TikTok Dating Coaches Are The Worst Kind of People…


Today we look at how TikTok Dating Coaches Are The Worst Kind of People.

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Outro song:
Young Lungs – UDON
Music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_acYeV2tm8


Tegan- lynn

Its not even dating. Its basically “oh hey find a drunk girl and put her in a position to pressure her to come home with you for sex then go out for more girls tomorrow “

Artsy Fartsy Jackie

Atozy: “How are dating coaches in business during a global pandemic?”
Me: How are they ever in buisness?

thats so soobin

How is he a dating coach? he only explained how to take advantage of drunk girls and how to get girls home to have sex with


This man is book smart but life stupid. Can’t wait to see him get married only to see his wife leave him.

Heck Dongle

Me: *Getting a joint degree in physics and mathematics*

Count Cuntula: “So yeah I got a major in mathematics and worked for northrup grumman”

Me: *Getting a degree in just physics*

Yvonne Solomon

He’s probably the type of guy who thinks he’s misunderstood, but he’s really just a creep.

Bellona Ying

He’s not even hot. Like he shouldn’t flexing about his dumb suits or job, he should be down on his knees thanking Lord Jesus for the invention of alcohol. Without alcohol, he wouldn’t have all of his “women”. He still hasn’t grown out of the frat boy stage. P.S. Just because you wear a suit doesn’t mean you’re hot.

Redguard Gaming

“I’ve never played Mario kart with a girl” how sad, he calls himself a dating coach but can’t even depict himself treating women like human beings



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