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Early gang where y’all at?
Early who’s here before James Charles could say hey sisters xxx
fun fact: only one person can be first
For the second time im hereee❤️ love you mashups 😌
For 1 like i write: ola mashups are the bests
1. ola mashups are the bests
2. ola mashups are the bests
Just 2 minutes late….. *STILL JUST INTIME*
girlll, i be listening to these in class, i be viben
my mom: why do you like the video after watching?
me: bc its Ola mashups!!
0:56 OMG she’s brazilian!!!😍😍
The fact that u make videos almost every day just to keep us entertained is so kind of u
2 dislikes already haters got there notification on
Only like mod you saw the girls door open?
So many “first” and “early” it’s like a tik tok comment section💀
Am i the only person who noticed the girls door open by its self 1:36
plz tell me i’m not the only one >
I wish I couldn’t be early but school says other wise🤣🤣
Early who’s here before James Charles could say hey sisters xxx
Fun fact: the first person who clicked on this video didn’t comment at all
New FIRST video coming tomorrow at Ola games https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwwVRdym2QGSWCUUl2bgH1A THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who subscribed and is supporting me before it has even started i loveee youu