Cringy Dhar Mann Rip Off! Leave a Like if you enjoyed! Subscribe to SSSniperWolf to join the Wolf Pack http://bit.ly/SubSSSniperWolf From https://www.youtube.com/c/TotallyStudios
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Lemme guess, half her comments are gonna say “can we just appreciate how sssniperwolf never fails to entertain us?”
Whoever’s reading this, I pray that whatever your going through gets better and whatever your struggling with or worrying about is going to be fine and that everyone has a fantastic day! Amen
All of the “kids” in this ripoff are like thirty…Only just now realizing how much I appreciate dhar Mann’s vids.
The rip off didn’t even bother getting the gaming screen right, I’m dead.
“We’re not just telling stories, we’re being ripped off by other channels!” – Dhar Mann
POV: you look through the comments that doesn’t say “can we just appreciate that sniper wolf never let us down and makes us happy”
This man always tries to do something new and extra ordinary and make his audience feel excited for every next video , love you !💔
This man always tries to do something new and extra ordinary and make his audience feel excited for every next video , love you !👈
Thank you for making these videos! I’ve had a tough past couple of years, and I’m sure everyone has. You really make everyone’s day! We love you!
dang this really makes me appreciate the effort the dhar mann team puts into every one of their videos. these ripoffs got me rolling
“Mom can we watch dhar mann?”
“NO we have dhar Mann at home”
Dhar Mann at home:
“That could be someone’s mom” 😂 got me laughing the whole night
Love your content lia! You never fail to make me smile! ♥
Lemme guess, half her comments are gonna say “can we just appreciate how sssniperwolf never fails to entertain us?”
The rip off didn’t even bother getting the gaming screen right, I’m dead.
This man always tries to do something new and extra ordinary and make his audience feel excited for every next video , love you !💔
*Your videos are always so funny and so entertaining, keep it up!* 😂❤️❤️
Fun fact – Kangaroos will eat cat poop even though it is poisonous to them.
The rip off didn’t even bother getting the gaming screen right, I’m dead.