Microsoft pushes for TikTok takeover | DW News


Microsoft is planning a partial takeover of online video-platform TikTok. The US software company confirmed on Sunday, that it was looking to buy the Chinese company’s business in the US by the middle of next month. Microsoft could save the day for TikTok fans in the US. It’s in talks with Bytedance, the Chinese owners of the app to buy the service in the US. The deal could stave off a presidential ban, by ensuring user data stays in the USA. Us President Trump fears data from US citizens could end up in the hands of Beijing’s communist party. This could be Microsoft’s chance. So far, the world’s leading software producer hasn’t ventured significantly into social media.


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Daily Truth

It has been always the Americans problem, they want to own everything and that’s why they want to ban anything that they don’t own, like 5G network and TIK TOK..

chen boya

EU companies are always bought by similar ways. They have no defense to Wall Street capital. ARM is being bought by Nvidia, Europe will lose the Semiconductor Industry.

Perfect Students

If we can’t compete with it, then ban it, place sanction against it, or force it to give it us cheaply. It always works. Toshiba (Japan, 1988), Alstom (France, 2014), Huawei (China, 2019), Tik Tok (China, 2020).

Commander Red

This is such a gross violation of the free market that’s almost overshadowing the irony of the US crying about user data, or does it need reminding the biggest and largest social media sites are in the US. Truly the rest of the world needs to start pushing similar actions on US social media apps for a similar reason, if not only to prove a point then to help their own local business grow.

Alan Zhang

Tik Tok: Gets Boardwalk in Monopoly.

US Government: Sell it to me at a steep discount, or I’ll rip up your property card.

Aygul Cedek

America’s way: when you can’t compete, it either buys them or destroy them. American political & economic imperialism at its finest

Jerry Hall

This is not a business deal. Don’t sugarcoat such rotten behavior. More like gangsters who force a restaurant owner to sell his company, unless he wants it destroyed with a sledgehammer.

Urbie LateNight Gaming Adventure

this is not saving Tik Tok. This is robbery, tech style. You build it, we will have it.

Yihua Ren

US government: “How could I monitor or use personal data illegally on a Chinese company? So ban it or buy it! Look at me, what a freedom country! “



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