TikTok POVs that should be Netflix films


Thank you so much for watching! Another POV compilation for ya’ll!

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#tiktok​​​​​​​​​​​​ #pov​​​​​​​​​​​​ #tiktokpov



tilte idea : tik tok povs that made Umbrige nice / that made draco like harry / that made me ship Drarry


0:00 shoutouts
0:09 your dad caught me leaving your room
0:36 in a world where what percent danger you’re in is listed above your head, you wake up at 3am to a sound outside
1:36 the annoying/quirky girl sees her crush’s girlfriend drive by her
2:25 those who get a mark on their neck are sent to war. This the first time a woman was born with a mark
3:00 after you turn 18 you start to see your soulmates dreams. everything seems normal but then his dreams turn crazy
4:00 you take a pill that makes you lose one of your senses….
4:33 16 y/o me after getting a debit card
4:54 the delivery boy welcomes himself in…….
5:16 When you’re 16 you take a pill that loses one of your 5 senses.. you lose your sense of touch
6:13 when your bsf goes back to their ex
7:03 little kids singing in front of their parents
7:30 little kids when their mom comes to pick them up from a playdate
8:15 more shoutouts

SortOfChiaki & Annie-Mates

Annie here-
Cool. One hour late, but still early. Life is cool and so is your channel. 🙂👍

Alt Angxl

everyone is says “imagine being the pretty best friend” and im over here like “imagine having a friend”


7:31, Storytime: One time I was having a playdate with my friend when I was like 7 or 8 and when her mum came to the door to pick her up… We didn’t want her to leave so I put her shoe in the toilet… and that’s all I remember… I think I did that or was it on a TV show, idk…



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