Thank you so much guys for watching and I hope y’all enjoyed this mashup!! ☺ If you love/like this tiktok mashup, please don’t forget to leave a like. 👍😃 Thank you ❤
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(randomly following back on tiktok) 💕
100% clean tiktok mashup
Clean tiktok mashup 2020
TikTok Mashup 2020 (clean)
omg i like ur tik tok mashup so much
Can i plz have a shout out
I love alll your mashups so much. Earlyyyy vibes
I like it clean
oh my god lv this is the exact mashup i wanted😀😁thanks lv i was finding this mashup and finally u made it😄i dont know how to express mt feelings
Omgg 😆😆😆 the Savage,Laxed,and the 5th one ☝🏽is lit 🔥🤪🤪.
me at 3am: dancing and pretending im charli
Aww there shout out now i will never in a shout out
Me pov: ong marikit wow 😅👑🇵🇭💖❤😘😇
Nobody: me at 5 am: dancing at bed and prented to be Addison Rae
Me dancing laxed in 5am
*spots a new mashup from LV Decierdo*
Me: :ooo
*starts dancing 😌😌✨✨✨*
I wasn’t really expecting that there will be a filipino songs
I like this so much
I thought it was a tiktok mashup until i saw the title😂
Me at 3am:dancing think I dance better than charlie🤣
I really enjoyed it that is so much. I would recommend next time you do a clean version add songs with swear words but bleep the swear words out cause most of the best tiktok songs have swear words so it would make the mashup 10 times better.
I was literally dancing at 5am and my family woke up because of me.I starts jumping at “cars that go boom”Lmafoo
Me dancing in my living room at 11pm
Does anybody wake up do there morning routine then just do a morning tik tok then get to carried away and make a million
Me: dancing at my mom’s front while listening this compilation HAHAHAHA
are you pinoy po? marikkiiiit🙆♀️❤️
Me: dancing outside at 3am:
I was literally dancing in front of mirror like Charli.
me when be happy by dixie comes on: 😁😁🖤
Me: dancing at 12:00 pretending I’m dancing with Charli
Me watching at 3:00 am:
Messing up in my room like a professional dancer
Me at 4am: pretending to know the dances
Also me: *randomly flying ArmS and hitting my elbows on walls*
Who else was watching this by their parents and was trying so hard not to do the dances!?
When you know all the dances😳😳😎😎😎😎😎😎
My mom and dad “sleeping”
MY sisters also sleeping in there own room
Me:I realize it’s almost 3 am👀 I’m totally dancing and who cares😏about waking up in the middle of the night