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Early 🙇🏽♀️
These tik toks never get old
Ik y’all remember Horrid Henry
Bruh I’m dieing 5:57
Damn that last one hurt
1:20 this is every YouTuber😭
2:40 I like how actual Africans are making fun of the people trying Fufu😭
3:19 yes😭
4:03 it’s so frustrating😭
5:19 did he just grab his throat💀💀
8:15 damn😭
11:39 no offense to parents who actually look like that but fr😭
18:16 he got attacked in his comments section I just know it🤦🏾♀️😭
LMAO I love Jordan he’s hilarious🤣🤣
JESUS LOVES YOU!!! He loves you so much that He hung on a cross and took upon Himself all the sins you would ever commit, the question now is “Do you love Him”? How do you genuinely show your love to someone? What is the greatest showing of love? The answer is sacrifice and then time. Christ Jesus paid the cost for us, through His sacrifice on the cross that we may live a life of health, deliverance and prosperity.
How can you pay Him back? You can pay Him back through spending time with Him, thanking Him for the privilege of seeing another day, and by reading His word “The Bible”. He offers you the free gift of eternal through having a relationship with Him, and partaking in this relationship immensely benefits you . He protects, guides, provides, heals, delivers, prospers, blesses you, and so much more. A true, authentic relationship involves communication on both sides. Christ Jesus is often taken for granted, many don’t give Him the slightest of acknowledgement, regardless He is still merciful and loving.
Seek Him, acknowledge you’re a sinner, lost without Him and destined for destruction, REPENT, REPENT, REPENT, believe in your heart wholeheartedly what He did for you on that cross and His resurrection. Confess with your mouth that He is Lord, and you’ve taken your first steps on that straight and narrow path to eternity in heaven with Him. And in this process your life will never remain the same, He will give you the Holy Spirit and grace, which will transform you and enable you to overcome sin, temptations and addiction and live a life that shows your love for Him. Slip ups happen, no one is perfect, but through asking for forgiveness and by His grace it will occur less and less. And you will enjoy pleasing Him and living a righteous life. You have everything to gain in Christ Jesus.
Have a blessed day!!
5:56 that took me out 💀💀🤣🤣🤣
2:15 got me dying lol
i had to search up that one that said who was president before oboma lol i love your vidz