In today’s video @Henwy tests out viral brand new 1.17 Minecraft TikTok Hacks and see if they really work or if they are just fake!
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#Henwy #Minecraft #TikTok
Right after I finished watching my first Hen vid, I literally saw this. This always happens lol
Henry you need to be at max mine limit for it to work lol
The axolotls spinning on lily pads used to work, but it got patched
The bedrock breaking stuff does work it just takes a lot of tries. it also has to be in the nether.
you can hold a looting sword in your off hand for the enchant to work
wandering traders always turned invisable at night
You forgot to look at the cauldron with lava dripping into it.
Henwy does the powdered snow strat
Me: I’m pretty sure that dream will use that in the next manhunt
Bedrock breaking works: it just needs to be done in the Nether.
10:26 just try ut on your offhand theres a chance in looting baka
When you tried the breaking the blocks faster, you were not far enough away.
Fun fact: light blocks were in bedrock before the update
0:41 it’s a thing in bedrock and it just got added into Java which I’m very happy about because for forever I’ve been only being able to use in bedrock
i love how he didnt show the lava thing at the end
The same thing works with a witch when they are holding potions and u kill them they will drop it
Henwy: mines 2 inches away from the block
*Im MiNiNg FrOm FaRtHeR aWaY rIgHt NoW*
Im starting to think that henwy is dumb for not knowing some of these
Henwy does not do the bedrock breaking in the nether for the fourth time
Dream sees the snow climbing hack in Minecraft
Dream : Time to show my friends my new trick
Dream does the trick
His friends :
Fun Fact: did you know when a skeleton steps into powder snow and starts shaking it will turn in to a stray