#aesthetic #art #clothes #diy #tiktok #compilation #compilation #candy #decor #diy #entertainment #halloween2021 #halloween #music #makeup #pov #pumpkin #scary #tikok #tiktok #trending #viral #youtube #zodiac
#aesthetic #art #clothes #diy #tiktok #compilation #compilation #candy #decor #diy #entertainment #halloween2021 #halloween #music #makeup #pov #pumpkin #scary #tikok #tiktok #trending #viral #youtube #zodiac
I was so excited when I just got this notification I was like 😮 *Gasp* 🎃🦇 Yay! Lol
spooky season tiktoks are a vibe
I love your channel! Thanks for the vid! ❤️ 🎃
Everyone else:*likes once*
Me:*trys to like 50 times*
The second one reminds me of how my dad proposed to my mom! He invited her over for pumpkin carving and “stealthily” pulled an engagement ring from the pumpkin my mom was carving. My mom told me that she thought he was pulling out a spider or something to scare her. It was like a scene out of a romcom, just like every other major part of their lives.
I love ur vids <3
7:44 woah this guy is a pro at dancing
The pumpkin carving one,
My heart 😭😭❤❤
It’s almost Halloween sksksksksks who’s exited???
Ik I am
Can I get a shout out? Got one on spooky mouths channel. My dream was to get one on both!
The it makeup actually low key scared me
14:58 when i watched this one i’m was literally in an itachi cloak 😟
Hi there 😊
The one who was makeing the cookies he looks like a minion:3
i’m carving my pumpkin into flowey from undertail 🙂
18 days till halloween
6:41 I loved
4:31 I was struggling to think of what this was until it was colored in even though I knew what the audio was from.
Pin? I didn’t think so lol.
The emotional- 1:11
The CrAzY..- 1:30