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Appreciate you!
Social Media: https://linktr.ee/Kallmekris
Cut by Jason Christopher Mayer
IG: @jayjaymay
Let’s just appreciate the fact that Kris almost be-headed Pete, missed whacked her stuff of the shelf thing, injured her arm and still carried on 😂
Kris is a solid 9/10 on her worst day. Her personality and her actions push her well over a 12.
First of all, as a hairstylist, it is my professional opinion that your hair looks incredible and fits your facial shape very well. You actually look a bit more mature and elegant.
Second, I super appreciate your energy. Your ADHD moments make me feel less alone. I relate to those. Kris, you’re a gem. Thanks for being you, and please don’t ever stop. You bring copious amounts of laughter to my life and I appreciate it. ♡
First Kris delivers a full minute of inspiration to women who cut their hair and then she breaks her hammer and shows us how relatable she is. I’m less than two minutes in and this is already among my favorite videos Kris has given us. Well done, Kris! 👏👏👏
I love the new hair, Kris! It really suits you, to be honest. No hate on your past hair but I like this cut a lot more. It just really suits you and looks amazing! You look lovely all the time tho <3
Its not fair how kris could literally pull of any hairstyle and still look fricking gorgeous like please-
Sending you all the virtual hugs, Kris!! And I will totally go to the movies with you. I actually quite enjoy going to the theater, dinner, coffee, etc by myself. It can be quite peaceful, but it took some getting used to. Thanks for the laughs today! 😘😊
P.S. and the hair, is 🔥 so you can just ignore the haters
ik im not the only one who thinks this but Kris is so pretty in every video, yet we’ re the ones being complemented all the time?
No queen, im pretty sure you were looking in the view finder when you were complementing “us”
Her hair before? SLAY
Her shorter hair? AMAZING
Hair with volume? GORGEOUS
Hair that isn’t curled? WONDERFUL
No make-up? BEAUTIFUL
Any other colour? (geez im running out of adjectives) STUNNING
Tired? Didn’t notice till you said something
Awake and full of energy? IDOL
Lets just agree that what ever Kris does we all love it and enjoy
I honestly think she is the only one who can make the Karen hairstyle look absolutely fierce and amazing and she’s just great
Anyone else have to pause the video for a solid few minutes to try to get over the lump in their throat?
Also, Kris, everything you wear and every way you wear your hair looks amazing on you. <3
I cannot express my appreciation for Kris enough. Always helps lift my mood no matter the video and I always know exactly who to turn to when I need help during a tough night
3:08 : I have kids. 2. It was ABSOLUTELY worth it, for me, but it’s a personal choice. I will say, if you’re leaning towards NOT doing it, go with those feelings! I found (in my parenting circle) people who had the scale tipped closer toward the negative side have a harder (not impossible, not regretful, just harder) time than the others. I really wanted to be a mom and it’s been fairly easy, overall. Even doing it alone now. 🤷🏿♀️
you never fail to to make me laugh also the short hair looks great on you kris
I’ve recently started watching your videos because of my daughter. You’re her favorite and because we live in the same town, you’re even more awesome! When we go out she always hopes to see you in the community.
I haven’t seen her for 2 months. Her dad won’t let her talk to me and it is killing me. If theres any chance you could wish her a happy birthday (Jan 23rd), her name is ava and she’s turning 12, it would make this nightmare we are going through a dream, even if just for a little while.
Thank you, no matter what.
You’re hair looks so amazing Kris! It really suits your face-cut and best part it brings more brightness to you. Just the way you bring so much energy feels like this was cheery on top of the cake❤❤❤
I’ve always absolutely adored your original hairstyle, but this one looks hella cute on you too!!! Your hair is just really freakin’ nice, I think it’d look good in pretty much any style!
I love how she is accurate with everything that she says.
First of all, I absolutely love your videos! Second, no worries if you don’t want kids! My parents were disappointed but they understood and I eventually became comfortable enough to tell people who’d ask. I’m 34 and my husband got his vasectomy last year. We’re like 2 adult children anyway lol 🙂