School shooting and bombing threats promising nationwide Dec.17 attacks have been circulating on social media platforms, including TikTok. Full story: https://abc7.com/school-threat-tiktok-bomb/11349593/
School shooting and bombing threats promising nationwide Dec.17 attacks have been circulating on social media platforms, including TikTok. Full story: https://abc7.com/school-threat-tiktok-bomb/11349593/
This is getting ridiculous
It ain’t our fault their parents don’t add parenting on their devices
As that young lady smiles through the interview…my kids would stay home !!!
I cannot imagine the pressure, stress, and then also love of a parent. Dude. How scary for these kids. I’m so sorry.
They need to ban social media to people under the age of 18
Why are parents allowing their children to do what they want on the internet. Keep your kids off tik tok
I was in catholic school growing up in the early 90s. We had a bomb threat while in school. Back then they were mostly prank calls though. The teachers took us into the church for 4 hours & prayed we didn’t blow up. (While cops searched the school.) We didn’t go back that day.
If there’s a doubt, don’t go to school. Never put yourself or your ❤️d ones in harm’s way.
This is happening every where. Just the other day a few schools where I live had to go back to online learning because of how many threats the schools were getting.
I’ve been homeschooling my kids for 3 years. Best decision we’ve made as a family. My kids love it. They are happy, healthy, safe and excelling at home.
My school sent an email to every parent, I highly doubt anything is gonna happen but It’s absolutely horrible. I just wish who started this trend will get the coincidences they deserve.
This is literally happening all over the country. I live in Kentucky and we’ve had 4 threats just this week at various schools in the state and three students who brought guns to school but never got to use them thank God. This new reality is so unsettling and sad. I honestly don’t know what can be done for things to change but I pray one day we as a whole can figure it out.
im in Maine and my granddaughter is scared to attend school tomorrow even though parents have been notified that there is going to be extra security on the premises. she says she doesnt trust the police to do their job. i asked her to elaborate about that. she says every time she sees the security, they arent really paying attention, and they just sit in their car and not doing anything. strange that she has kept her eyes on what their habits are. every time ive gone to the school, the security police is either riding past me or not seen anywhere. some parents should monitor their routines or police the police. make sure they are doing their job.
happened to my school too. pretty f-ed up about what kids are capable of doing these days
I would not even be there a day before that post…. Let alone the day of.
Social media has been one of the biggest downfalls of this society.
My condolences and prayers to everybody put there who are scared or nervous to go back to school. I am too, if your parents make you go and your genuinely scared for your safety tell them.
This is so sad, especially the fact that school is pretty much some students 2nd home. You shouldn’t go to school fearing that it could possibly be your last day on earth.
I live in Florida and my daughter told me this very same thing last night about her school in central Florida. Absolutely disgusting and insane. These trends are making me sick. They’re progressively getting worse.