In this video, we do one of my favorite types of videos which is the Try Not To Say Wow Challenge. Which one is your favorite?
Embarrassing Tik Toks That Should Have Stayed In The Drafts
Lucky People Who Avoided Close Calls
Cursed Tik Toks I Regret Watching
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Try Not To Say WOW Challenge! (HARD)
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Try Not To Say WOW Challenge (Impossible)
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If It Was NOT Recorded, You Wouldn’t Believe It!
If you finish this video you win an iPhone 14!
Try Not To Look Away Challenge! (HARD)
If any of the clips are yours and you would like it removed, please email crystalsoundsindustry@gmail.com before taking any action. I will gladly take down the video.
Video Owned and uploaded By Top10Speed’s Dad (The Owner of this channel.)
Remember to Like & Subscribe! Help me get to 2M ❤ Love you all and wish you guys the best!! ❤
Hidden Question: What’s your favorite Animals?
If you read this far, I hope you know that you are AMAZING and I think You’re Super Awesome! ❤
Thanks for the support guys, you are all the best!!!! 😊
what do we have oh my goodness they said you
will want kids but look what they’ve done oh
my he’s having so much fun though this right
here so try not to say wow challenge if you
say while you lose and we do not want that
here’s my three lives let’s do this it says
I love you and I trust you and I love you
oh this is so cute she was so embarrassed oh
holy down all right what do I have here the soccer
wait who is trying to score here wait a minute
wait what who was the attacker and who was the
defender I’m genuinely confused all right here we
go this dude is up holy oh my oh my oh my little
man lives life on that edge best wedding cake ever
wait is that a war zone that looks like more like
a divorce cake to me one night Cliff Hotel there
ain’t no way you’re paying to get on this thing
you couldn’t even pay me a million dollars and
I will go on this thing no chance whatsoever oh
they’re dead oh look at the bunny this is honestly
insanely cute if you love bunnies hit that like
button oh my goodness is that an alpaca me chewing
my lips on oh wait what dude issues munching but
where is his fur Dude Looks like he’s a lion now
oh my goodness that is the cutest bear I’ve
ever seen it looks like he wants down though
like a kid when you’re holding him and he keeps
trying to jump off it’s like let the kid go
like And subscribe right now for amazing
luck for the next week speaking of bears
now this is a bit different kind of a
bear and he is a robber yeah there’s no
chance you’re stopping that guy
speaking of another look at him
this guy looks like he’s having a lot of fun oh
my goodness this dude’s about to do a flip into
the mud here we go oh my goodness you got this
bro you’re doing a backflip this kid’s a Savage
did you hear the splat it was like this
is the best prank he dropped the bat they
turned the lights off wait he’s on he’s
tied up and here are the police oh my
this does not look good for that guy
Junius why are kids so unpredictable
all right here we go he’s gonna spin
the ball into his hand oh so close oh
kids will be kids man okay cupcake I just found
this out you take the bottom okay put it on top
whose mom is this all right oh that is that is
kind of inspired what the mom was like like bro
are you good never let them know your next move
he’s on the ground oh my is he about to propose
wait homie said snap the photo and run oh my
goodness this guy’s skiing bro there’s no way oh
Bro think you can just go flying or something
we all got that one friend who
just shouldn’t have his license
ban this guy okay what do we have this dude’s
got whoa this is an interesting hairstyle
okay okay dude said ice cream wow why
is that honestly perfect hey pal oh
she’s lick my face okay oh my gosh we have a
monkey oh Cannonball oh geez now that is a wet
bathroom oh this is giving the monkey a bath
honestly is like I don’t know give the dude
some trees to climb on or something oh this
is gonna end up bad I can just tell this is
ending up bad oh it’s fine she’s perfect oh she
is not perfect she said I’m gonna do a backflip oh
my God monkey is making some crazy noises oh my
speaking of a scary bear that is the cutest kid
I think I’ve ever seen in my entire life whoa
give me a little Tango my guy this dog is a
professional dancer and look at him go holy cow
who’s walking who I think the dog’s walking that
man hey even cats need lineups look at him man he
is getting fresh what are you right now yes sir
oh look at that cut alpaca geez what’s up with
all these alpacas what’s he doing uh hey there
you go bro hey Dad think fast oh good catch listen
that child is going to be a pro athletic hey
mother you spoke too soon it has no reflexes he
said I am Superman guy knows he’s a literal King
skiing with this sunset let’s be real this would
feel magical holy cow that is awesome what the
what the jump is monkey a
rollerblades why is this dude
well I can’t skate but that guy was kind of pro
hey bunny oh my big y’all oh whoa whoa what an
interesting sound hey puppy puppy I just want I
just want to roll oh geez these are your roles
holy holy cow you are absolutely obsessive that is
kind of scary a relaxing day until our cat messes
everything up awesome this this girl is swinging
for the life she’s professional oh no the cat’s
falling oh no the cats backflip oh whoa oh they’re
trying it Grandma gots it oh so close no no no no
no no no no Grandma caught it with her foot and
the Chopsticks that is insane imagine getting home
at 4am you try to sleep your hangover and only get
woken up by a herd of leaf blowers what the heck
the whole village came through when the mascot
hugs your kid and then hustles you for money
what are you asking they’re asking for money bruh
never go outside during a tornado why is that
what did you see man just get lifted up
all right what is this knock on the door
okay this is interesting that’s a crazy looking
sink how do you turn the water on it was like
some kind of plant in the jungle what do you put
your hand under hello how do I turn the water on
all right this right here is too fancy hello like
what okay what do we have here I’m looking at this
thing and I’m thinking what is it yeah what is it
it seems like it might be like a magnet that moves
yeah like what what is its function it’s spins
so what does it do and it’s too big to be like
a towel hook well you’re gonna you’re not gonna
guess what it is until I show you it’s a light
bruh come on don’t know if I want to
keep visiting back home what in the weird
interesting PSA lost phone oh here we go
pink or heat we’re gonna call him their
person I’m gonna get you your phone back
okay oh you are a homie bless up for that
you are so nice I saw you
started tracking your phone
for me and I will get you your phone Legend
bro what is this dude doing
all right he or she got it
and that’s it like for what getting
in a driverless taxi and letting it
drive me Place whoa there’s no way this is real
how does this even exist ain’t no way I’m
getting in that thing Pig’s flying out whoa
that is Lydia Pig and it is flying
I am watching this with my own eyes
I can confirm they do be flying though man
implants Tesla into his hand he’s permanently
implanted no I’m not gonna do it I’m not gonna
do it I’m not gonna do it okay a million likes
I don’t get it a million likes I’ll do it right
into my hand he said how many say a million and
it unlocks bro I think you got five million well
there you have it you guys if you enjoyed today’s
video then smash that like button not just that
but press on another video you see on the screen
right now to watch more videos just like this
one and I’ll see you over in that video peace out
I watch everytime u post! AMAZING content btw
0:43 hes so brave even the rock Johnson Couldn’t handle it
One of the best thing about dude is that he never takes
credit for himself when he achieves something. He always
respect us, the audience and his team, and he is polite in
all his videos. We congratulate ourselves on this 😊😊🤗
Hello I love your videos keep it up Speed! ❤
Who made it too the end?👋🏻
Who watched this entire video?
Subscribed just now!
You said wow one time how did you not know this
🤣🤣🤣🤣 his head got stuck in the mud 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣🤣
Me! I finished the entire video
Imagine if the guy that went flying off when he was riding in the snow and then the guy on the ground imagine if the guy from the air came up and anorak the guy on the ground😂
this should be a try not to laugh challenge tbh
I laughed throughout the entire vid🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
The first one is funny cause the dads so calm but probably after the video he’ll be like WHAT THE HECK BABBY WHAT THE HECK OMG
This should be a try not to laugh challenge cause I almost died from laughing in video😂😂
“if you say wow you lose”
Me:”tired” and “bored” 🥱
The lost phone thing is actually very dangerous please keep reading ⚠️
Some people place phones in public places and put a tracking device on it. Most people will try to keep the phone and since it has a tracking device on it the person that the phone belongs to can track you.
Trying to get the phone back to the person can be very dangerous too. When you are trying to find the person they can still track you and kidnap you or lead you into the home or car trying to find them and that can lead to them killing you.
So if you ever see a phone on the ground leave it alone. If the person actually lost their phone then they will be able to find it I promise.