I Tested VIRAL Products Tik Tok Made Me Buy


Rebecca Zamolo tests viral Tik Tok products that Tik Tok made me buy. Watch my latest video – https://youtu.be/apetyGSD_RQ

▶ Get ZamFam merch! rebeccazamolo.com
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Star stable and edits

I have those roller shoes that your wearing at the start and the mesh hair curlers. Also love your vids so much!

Ambica Sobie 3M

Zadie is so freaking adorable. I love her so much you guys are the best parents ever. Can we get a baby nighttime routine.

1owkeyswaggy #lost16subs #GetAbadoottleTo150

I love this video so much and I only just started watching it
It’s so amazing how you manage to take care of a baby and post at the same time ❤️✨
Such an amazing mom 🥹

The Beam Sisters

Oh Rebecca I just watched the one where Sadie controlled the dogs life. I love the channel Rebecca zamolo

Teem Grant

my favorite part were when you broke you glass cup and you tried to make your hair curly but you were saying ow. ow. ah ah

Sami Falloon

I have the heatless hair curlers and they work really well you just have to put them in with wet or damp hair and you have to leave them in for over an hour for them to work! They are not fails!

chloe sanders

for the heatless hair curlers i would recommend once you have got them in properly either leave for about 3 hours or sleep with them in 😊

Lisa Ohalloran

Well to be fair I can’t roller skate but I’m learning. This video is amazing Rebcca as always❤



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