Only girl pandering for views gets roasted by men.
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If she has OnlyFans, you’re not her OnlyMan. 🥶❄️‼️
Do any women study Economics at all? If they do, how are they not able to apply this to sports? At the top level it isnt like little league where everyone gets to play and receives a trophy. Its just another business….which pays based on WORTH. Women’s soccer may be very successful in the W/L column but if no one is watching, its value isnt there, aka worthless.
this man got 600k subscribers singlehandedly just by spitting facts!!
edit:thanks for so many likes
“I ain’t THAT strong”, kills me every time, too damn funny.Iif she ain’t putting out at LEAST as much effort as you, leave it alone, it ain’t worth it.
Of course that last girl got rejected.
It looks like she glued butterflies to her eyes and tried to eat a beehive
*”Tonight’s not your night, date number 3.”*
*”Yeah, I didn’t talk about your favorite thing…YOU!”*
What a comeback. This is most dates today and if you really want to know if a woman has substance or is just self-absorbed, sit back and don’t lead the conversation for a while. If she nevers asks you anything, she doesn’t care to know you at all. If she doesn’t talk about anything BUT herself, she’s not worth it.
I’m so tired of the pay argument in sports. There’s reason why you don’t get paid the same, you know the reasons, get over it. If you aren’t happy with the pay, get another job. I’m not discrediting the amount of effort they put in, don’t get me wrong. But 9 times out of 10, they just aren’t as exciting to watch because they compete at a significantly lower level than their male counterparts. That’s reality, and reality is often disappointing.
“Why did you [cheat]? Cause he cheated too. Who cheated first? I did.” prime example of how these women think. The “he cheated on me in my dream” logic.
Her: I just got rejected
Also her: 👁👄👁
It’s unfortunate that society has come to this.
So what happens to when you look someone in the eye and tell them straight that they’re worth less than another person. Are they supposed to smile and say thank you? i wouldn’t.
“Don’t care how good she looks coz she belongs to tha streets”…the outros will never get old 👌
As a woman, I freaking LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this channel!!!! Most of these “women”, more like girls, on here are delusional about themselves and the opposite sex. 🙄 Keep it coming Arako because this is the only true education these females are getting on truth.
Thoughts on Megan Ranipoe’s comments.
The US Men’s Football/soccer team had an incentive-based contract meaning they only get paid when they play. The women’s team was offered the exact same contract and the WOMEN TURNED IT DOWN. They said they wanted a fixed income and negotiated a salary… afterward they realized that they would have made more money accepting the contract they were offered, you know… the same one the men got. The women sued and right lost the judge thought that it was ridiculous .
You don’t get to cry oppression because you’re bad at basic math.
Also, the US men’s soccer/football team generates on average 5.2 Billion USD in revenue from the world cup. The women generated 135 million its not even enough to run their own league and fund their team and money is taken from the men’s team and used to keep the women alive much like the NBA and WNBA. Outside of Winning titles and the wages they are paid their team is funded by the men’s soccer team the same men she has so much venom for.
The dudes should protest that shit and toss and petition their people to not give them a cent.
That last girl….. “all his fault.. but I cheated first.” Typical girl logic.
Fellas, take note on how the “hive mind” will make women think the same. Regardless if their thought is right or wrong, the hive mind is real.
4:54 THANK YOU for sharing our video Arako! 🙂
This all came because people started taking shit too far. “IF HE DOESNT TREAT ME HOW I LIKE, YEAH I 🤪”
Someone heard this from domestic violence relationships and applied it to regular ones. Then it got crazy because if he wasn’t treating you right, he would have fucking killed you or at least made you homeless or something if you cheated.
I’d reject that last girl too. I have no interest in a woman with sausages for lips and tarantulas for eyelashes. Don’t overdo it, ladies.