. Elon wants to run the monetary system in the future and that’s why he bought twitter and happy to take a massive loss so he’s got your information now.


I have to say this over and over throughout my life….TWO WRONGS DON’T MAKE A RIGHT. We need Congress to pass Terms of Service regulations. No longer should you be forced to agree to such onerous and/or devious terms, it’s something we can regulate. Imagine a world where ever car manufacturer forced you to sign an agreement allowing them to not only monitor where the vehicle went at all times, but where you took the key fob in your pocket/purse after you parked and got out! We wouldn’t stand for that, nor should we have to.


I love when people bring up the TOS for TikTok as though it’s somehow this well contrived thing on the level of a super-villain’s master plan. 100% the ONLY reason anybody even looked at it to bring up some of the points in it in the first place is specifically because it’s Chinese in origin. That’s it. Adam is absolutely correct, it’s no more invasive or worse than virtually any other app you’d have on your phone. But since most of them aren’t wildly popular social media apps from China, nobody here gives a shit.

Michael Floyd

Even if TikTok is an innocent company, what it’s done to peoples attention spans and personality is devastating. Society will be better for it being gone.

Chadwick S. Tate

“tHeIr AlL tRaCkInG yOu”
Yes, so the logical step is to totally let another government do it to you with tik tok. I don’t care what this guy says when his first point is this smooth brained. I don’t have tik tok for a reason. It’s less people I gotta deal with.


as someone that works in this industry:
– Most apps in the store track the keystrokes , time spent in every single menu of the app, and all the other things Tiktok is doing.



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