TikTok’s April 24th Challenge Is Messed Up…



► TikTok’s April 24th Challenge Is Messed Up…

So The TikTok April 24th Challenge Is Messed Up, Now as You Guys Know TikTok has a Lot of Messed Up Challenges, And This April 24th Trend Is Disgusting, Aparentyly on April 24th People on TikTok are Going to Hurt Women, Because Of This New TikTok Trend, This Is The Worst TikTok Challenge, Recently There Have Been Reports That Men Are Going to Go After Women on April 24th, So if your Out On April 24th Please Be Careful, Now This TikTok April 24th Challenge Might Be a Hoax, Or a Joke, But Still Be Careful, So This is The Messed Up TikTok Challenge, and TikTok Drama Explained

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0:00​​​​ – Introduction


Shinsou Hitoshi

This is really messed up, I’ve been a little scared recently going into town.
Everyone stay safe, please.

{Foxline potat}

Me: Staying in the house for 24 hours!


Yeah I dont really believe it but Ill just be safe, Everyone stay safe please

kitkat_kylaa !

I’m definitely not going out today, cause who knows who’s gunna take this seriously. Everyone please stay safe!❤️


Someone actually died from the skull breaker challenge it was a 12-14 year old boy. There’s some really messed up people on TikTok. I swear there are some pychos on TikTok ong.


i was aware of this when one of my friends told me on our gc and them all saying it was messed up. i thought it was some sick joke but with how big it has gotten… i dont think it’s a joke anymore and that’s the scary thing please stay safe people

Dorina V.

For my luck I live in a small country where barely any people know any English so I think I can call myself safe. To any other girls I hope you’re safe and I hope nothing bad happened to you. Stay safe

Andreas Milios

Random bank robber: Hmm I want to rob that bank……. **5 minutes later** Tik tok: At 20 of May its the robb bank day!


Something similar happened in my country. A group of men in Twitter started saying they will be h***ssing women on April 12th. At the end nothing happened but people raged a lot.

Edit: I wrote something wrong. That day some people h*rassed and maybe r*ped. I really don’t know how people can be very disgusting and still count as a member of society.

Venomous Thompson

I have a new challenge for tiktok users

“Just delete tiktok and move on live the best out of your life”


The only thing i see on my fyp is dogs, dream smp, and people doing stupid stuff like tripping or falling on their back. And i am sooo glad that i dont see this kinds of tiktoks


I swear Tik Tok is Now just like a virus corrupting people’s minds to do the stupidest things in existence 🤦‍♂️ why has our society come to this

aw s

That was the most accurate summary of tik tok ever “you can take a crap and get millions of views then take another crap and only get two views” best. description. ever.



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