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COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: I don’t own these songs. Credits go to its respective owners.
Pov u r fist don’t know what to say
Can you do that’s all pink or white
Oh no I forgot about my test I was dancing got to go lol 😂 😂
i always dance like i’m charli damelio LOL
Omg yasss can tiktok star reply? 😘😝😌💕
When your early and don’t know what to type. Love your mashups 💜
No one
People in the comment : first, hi
Me :🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟
I’m trying to learn a rap and them seeing this mashup that’s was posted write now: me: roses are red, vilots are blue, I clicked on this video 😊
Pov: you are early new but you don’t know what to write 😂
Me listening to your mashups and dancing like crazy I get called out in class(online) to answer and question like ahhhhhhh
The Person who’s actually first *cough*me
I m dancing and my famliy is sleeping
They are deep sleepers🤣
when I seen this: * click * because I love these mashups
Me: dancing in my feelings😔💜
My mom: what in the hell🤭
My dad: yea we need to go take her to get sum help 😉
My brother: sound bout right 🤓
Mom: well lets go then🤪
i think an account is posting like hours after you and take your mashups or you have the same edits things
Prob: ur in class
Literally my mom thinks I have diarrea I have been in the bathroom dancing for too long
Bruh I was dancing and then my brother came and he’s like ooo what u doing I’m like get out and I slap him :3
I’m danceing like Charli and Addison in the mirror
My mommy:wth is going on
POV: your dancing in the mirror 😪
Im happy that im not the only one whos addicted to theese mashups lmao😂
I am in bed vining but trying to be quiet so I don’t get shouted at
no one:
literally no one:
me: dancing, thinking i’m chaRLi
btw i make mashups with names lol
not the same song almost everyime LMAOooo
Literally Everyone in the comments: Me In ThE MiRrOr ThInKiNg Im ChArLi 👁️👄👁️
i am on call to my teacher and listening to this and my teacher and my class mates are laughing at me my teacher is looking at me so wierd my class mates are dancing with me lol when i did the were when it says body crazy curvy wavy one my crush said hell ya mhm i think i might ask my crush out (again)
The people who disliked are just mad that u have great content I luv you ❤️
Literally nobody:
Me: 🐬🐋🐬🐋
My parents: are you okay?
My mirror:👁👄👁
My lips 👄💨
Me busting out laughing 😂😂😂😂
Normal kids at 3am: sleeping🛌. Me:💃🤳🏻
mom: whats that noise?
Me: something youre not smart enouf to know
mom: o really!
me: yea really
me still hearing the sound from my room with my vomputer downstairs laufine wall im in my room
The parents be like:👨🏽💻 and the kids be like:🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗🦟🦗
No one:
Me:dancing in the mirror
I hope I’m not the only one that listens and dances to these songs, making scenarios up as if I’m famous or I’m dancing with charli d’amelio 😭✋