I Tested 5 INSANE TIKTOK Minecraft Hacks You’ll NEVER BELIEVE WORK!w/ 09sharkboy
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Second Viewer, Liker and comment on this Video.
day 1 of attempting to get a heart from andrew
All imma say is……. For the boyzzzzzz
also this is the earliest I’ve ever been!
When your early and you don’t know what to say
1:58 it needs 5o be a repeat one
I’m getting ur merch for christmas…I hope
The NPC one ain’t new,I’ve been using it for a while now
(Love your vids Shark!!)
Umm, shark, you’ve setten the command block to impolse(one time only) when you should’ve got it to repeat(continued stream of the command) on the first hack. Sorry this comment is so long
Sorry shark but it’s not a new mob it’s just a customizable npc and they’ve been in the game for a while
The rainbow egg and the light block are from Minecraft educational
Ps I am a big fan
Npc: *gets right clicked *
LOL Shark you had to set the water snowball command to repeat.
I tried the rainbow spawn egg and it actually work in minecraft beta
for the first hack
shark: i cant do it
Everbody else littly everbody; you noob you have to use a lever o start the command block
Shark that is an NPC he can do all the commands and give u all d stuff even in survival
How are you getting achievements if you’re in creative mode?!
Shark, you need to set the command block to repeat for the element bending.
Bruh the first command block needs to be “always active” and “repeat”