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↓ BOO x CORVETTE CORVETTE Dance Challenge | TikTok Compilation ↓
📧 For any business inquiries, please contact:
⇒ trendy.tiktokcompilation@gmail.com
Credits go to all creators of TikToks seen in this video!
Intro & Outro music credit: Enyer Gonzalez
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Early! Also luv ur vids!!💕✨💖🙃
Can I get a shout out please. I’ve never had one. Big fan of yours. Ive watched every vid😋👏😊
Congratulations for 111K Sub’s!😍
I love Charlie’s long natural hair!! I’m glad she switched back
Charlis new hair is bomb
TITLE IDEA! : Tiktoks that made Charli Damileo fans say “Omg its dixies sister!”
I’m gonna be honest. I’m not really living for Charli’s new hair. If we are actually paying attention to this, she started off like that from square one so basically EVERYTHING she had done to her hair is non existent. And this was obviously chosen by her fans. Just saying
I tried the hair tik otk from the girl and i did it then i realised something was off i was like why do i look like a crack head the i realised it i she doesnt look like a crack head im the one lmao
That girl with the “glowing hair” is not gonna be invited to surprise party’s or hide and seek.
3:08 omg she looks soo amazing ☺️
dam this makes me wanna dye my hair even more ;-;
Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to brush through your hair without crying of frustration * nervous laughter *
4:17 so we ain’t gonna talk about how cute they are together
Did chrlie got hair extensions cause her hairs are not that long I guess
Charli changes her hair more than I change my clothes
i dont need this, i have subliminals
( Sorry don’t mind this, it’s just a personal time stamp )
0:53 why does that girl look like a Barbie doll