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#TikTok #Dance #TikTokDance
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use this as an early button! btw i will post later on presto mashups, i do a lot of shout outs in there!! 👀 see ya all 🙂
Welcher Youtuber ist euer lieblingsyoutuber der weniger als 100 abos hat?
Würde mich interresieren!😜
Meiner: KinglyRocket
whens everyones spring break?
mine starts today💕
Hi, I’m here before he even post it min ago
Hi I dare all of you to guess what’s written in the shirt 0:00
Charli’damelio 💖💖 Queens
⚠️ NEW DANCES ALERT 0:57, 1:37, 4:50
1:11 wtf my leg is broken hahahahahahahaha (that’s a joke)
Hey wassup….. who else is bored
I loveeee how presto always takes so much time to answer our comments 😁🤗
Why is it when Clover doesn’t post, Presto also doesn’t post? And they post almost at the same time🤔
0:01 queen💝
0:11 yes avani and her friend killed that dance😁💖
0:47 does anyone know the name of the song plis!
These mashups are amazing!
my routine everyday is school… time pass…… PRESTO
Tysm for this im not aloud on tiktok or likee so this helps me out
5:10 omg this cat is everywhere!
00:35 bella looks so tinyyy 😂
There’s loads of tik tok channels out there but Presto is the best (in my opinion.)
The last titok I was laughing so bad😂🤣
6:45 yes get it gurlieeee, you are *STUNNING*
This is just stuck in my head lol “ gimmie gimmie ahhh gimmie gimmie ahhhh” and my friends are concerned loll
I think better is to use lightycase.com. It is smaller and you can carry it anywhere. Quality of light is awesome. I love it so much.
Bro that last tiktok 😂😂😂 I love him 😂 he’s such a vibe ngl