This Disgusting TikTok Nurse Went Too Far


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00:00 – Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner Suggests Facial Procedures for Natalia Dyer, Faces Backlash
03:23 – Woman Gets Prison Time for GoFundMe Scam
06:12 – Sponsor
06:53 – Public Health Officials Spread Awareness About Monkeypox As WHO Declares Emergency


Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner Suggests Facial Procedures for Natalia Dyer, Faces Backlash:

Woman Gets Prison Time for GoFundMe Scam:

Public Health Officials Spread Awareness About Monkeypox As WHO Declares Emergency:

Public Health Officials Spread Awareness About Monkeypox As WHO Declares Public Health Emergency

Produced by: Cory Ray
Edited by: James Girardier, Maxwell Enright, Julie Goldberg
Art Department: Brian Borst, William Crespo
Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian Espinoza, Maddie Crichton, Lili Stenn, Chris Tolve
Production Team: Emma Leid

#DeFranco #NataliaDyer #Zendaya


Patrick Lloyd

Absolutely disgusting how far the whole “comestic” industry has gone. Just completely dragging people down to try and make a few bucks


I really hope this allows Bobbitt to get the help he needs and is able to stay clean. I know how hard it can be. The road to sobriety is hard as fuck.


Natalie Dyer absolutely does NOT need all the nonsense, she is stunning just the way she is, and I pray to all that is Holy that she never goes down that nasty little rabbit hole.

Ashley Abrego

I’m horrified to think what she might say to her patients if this is what she does unprompted to an actress she never met.

Mike Gage

The actress is ‘perfect’ the way she is. No need for objectification, extra chemicals or vanity in any situation.

GM Ace

Natalia is absolutely stunning, she doesn’t need any of what that nurse is peddling. For anyone who ever feels they have to change anything about themselves to please society just remember you don’t have to please anybody. Love yourself always ❤️


I unironically feel the homeless guy. He was clawing his way out of poverty and addiction and saw an out. Youd take it.

Arthur theSecond

The fucked Up Thing about the Beauty industry:
They Tell you to Look Like that and that you need their Produkt for that.
And now they say: you are beautiful as you are … With Our Products.

Pisses me off


“This is how I’d fix her.” Proceeds to photoshop an image of Natalie Dyer to look more like her own face. What a narcissist.


That first story makes me so sad, why try to “fix” someone that doesn’t need any fixing. Embrace your natural features ladies, that’s what makes you one in a million ❤

Dr. Gary Linkov: City Facial Plastics

Phil is right. There is a way to educate the public about plastic surgery in an honest and respectful manner, and that is what we strive to do on our channel. The distinction with the nurse injector using photoshop is that she is prescribing changes to a person that never asked for them in the first place, potentially creating body image insecurity and thus reducing someone’s confidence. On the contrary, when we do a celebrity analysis we try to highlight changes that HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED, whether through the natural aging process or via plastic surgery or other aesthetic enhancements. We will NEVER suggest that someone needs anything done. Beauty is in the ability to love oneself and to be confident, no matter how you look. As a hair transplant surgeon with no hair due to an autoimmune condition I understand that firsthand. We are all beautiful bastards 🙂

Jacky's Highlight Videos

Phil: “What is wrong with you?”
Man, my psychiatrist and my therapists still haven’t figured that out.

Groudon 909

“We’re at a turning point” could be a quote from two years ago. Considering the severe roadblocks in place now for spread control, and the fact the politicians responsible for saving people who won’t be effected until at least a few thousand die, we better hope this doesn’t spread or mutate.


When you’re a hammer, everything looks like a nail. When you’re a cosmetic surgeon… or nurse, everyone is a patient.


I literally love Natalia’s jaw and face shape. This “plastic surgeon” made her look like a literal egg! That alone is terrifying.

Txc fallout boy

“you dont go to jail for lying on tv” – if america stopped being like this then 90% of the bad shit would stop happening


That “nurse” doesn’t deserve that title. In 10 or 20 years when her botox starts to fail its mission, she is going to regret a lot of work that she’s had done to herself and if she has any empathy (which I doubt) she will regret the things she said and did to other women just for money. You can’t tell me these “nurses” and “doctors” don’t know what they’re doing to people’s physical futures.


First story:
Beauty is 40% physical appearance and 60% personality. If have nasty personality then you could be ugliest person no matter what surgery you get, chemicals you Inject yourself with, or parts you have removed. You can have a face like that guy from the mask and have the nicest personality and I’ll still call you beautiful.

a. n.

It’s truly disgusting how she thinks that the way to “fix” her face is to make her completely generic. Everyone is starting to look the same and it’s very very weird.

Frances and Jerry England

Natalie Dyer is already pretty. Yes, her jawline is not the “normal” beauty standards, but they fit her really well, and it makes her standout from everyone else. The post image makes her look just like just another bland pretty face.



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