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PRESTO: posts
I clicked faster than James Charles could say hi sisters ❤️
Happy Valentine’s day to all of you 💖
Im finally early. Have a ✨ great day 🦋 and your beautiful 😘 in your own 😍 way 💓. Presto if we hit ,200k can you do a Q&A please ?
Tysm for uploading every day I luv ur channel sm. I don’t hv TikTok so this channel is literally TikTok for me
Happy valentine’s day guys ❤️
I was the first to like ur vid and it’s a good vid like all whays
first yayyyy
shoutout plz?
ilysm 💖
Loved it❤❤
Happy Valentine’s everyone!💜🥰
omg why arent u verfied yet and u almost have 200k SMH*
Vamos nos ajudar, nessa pandemia não está fácil o meu código do : *Kwai* 8*9*5*4*2*8*8*3*0* obgda e que deus abençoe todos 🙏
Happy Valentine’s Day! Here’s a rose for you. Sincerely, your valentines date 🌹
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone❤️
I’m starting to think that presto is a tiktok star🤨
someone noob: who is ur fav tik-toker
other noob: danelio charle
someone noob and other noob: bruh i am stupid
30 min late sorry 😢
I’m sorry to ask but can u post when clover posts bcoz I’m always late I don’t want u to feel bad that’s why I’m telling to post when clover
Ilysm thank you for posting
Presto: posts
Me: 26 mins late dispaoint
When Presto posts:😁😁😁😁
But ur on the phone with ur cousin and you say that ur phones abt to die and then just hang up to watch!!
Yep love you Presto!❤️❤️❤️
Happy Valentine’s Day presto ilysm!❤️🙃
3:59 I think I know what James next video is: being pregnant for 24 hours
Literally no one:
Me charli’s waist :⬆️➡️⬅️⬇️↩↪
Hi presto I love today’s video! Sorry im a little late but God bless everyone, have a great day or night And stay safe! Don’t change yourself for other people! Love yourself.
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone hopefully having a great day!
Who else is alone for valentines?
Is it just me or these slow mo people are amazing I can’t even-
Its ok that u are not in love on Valentines Day, because ur not dead on Day of the Dead! 🙂
Hi presto when I try buying the led lights it says I have to pay 19 dollars I their something wrong with that? Because aren’t they supposed to be free?
Can we take a moment on how nice presto is liking everyone comment
everyone else: my boyfriendgirlfriend got me flowers
me on new years: I’m single
me on Valentine: yeah… ( single )