Mom tries her first TikTok and things go horribly wrong…on purpose. Mom and Dad want to test the girls to see if they know what to do during an accident. This is part 1, part 2 is coming soon, but see how the girls respond when Mom has a major TikTok fail.
📺 Watch Next: “Twins Learn Beyonce’s Flawless”
👉🏻 More YouTube
Jersey’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/playtimewithjersey
Twins channel: https://www.youtube.com/mccluretwins
Justin’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtQDB9DiQztUBttWOfy1L0g
Ami’s channel: https://www.youtube.com/lifeofami
👉 Instagram
📫 themccluretwins@gmail.com
#mcclurefamily #mightymcclures #tiktok
Make sure to watch part 2 coming soon! How do you think the girls will react and respond??
“I’m teaching it” 😂😂
I love jersey’s backpack❤ its so cute and has a positive message
Justin I need you all to stay safe so you can continue to make these videos you did not blur out your license plates on your truck you might want to do that is too many crazy people in the world. 🙏🏾🙏🏾❤❤❤❤❤❤🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Those girls are so smart!! “Did you do that on purpose?” 😂😂🤣
I’m trying to lose weight so I can look fabulous like Ami.
“I’m stronger than her” is always funny 😁
I think jersey is on to something with the new leg store we need to make that happen ASAP!
Jersey: …from the new leg store
Me: (Ami’s laughter)hheheheheeeeeee
I love dada and Jersey’s car interviews
the way they asked did she do it on purpose had me laughing
Mama McClure wasn’t convincing enough for the girls to believe it…they even thought that perhaps she was faking it for the camera (which is true) lol. Maybe if Ami screamed out when she “falls” and then “cried” with a sense of panic, then they would take it serious and possibly call Dada (Justin)
The girls are very smart. I’ don’t think they believe Ami is furt. I can’t wait to find out what hapoens.
I love how they see mama in “pain” yet they ask u did u do that on purpose like even Alexis she was really asking
And that fall I give it a ten out of ten it totally looks real😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Lol, they look at Mom suspiciously! Those little ladies are not believing Mom. LOL
The girl’s hair is so healthy and beautiful. Ami takes good care of their hair.
The girls are smart…think they will soon believe that she is hurt and then do their best to assist/comfort her. Fingers crossed.
The girls where so nice they ran over and brought everything to help her thats so sweet.
They’re so smart for realll LMAO. They knew immediately that it was a joke. They’re so sweet, ran so fast to get ice<3<3
Ava:i’m stonger than her
2 seconds later:*gets pushed away*
Jersey is so cute! “I think she’ll break her leg” then he’s like a bandaid and new leg from the new leg store. LMAO
Lolll not the WWE music while the girls were twiddling for camera position
I love how Jersey said “if she breaks her leg they’re going to give her a band-aid”