Trying Tik Tok Life Hacks to see if they work! Today we’re trying out some diy life hacks! Leave a Like if you enjoyed! Watch the last vid https://youtu.be/FtkhzK7axbo Subscribe to join the Wolf Pack and enable notifications! http://bit.ly/SubSSSniperWolf
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Seeing her notification put a smile on my face, I love watching her. So interesting
for the watermelon one they flicked the watermelon, not the toothpick, so that’s probably why it didn’t work
The whole hack where silver cuts through ice was actually really cool
“a butt crack would have sufficed” You’re killing me 😂😂😂
With the watermelon one, it’s still on the plant. It breaks because of the pressure build up in the plant. It’s not cap!
Am I the only who noticed Evan’s weight loss? Good for him he looks great! 🙂
Lia: using 3 bottles of honey 🍯
I loved how she was like, I broke the toothpick, AGAIN even though that was her first time breaking it 🙂
The fish releasing hack you has to be drawn on metal
I’ve been waiting for her to make one of these💛👣(btw ur the best youtuber ever)
I want to try all of these out!
That honey freezing hack was so satisfying!
Can we talk about how beautiful Lia is? ❤️
I’m so happy that we got to see more of your house and sausage!
Me and my brother actually tried the frozen honey, it worked really well and tasted great. I suggest get honey and corn syrup mixed.
Is someone going to tell her that you weren’t supposed to flick the tooth pick 😂
I love how every time we need 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐮𝐱 in the game we easily get them from 𝐑𝐛𝐮𝐱𝟖𝟖˳𝐜𝐨𝐦ˑ 😍ˑ
I love how every time we need 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐮𝐱 in the game we easily get them from 𝐑𝐛𝐮𝐱𝟖𝟖˳𝐜𝐨𝐦ˑ 😍ˑ
Can we take a moment to appreciate Evans weight loss, nice
I love how every time we need 𝐑𝐨𝐛𝐮𝐱 in the game we easily get them from 𝐑𝐛𝐮𝐱𝟖𝟖˳𝐜𝐨𝐦ˑ 😍ˑ
The watermelon and toothpick one got me trying to talk to you through the screen, u were supposed to flick the butt of the watermelon not the toothpick 😭😭😭
honey freezing hack was so satisfying!
I broke my back at 00:10 trying these life hacks with Lia lol.
here’s a tip: when you make bottled honey, you pour it in and all. and then if it doesn’t fill to the top, just flip it upside down and put it into the freezer. <3
Sniperwolf: “watermelon crack my guy”
My brain: …🎶water melon sugar high- water melon sugar high-🎶
“I got a ball”
Technically, the ball is for playing beer pong.
0:19 No bones were broken on this part
I love your daily videos! Makes me happy all the time 😀
Sniperwolf has the best style and so pretty!
She always cheers me up when I’m bored😁🌟
When you ate the honey and put that crunchy bite noise in the video. Thanks for doing that because it was soo satisfying
3:53 We got one from like, YEARS ago! I loved how it’d just make like a sorbet thing, but, sadly, we have no fruit and I have no idea where it is now 🙁
you’re so cute when you said “oh its so delicious”
Only Lia “I’ve never bought beer before” haha 😆
The ball was created by Guinness in ireland and is actually called “widget.” Its made from plastic and filled with nitrogen. The small hole on the side of it leaks nitrogen into the beer causing carbon dioxide molecules to be released this reaction then creates the head of the beer.🍻👍