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All credits to the owners
Stay safe 💌
First! cant wait to watch this been waiting for thiss!
First and again I’ll say it for the hundredth time best YOUTUBE CHANNEL EVER 💕💕💕💕❤️❤️❤️😊😊
I was just think it’s past 2 why hasn’t she posted and then u posted bam I am a psychic
I was cleaning my nails but this is urgent
Hi, just curious what are you knitting this time, Im knitting a bee and it’s blue and yellow so I think it’s going to be cute
Who really misses the Cinderella part in the beginning that was in the previous vedios
I know I do 😮
That first one but me a little too hard, why tf did he have to do that one he almost made me cry I have diagnosed with OCD anxiety and bi-polar I have to live with all of these trust me all of these combined ur bit seeing half of what it’s like
EEEEEEE Early i luv your vids 💅
Im actually early again, after a long time :3
I am in love with Edge❤
early i love your videos!
For one I come here under 30 mins
I literally get so excited whenever I see your video notification! I hope your having a good day everyone 😌👏💕
I’m not so late this time ( a few hours😭) , I discovered your channel quite a long time ago and I got addicted , so imma tell it now , I love you , your channel and your mama , luv on your forehead
Thank you so much for your good work and Jackson passaglia! I love all of your video keep going queen! Last thing how are you for real and that goes for everyone?
the first is what gose threw my head i hav ADHA and really bad anxity
I get so happy I little ry jump for joy
Moonlight can u make one with just yazan and amahd and jackson
I also have anxiety but sometimes it gets sos bad I can’t breath