TikToks that Made Me Laugh


If you enjoyed the alt TikTok memes/gay Tik Toks in this video, please make sure to support these creators by following them on the Tik Tok app!

Shout out to all of the other meme channels producing quality content including FAkEMeME, Succculent, Monstro, Visicks, Willianator and WiFi Plug. Sending them lots of good vibes!

Hope you enjoyed these TikToks that Made Me Laugh! If you want more content like this TikTok meme compilation, please make sure to like this video and subscribe to PERIODT!

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Rochelle Ballah

The last one lmao “there’s more milk per milk” & “for every milk there’s another milk”


For the icon at 10:38 and anyone else who has had this experience, dogs understand apologies! Kinda. If something like that happens and you immediately start giving your dog love afterward and do not continue the offending action, they generally “recognize” it was an accident pretty quickly, if not immediately. This comes partly from behaviors and “manners” they learn from their litter mates as puppies in learning and teaching each other limits with play biting/fighting.

tl;dr don’t cry, puppy knows you didn’t mean it, it’s ok

Kristen Cando

We must protect that girl who has that dog on the stairs with separation anxiety so that she does, in fact, always come back.

Also, the girl who accidentally hit her dog when she threw her phone and is now just *racked* with guilt has my whole heart.

Fitz Dettmer

One of these days I’m gonna try to dissolve powdered milk in milk. I think it just increases the concentration of what makes it milk, like the fats and sugars and vitamins, bc milk is just those fats and sugars and vitamins produced and suspended in water by the cow


For the last one I think she was trying to say that there would be more milk per serving. Like (this is probably stupid but this is how I thought of it) if you added lemonade powder to lemonade there would be more lemonade (flavour) per serving.


5:34 I took a big ol gulp of White Claw as this one started, then struggled through the whole tiktok not to spew my drink everywhere.



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