13 MAGIC TRICKS REVEALED! Funny TikTok Pranks on Friends & Funny Situations by Crafty Panda



Hey there, prankster Pandas! Are you itching to pull a prank on your friend? Let’s ask TikTok for advice! There are so many users these days that have some amazing ideas to share with all of you! Don’t forget to stay tuned for more funny pranks by Crafty Panda!

If you enjoyed this video, you might also like “How to SNEAK SNACKS into a CHRISTMAS PARTY! Food Sneaking Ideas & Funny Situations by Crafty Panda”: https://youtu.be/ndZWiZ_QgQo

Love the music used in this video? You can find our music on EpidemicSound: https://bit.ly/2JcUlBa

Floating Marker Prank
Levitation Hack
Hole In Hand
Spoon Bending
Straw Prank
Magic Money
Phone Prank
Table Tennis Ball
Fake Cut
Cup With Holes
Matches Box Trick
Levitating Phone
Tape Roll Trick

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#FunnyPranks #MagicTricks #CraftyPanda


Аружан Жезбаева

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Steven Lee

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P.girija Puchhakayala

After long time seeing one my favourites Madison be like…😃😃😃. I miss u 😘😘🥰

Kanivarthani Kumar

Hi friend i have tried that phone. Magic trick with my mom and my sister they all shocked at me and my sister laugh at me why i ask she told i already saw this video so wont do near with your younger sister or brother they no all before us so be carefull do separate with your mom or dad or family members friend okay its a nice vidoe 😊



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