We should all respect each other’s opinions and not be so aggressive with our beliefs. Everyone’s opinions and religious beliefs are valid.
💛 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aexotiicyt/
💛 Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/aexotiicyt
age: 16
sex: female
what do you edit with: phone/cutecutpro
intro song: window by joji
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xxGrayce xx you are
Wow the teeaaaaa
I love your intro 😍
Early ❤️love you
i’ve never been this early wtf
They still are attacking and since they found his vulgar soundcloud songs they are making a joke out of him and also he is having rape and other sexual claims from when he was 18 dating a 16 yr old asking 15 yr olds for nudes and stuff.
No views 29 likes, seems about right
the circus needs to come collect him PLS
kyler stans be comin in like 🤡🤡
@SIKE nah Voicing his opinion? It might be his opinion but he said it really fucking rude. Calling woman disgusting and “murters” is disrespectful.
Don’t disrespect the circus like that😔
we have circus circus in las vegas if that helps
nightsparks Eh, I think anyone can have an opinion regarding this. Male or female. Good or bad. As long as they go about it R E S P E C T F U L L Y. (Which Kyler didn’t do)
HI I am the first one
Off topic but
wow i’m early
OMG I love you so much🥰🥰😊😊
No views 27 likes???
No views 64 likes youtube is not okay. Btw live your videos
Trippyx Nia who?? 🥴
Trippyx Nia
Thought it was about Tyler the Creator
Ppl:your gay
Kyler:hold my cup
What is the name of your intro song? ps I love you❤
Window by Joji
@I am: JEM Thank you
I never been this early ever before for a youtuber
When you talk about abortion on tiktok you shouldn’t be taken seriously lmfao
i get where hes coming from im christian too and its against our beliefs to support lgbt but we can still love them because we’re supposed to love everyone but the way he worded everything and the way he was saying that kind of stuff in front of little kids is disgusting, also he further explained that he had no problem with abortion on tiktok and that he just doesnt support it and wouldn’t put money into it, even though he has no say because he’s a male. and lastly with this long comment he misgendered syd but he didnt know who he was and assumed he classified as she, i was on his live earlier and he apologized many times for what happened with syd and said he truely regrets it. 🙂 (i dont really know the point of this comment i guess its just to sum up the aftermath of now)
i just wanna say that technically christianity doesn’t hate lgbt it was just a mistranslation but people still roll with it 🙂 i still agree with you tho
When you’re finally early but you don’t have anything on your mind..
𝗜 𝗳𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗼𝘄 𝗵𝗶𝗺 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗶𝗸𝘁𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗜 𝗗𝗜𝗗𝗡𝗧 𝗞𝗡𝗢𝗪 𝗧𝗛𝗜𝗦 𝗕𝗥𝗨𝗛𝗛𝗛
Him: 🤡🤡🤡
it’s called m u r t e r
I was just looking for a video on this
the world we all live in is awful…..
Y did I think he was Sebastian Bails WTF is wrong with me
He’s orange that’s why
Omg i thought the same thing once i saw him LMFAO
I was ur 1k like
𝗛𝗲 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝘀𝗼 𝘀𝘄𝗲𝗲𝘁, 𝗵𝗺𝗺𝗺𝗺𝗺𝗺 𝗬𝗔 𝗧𝗛𝗢𝗨𝗚𝗛𝗧
I guess his career got murtered
says he not homophobic but says he doesn’t support gay people? He said: 🤡
i get where you’re coming from but supporting and accepting are different things
Absolutely Nobody:
Kyler: “it’s called murter”
Edit: 1k already? Lol thanks and I like the replies xd 👁️👄👁️👌🏽
1000th like
And then he said “PERIODT” like he did something
you’re welcome
“If you don’t want to have a baby, don’t have sex. Wait till marriage or use a condom.” Wait so he’s telling me that if I get married, I can have sex and I won’t get pregnant because I waited until marriage. Oh honey 😭😂
I agree with his views on abortion. And you don’t have to support something to be okay with it.
he doesn’t respect it though. he was saying disgusting things that his whole follower count could see.
Gold AU I only really support abortion if someone was raped but tbh I don’t have a huge opinion on it.
nightsparks I’m aware I disagree with some of the things he said.
I can’t be homophobic because I have gay friends 🙄🙄🙄
C L O W N E R Y 🤡.
It’s called “MuRtEr”🤪🤡
Des Larke it is
E says who?
Des Larke, PERIODt😂
and you’re a
m u r t e r e r
you can not support something but respect it
uglyskies He’s allowed to have an opinion, but his approach to stating it was completely wrong. His wording made it seem like anyone else’s beliefs were wrong. Furthermore, if he doesn’t want hate he should have never said those things to a young audience that has dominantly liberal beliefs.
uglyskies PREACH!
uglyskies I dont support pro choice meaning: I wouldn’t give money for a charity, or whatever. But I do respect pro choice meaning: I won’t scream at them saying that they’re wrong, or force my opinion on them. So, yes you can support something and respect it.
abby yeah i see what you’re saying
No one should be hated on for being pro life. However homophobia deserves backlash
@no Idea okay I’m bouta go off. Veganism and being gay are two COMPLETELY different things. Vegans choose to be vegan. Gay people have no say in their sexuality. Y’all straights are too ignorant to understand our feelings. Do you know how fucking hard it is to discover your sexuality and hear people say they don’t support something that you didnt choose and can’t change?? I’m a lesbian and grew up homophobic because my parents are homophobic and Muslim and when I started having feelings for girls I HATED myself, i tried so hard to be straight just to be normal but eventually gave up because of how depressed I was making myself not being who I am and trying to force feelings. Sorry for ranting but I just want to spread knowledge and try to lessen the ignorance and misunderstanding of people and try to help others see what we go through. Just imagine being in my situation and for example, wanting your own PARENTS to be supportive of you of something so small, something that you were literally born as and cannot change but your parents dont support their own child and even disown them. It happens way too often and it’s heartbreaking. this guy’s opinion means nothing to me, he’s a clown, but still, I hope you and anyone else with similar feelings see where I’m coming from.
@daiso malfoy ok I didnt read your comment until after I wrote mine but glad we had the same thoughts on that
Alex S your argument was A+ until you brought up liberals lmao
autumn x Librals are the majority who agree with lgbt however I do understand that what I said is offensive so I will take it out loll
I still can’t get over your intro it’s amazing
Oof omg same!
I dont support being gay but I’m not homophobic?
sodium chloride i mean as long as you aren’t attacking people for their sexual orientations then it’s okay ig. Just don’t be like Kyler and make homosexual people feel bad about themselves
There’s nothing wrong with being pro life but the way he went about it was so wrong. mUrTeR
caroline fr tho
Oh. Hey. Ok but don’t criticize one group of people’s beliefs and not mention the other when they are very equal
Alex S did you even care to read anything that his/her comment stated?
brooke it was a fucking sentence long how would I not read it
brooke how about you let people have their opinions
*”iTs called MURTER”*
nightsparks it’s *desgustang*
Do I support my straight people ? Yes
Would I be friends with a gay person ?
Would I fucking murter them ?
Edit: lol guys I didn’t want to start anything with my being pro life, please don’t argue in the comments let’s all love each other <3
Katherine Oliviá girl ur pro choice then. If you respect what other women choose to do then ur pro choice. Pro life means you think ALL women should have to have their baby and not get abortion. Like me personally I will never abort a baby but I have no right to tell other women what they should do so I’m pro choice. Pro choice isn’t pro abortion. I hope this helped, I just have to educate the women who are pro life 💕.
@Nope gal we stan an intellectual
Nope gal I respect women’s opinions but I don’t necessarily agree with them. I still believe that we shouldn’t have abortions but sadly our world is so corrupt that it’s not as easy as just not getting an abortion. I’m sorry if I didn’t word my reply correctly; I didn’t want to start an argument so I was trying to be as neutral as possible <3
jeongin’s fox I definitely don’t :))
Das crazy
Soo im early then….?
It’s what she deserves
it’s called
*m u r t e r*
and it’s
*f O u r*
@soothing sounds of squidwards clarinet
And you’re a
m u r t e r e r
Damn he needs to go back to the circus 🎪 🤡
4:37 god didn’t die for this
I feel like everyone has the rights to their own opinion. I just feel like the way he stated his opinion was just horrible. Screaming at people and saying *periodt* after every sentence isn’t the way to do that. Also, I feel like he shouldn’t be commenting on abortion bc he has nothing to do with it :/
@Camille Murray ikr, he’s such a hypocrite…
oml im watching the office now lol
Camille Murray exactlyyy
As a female, I feel like men should have some say in abortion. If that baby is born or not effects them. If that baby is aborted that could make them depressed. Their life changes too.
HolyEdits agree
*How can i respect your pro-life opinion if you cant respect my pro-choice opinion?*
ღ Jupiter loves s1s ღ
r@pe and stuff like that is a whole nother thing and isn’t what I’m talking about I fully support abortions for that sort of stuff or incest or teens and stuff like that (hence why I’m kinda on both sides) I just don’t know exactly tbh
ღ Jupiter loves s1s ღ
tho I also feel like people under 18 shouldn’t be having sex (consented sex I mean) all my thoughts are jumbled ugh
ʇɹɐǝɥ ɐɹʇɔǝןǝ no no don’t worry I understand what you mean. So sorry for being hostile about it it’s just some people don’t understand
ʇɹɐǝɥ ɐɹʇɔǝןǝ the thing about it is that it doesn’t care what you think. Underage sex will happen, unprotected sex still happens, accidents happen. Why force women to go through the life altering and potentially dangerous act of birth if there is a simple solution that is relatively safe.
I’m pro life but I don’t care if someone is pro choice, it’s their opinion. I don’t think abortion is okay, but if you do that’s fine.
i read “tyler” in the title and thought
Why should we care about someone who says “murter” lmao
Right, lmao
yeah lmao
“men shouldn’t talk about abortion” lol wtf, just bc it’s a women who is undergoing abortion doesn’t mean men don’t have an opinion and aren’t allowed to express it.
People who are against abortion are kinda dumb and cruel. Cause what if a 13 yr old got raped by a 40 yr old man and got pregnant? That baby would be extremely deformed and probably wouldn’t live past ten. It would be suffering so it would be appropriate to abort it.
WHAT A 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
*yeah you got beliefs and shit BUT YOU DIDNT HAVE TO SAY IT THAT MEAN. you like gay people all they way or no way. PERIOD.*
imagine not supporting human rights 🙈
sky turtle 5 E 🤪😱
sky turtle 5 E HAHA
sky turtle 5 E imagine thinking a parisite is a baby😊
Imagine supporting murder🙊
Abbey grace pro choice does not mean pro abortion 💋
Hes dumb af .
Wait how can u like something but don’t support it ? And I oop-
more details on my channel ❤
*her intro song is window-joji your welcome*
she- she puts that in her description
@Jasmina Hasikic well some people may not check the description 🙂
I am prolife to some extent but I’m not gonna disrespect anyone who disagrees with that, everyone has their opinions, but he needs to stop with that period mess like that was a fact 😂
Did he just…..spit….in a girls mouth….thinking it was cute???
elleisconfused ? You know some people have spitting kinks 🤢
sOmEoNe TeLL hIm ThAt WaSn’T cUtE
A lot of people like that shit
I think she’s that kinky enough for someone to do that to her
Wake up in the morning I got murter on my mind.
I hollered haha
BerserkTheKid lmao xD
Marissa Sevudredre im actually wheezing at this 😭😂
Everyone: everyone can have an opinion
Also everyone: your opinion is *WRONG*
Jimin has got no jAmS girl thats TRUE 🥺❤️❤️
believing people don’t deserve rights isn’t an opinion..
His “opinion” wasn’t necessary. He was being homophobic and harmful. Also, a MAN having a say in a WOMAN’S BODY is wrong, mainly because he’s uneducated and doesn’t know what it’s like.
I just wanna say people making tiktoks about him is so fucking funny I cant with people 😂
“i’d be friends with a gay person” yeah but we not gonna be friends with you oop-
@Lynn unknown yeah but…IT JUST MAKES IT A LITTLE HARDER…BUT WITH US LGBTQ+ at the end of the day…we wouldn’t want to be friends with that person
@Matthxw Blanchardd yes that can be true but just because someone dose not agree that being gay is ok does not make them homophobic.
@Lynn unknown exactly
Matthxw Blanchardd what does the Q stand for?? I know the others before the Q tho.
We said: “🤡🤡🤡we clowning🤡🤡🤡”
im pro life and im friends with gay people but I don’t support it. BUT, I don’t tell people its wrong and stuff
I love everyone.
BuT I DoN’t SupPORt iT
the ignorance 🤮🤢
God died for our sins
Being gay is a sin
(stolen from tik tok but I thought it was fitting)
@Luls Caballero it’s a joke it’s not supposed to be true
@Heyitzmaria omg true
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
E V i get what you mean as a Christian but what she said is 100% true. Jesus died for gay people. All people. We are all sinners, not just gay people.
@Jasmine Tarbet hi fellow Christian
Maria hello😂🙏🏼💒
1. People can be raped.
2. Some people cannot afford to take care of the baby so they abort it.
3. The doctor can be *FEMALE*
4. Kyler ate hamburgers after that video probably. That animal was killed bitch.
Let people have their own opinions and respect them🤷♀️
Yo, I mean I get he can say his opinion, but dude. Jesus.
Imo, not “supporting” being gay IS homophobic. You can’t not agree with or support something that someone has no control over. That’s like saying I don’t support Down syndrome, or “I love everyone, but I just don’t support autism”
You can’t use religion to make yourself look like a good person when in reality your not 😐 (we can leave things in the past but.. you can’t just erase things especially online)
Right trying to use his religion as an excuse
I already made a video on him and I think personally that’s its just messed up that he would say on a live and put it in a video for millions of children to see not only adults and teens on this app 7 year olds are on this app as well and for him stating his opinion on tik tok was stupid
Abortion is a choice. Maybe they we’re raped at a young age and aren’t ready. It’s pretty rude he could say that. “ItS noT aN abOrtIon iTs mUdEr” like no..
he also misgendered Syd MULTIPLE TIMES and refused to apologize even after syd and many others told kyler that syd is male! we don’t support a transphobic clown in this house
he apologized to him on his live stream yesterday multiple times
Olivia Kaufman just cause he said it on live doesn’t really mean anything. he needs to personally apologize to syd & the other two communities he offended.
Thembi oof ig so
I honestly agree with him on with some of his views
But not all if you want a child use protection or just don’t have sex
Also people think not supporting the lgbtq+ is being homophobic it’s not there’s a difference I honestly don’t care if you have abortion if it wasn’t your choice to do the deed hopefully you understand also
Men can speak their opinion on abortion there is different perspectives on abortion and he has his it really shouldn’t matter of the gender
I feel like it’s 💯 okay to be pro-life for yourself, but you have no right to make that decision for anyone else. I have massive respect for people who are pro-life for themselves but still absolutely respect pro-choice people and their decisions. Kyler is obviously very close-minded and ignorant. I lost a lot of my respect for him.
everyone in the comments of his live was agreeing with him. but now everyone jumped on the bandwagon to hate him. also he said ‘pEriOdT’ and ‘mUrTeR’ like he did something. also some ppl in the comments of any tik tok talking about kyler is coming at the creator talking about how they shouldn’t be hating because him is allowed to have his own opinion. like we’re hating because what he said was incredibly ignorant and he voiced his oPiNiOn very offensively and aggressive. which obvious hurt a lot of people. also calling syd a ‘she’ and ‘it’ and NOT apologizing was rude as hell. i feel like he only apologized because he was getting hate. again, we’re not hating because he has an opinion. but because he voiced it the wrong way.
no one:
absolutely no one:
kyler: murder with a ‘t’
tbh I don’t know him but there are some people that are okay with homosexuality but don’t support it and we shouldn’t bash on them because of the religion they follow
someone yeah, I know many people like that. I don’t get the problem honestly. I knew a girl that had a best friend that was gay but she do not support it but she still loved him as her friend. This argument is getting stupid if only people could think for one second and understand what he is actually saying -.-
when people make fun about other people’s opinion is disgusting. they’re basically bullying him, if a gay person was bullied like that…. lol it’s over for the bullies. can y’all please just respect? if he is pro life so what? if he doesn’t support the lgbtq so what? it’s HIS decision and HIS choice to believe that. what’s the mf problem?
If he decides not to call someone by what that person thinks he is so whaaaat? literally like it’s his decision to call you by whatever he wants to. you can’t just make people call you shit you’re not lol.
white males back at it again
unpopular opinion:
just because you don’t support the lgbtq+ doesn’t make you a bad person. by support I mean they may not agree with some decisions, so they may not join that group. what you do you need to do is respect. respect respect respect is key and very necessary. what makes a person homophobic is when they spread hate negativity and spew untrue things. homophobic people have no respect.
Yeah , because of religion I don’t support lgbtq+ but I will NEVER EVER be homophobic or misgender somebody on purpose.
But he also asked Addy for nudes when she was a minor and he was about 18/19 and a soundcloud rapper. Addy also said when they went to the skate part he yelled at a Muslim person for their religion if I remember correctly.
Baby 24 Carrot ?? what does this have to do with what i said in my comment above?? just askin
Let’s be honest honey. Thought you were saying he isn’t a bad person sorry
not all doctors are male I-
lmao that segment didnt even make sense periodt
hey guys i have a video about him on my channel too please check it out ❤
Okay technically you don’t necessarily have to support the LGBTQ community in order to be friends with someone who is apart of that act and it isn’t homophobic, also I understand where he comes from about abortions ( i am a female) some women choose to sleep around without protection or sleep with there significant other without protection knowing that they are not in the right state to have a child and get an abortion and I don’t support that because that just doesn’t make sense to me, now if a female is in a situation where she has to have an abortion or her or the baby may die or if she got r*ped that is between her and herself, for me personally I would not have an abortion no matter what but that just comes from my background. That being said Tik Tok live is not the place to be talking about serious topic such as those , because many people get offended very easily during such sensitive topics, this kid clearly was trying to speak his mind but he did not come at it properly but he does not deserve hate. Youths make dumb mistakes and say dumb things all the time and we live in a world where its our choice to waist our time and complain about every little dumb thing they say or ignore the ignorance or different views of them. Also I do think that men in general should watch how and where they talk about abortions, they are allowed to have an opinion on it because they are just as human as females but they should probably stick to not bringing it up in public unless they are a doctor and stating facts (kindly) towards the female and the female only. Men can share their thoughts but at the end of the day it’s the females choice at what she does for he body.
see but he is homophobic. It wasnt in the video but about last year he said being gay is wrong and you will definitely go to hell. Sounds homophobic to me.
he’s hiding his homophobia, transphobia, and abortion views with the bible I HAVE TO LAUGH
Daniella García homophobia is having negative attitudes or views towards homosexuals so if him saying “homosexuality is a choice and a sin” isn’t homophobic then i must be ignorant
Plz don’t ever let him say PERIOD again
It’s not about you being Pro-Life you just have to respect and understand their decision but he’s just being rude and ignorant
Smile JEM period 😔😣😣😣💆💆✨✨✨
“i’m not this blaw blaw” thats not apologizing that’s trying to make excuses. also why does he use religion as a excuse like sis.
*why does this guy look like meet the Robinson…Idek who he is and I don’t like him “PeRiOd”*
Stay away from our uterus bitch
Shiner1234 Happy Day when it comes to a baby we don’t have a right to kill.
He’s right
Brayden Biedermann he’s a horrible person.
i used to think he was gay i-
He should have sat there and drank his eboy juice 😤
i personally don’t care about whatever you do with your body or your sexuality, but one thing i don’t like about the whole situation is people telling him that just because he’s a guy his opinion doesn’t matter. anyone can have an opinion on anything. their opinion may not be reasonable but they can still have one. invalidating someone’s opinion because of their race, gender, or age is literally an example of discrimination.
Spøøky Jim so true! I wish more people would understand this…
I get that he has an opinion and everything but how he stated it was just disgusting. For instance, sometimes some things should not have been said, especially in that live. He also has young supporters and pushing this mentality into them is also disgusting. 🤦🏾♀️
Square face guy looks better than him wtf
I think he dropped out in 9th grade, is uneducated, was a LITERAL SOUND CLOUD RAPPER. so 🤡 check.
Angie C right 😭an actual clown🤡
chicken nuggets are my fav food
It’s called
Don’t come at me
But I agree with him.
best tea channel
I feel like no man should have an opinion about abortion. Men physically cannot experience it or know what it’s like. Its a women’s body and it’s up to her and no one els
Emma Forman it takes 2 people to make a baby. And also why are you discriminating against men?
he’s just a clown. once again another “influencer” who’s only apologizing because of the backlash .
I don’t think abortion is right but that’s just my opinion. I’m Catholic and have my own views. I do think women should have a choice to do WHATEVER they want. People shouldn’t have such a harsh opinion on abortion and make it sound like something It’s not. We all have to respect each others choices and beliefs, even if we don’t think It’s right.
But there was also the part where he misgendered Syd too and try to back track it
*bruh I thought he was Sebastian bails💀*
*Wait people still use tiktok nowadays I-*
dO yoU kNoW AnNyEonGhaSeyO a LOT of people still do lmao
Did dis nigga spit in her mouth🤦🏿♂️?
No offense to anyone but I see where he is coming from with the whole gay people thing. Since in Christianity your taught that gay marriage isn’t correct he’s just sticking to his religion, but he could still be friends with someone that is gay. I think people should let him have his own opinions, it’s really not impacting anyone. In this world people are gonna have different beliefs than you and your gonna have to accept it, therefor maybe the way he expressed his opinions wasn’t mature, but no one should be attacking him for what he believes in.
Lol, he’s not even cute, imo
TikTok is a lip-synching app… *why is this stuff being brought up?*
makena EXACTLY
*I’m weak*
It’s called MURTER 😂😂
imagine using your religion as an excuse 🤡🤡
when someone told him to apologise to punker_irl (a trans male), he said “i’ve apologised about three times in this live” and a few seconds later proceeds to say “but it’s her choice” 🤡🤡🤡
i honestly don’t understand how he can act like that and lie to his audience(it didn’t say that in the vid but he did lie to his audience multiple times). they can say “iTs jUsT aN oPiniOn” (and everyone has a right to an opinion) but he shouldn’t be acting like that no matter what anybody says. AND he purposely got Syd’s (@punker_irl in the video) gender wrong when he told him he was a boy (and also called him an “it” another time). I honestly don’t understand stuff like this. i feel as if literally the only reason he was making apologies was to seem like he wasn’t the bad guy. i honestly don’t understand stuff like this. no matter what your beliefs are you shouldn’t be so aggressively putting down other people for what is happening in their life when you LITERALLY don’t understand and probably never will depending on what is.
and thank you for coming to my TED talk I really needed to rant really quick
a whole ass clown. and the way he said “period” like he did sumn. also imagine thinking abortion is murder we-
“Kyler loves jesus” 👀🤐🤔
He’s really not cute at all imo 🤷♂️
3:25 has me fucking dying 😭
“Hes pretty good looking” where🤢
He looks like Sebastian bails
seriously, how does anyone find that thing attractive
@hypermads2003 that thing? You mean a human?
@hypermads2003 Pretty pathetic how you have to attack someone on their physical appearance if you don’t agree with them.
A lot of people are on Kyler’s side about how he should not feel entitled to support the LGBTQIA+ community, as long as he is respectful, yet they don’t speak about how he portrayed his opinion in the same live where he portrayed his opinion on abortion. Saying that “being gay is a sin”, “being gay is a choice”, “if you raise your children by the Bible they won’t be gay”, misgendering a boy multiple times and refusing/not apologizing , is no where near the respect he should have if he truly is not homophobic and or a respectful non supporter of the LGBTQIA+ community. Maybe these people that are defending him had no idea, but just remember to research before forming an opinion.
“Its called murdet” homie said it with a whole T
I literally can’t believe this dude had supporters in the first place HE GOT FAMOUS BC OF TIK TOK he has done nothing to be proud about he just makes tik toks and the shit he said just made it even worse
bro let him believe what he believes i believe the same and WTF YOU ALL HAVE THAT BELIEF LET US MFL
I hate him
1. he asked addy for her nudes
2. he’s islamaphobic
3. he’s homophobic
4. he doesn’t support abortion
5. he’s racist
6. he misgendered syd
so those are my reason 😄
Not supporting abortion is not supporting murder so do you support people killing homeless people because they suffer or unwanted sis?
no Idea he yelled at a Muslim at a skate park for being Muslim.
Addy was also 15 at the time and he was 18/19
@Baby 24 Carrot Okay I didn’t say anything about religion I’m talking about abortion.
I can respect that he has his own opinions, because I’m pro-life too, but don’t force your beliefs on other people and DO NOT disrespect someone by misgendering them after they’ve told you numerous times that you’re using the wrong pronouns, and you’re still doing it deliberately.
i have his livestream memorized i’ve watched it so many times and each time he says “MURTER” i SCREAM
This whole thing on men can’t speak on abortion is completely not fair I guess we’re all forgetting it takes two to create a kid and the father should have a choice as well if you don’t want to be a mother give the baby to the father and leave I’m sure they don’t need you anyway
It’s a women’s body and her choice. And a woman can get raped and if they are raped then the father doesn’t get a fucking choice
_he’s_ _a_ _clown_🤡🤡_
I would never let my boyfriend spit in my mouth disgusting 🤢
It’s funny because if someone says they hate christianity it’s okay but if someone says they don’t like the lgbtq community they deserve death
When he’s saying he’s not homophobic I get that. I don’t support it either but i do have gay friends so I understand where he’s coming from
respect others beliefs, and they’ll respect yours. simple as that.
being gay is a choice SyD no one is forcing u
Yikes please leave. Being gay isn’t a choice.
“He was pretty good looking” *Sure* 🤡😂
“Mur-ter” 💀
I’m not homophobic but…..
*i don’t support gay people*
n o s t a l g i c t h i n g z MOCHIII!
n o s t a l g i c t h i n g z how is that homophobic tho u dont have to support it just dont be offensive about it…
dat one black female he actually is homophobic though. In one of his live streams he said if youre gay youd go to hell and being gay is wrong.
“MuRtEr” yk what he looks like —>🤡
p.s i posted this comment before he spit into a girls mouth i- that’s literally so disgusting-
If your pro life go be pro life for yourself if you have a baby don’t kill it (even though it’s not a baby yet or even a fetus and he doesn’t have a uterus so he REALLY shouldn’t be saying anything) if you wanna have a abortion go ahead your body your choice periodt.
A.how can you be friends with a gay person but not support LGBTQ+ and B. what would he known about abortion? he’ll never have to get pregnant, plus, personally i would rather abort my child then run the risk of them growing up in a horrible home/foster home. Boy is clowning himself 🤡
ive seen this go around
lmao he can voice his opinion, but the way he went about it was not it sis. murter bitchass. 🤡🤢
I’m homophobic.
I hate it when guys give their a opinion on abortion like do you a have uterus
I now know what imma change my bio too…”iTs cAllED mURTeR”
video: posted
10 year old feminists: SKSKSKSKSKSKS CLOWN CHECK
he’s saying he’s pro life yet he says everyone should have a choice?????
He’s dumb asf then if ur pro life and you believe people should have a choice then ur pro choice
Nope gal exactly, it’s got me hella confused
No he means like he doesn’t agree with it at all, and won’t support it by donating or things like that.
Anna Henderson he’s saying people should have the choice to abort, but he says he doesn’t support it (pro-choice) yet he’s saying he’s pro-life
“i’d be friends with a gay person” yeah ok and how do you expect a gay person to want to be friends with you if you don’t even support their sexuality?
*says he respects women*
5 seconds later: ALL DOCTORS ARE MALE
Super Juice I mean I don’t agree with him but I think he was saying doctors who are performing abortions who happen to be men are men making the decision of taking your baby. That’s not what I’m saying but I think that’s what he is saying
i have no idea who this is but u best believe imma watch this video
i used to stan him so hard and i’m so disappointed
he’s islamphobic, homophobic, sexist, he used to make soundcloud music (in which he cussed), he raped his ex girlfriend and had s*x before marriage. some say he used to say the N word.
Imagine being a man and talking about abortion like that…
Imagine* but men should have a say if their having a baby with someone and women should have a say when their pregnant too they shouldn’t make comments on others pregnancies.💕
i’m just waiting for this to be a joke
WTH he said he would have a gay friend but he doesn’t support their sexuality.Thats like saying I hate black people but I have black friends.He is just contradicting himself over and over.Also how tf is he going to tell women or young girls what they can and cannot do with their bodies because he is a male,so he has no idea what happens when a young girl has a baby,for one why tf should we wait to have sex I mean ages 13-18 is when the average person usually looses their virginity or until marriage but shit happens and a lot of the time it’s unexpected when you lose it.
I agree to a certain extent. For example if a teenage girl was raped and impregnated, if she decides to abort the baby she shouldn’t be condemned for that choice because it can cause health complications as her body isn’t fully developed but I don’t agree with abortion if a woman has unprotected sex and doesn’t want to take on the consequences. Also why would you have sex between 13-18 my mom would beat me if i ever did that. I don’t know if where i live is different but no one has sex at that age and you should wait to have sex because as a 13-18 year old you have no way of income, you don’t have a house of your own nor are you capable of taking care of yourself so it’s a dumb decision to have sex knowing that there’s a possibility of pregnancy just because “you don’t want to wait”.
(my opinion don’t come for me please 🙂 I get it if you’re going to state your own personal opinion you don’t need to yell it and be aggressive about it and abortion is an option if you get raped what if you daughter got raped she was going to school and she was 14/16 or even younger what would you do? Not all doctors are men and it’s their job to help you with your abortion and other things . It’s her right what she wants to do it’s her body not yours.Respect women and yet you made a song about fuxking and calling them bishies women respect for sure.and if you don’t support gays that’s pretty much homophobic if you would be friends with a gay person that’s because of that person personally. God wouldn’t be proud of you because he says you should love everyone♥️. Thank you aexotiic love your channel sm🙂♥️! And boii if your not going to respect women don’t be yelling around period.
Where in the bible did it ever say being gay is wrong. I know Jesus said love everybody so some of yall Christian are really messing up the whole idea of being a Christian like I’m not a Christian but I’m pretty sure that not what the bible says.
lmaooo i cant believe u made a video on this. i followed him and liked him until all of this stuff happened. i lost alot of respect for him. the memes and the videos that were made about was hilarious lmao
You can state your opinion everyone can but if you can’t do it in a way that is respectful then nope
1:30 literally had 0 fucking clue who he was and first thing I thought was “he’s definitely a bottom”
he’s still stuck in a 1920’s i can’t🥴 he literally said the doctors male like um why can’t women be doctors🧐
he never said they couldnt…
ok then.
I am personally pro-life but I believe that females should have a choice and just because I don’t want to abort doesn’t mean that other people shouldn’t have the right to
_aahhh…fresh tea_
*im christian and bisexual, still go to church and pray i-*
same here
beebo brendon catholic girl here goes to church but I 100 percent support the lgbtq+ community there’s nothing wrong with being gay or anything everyone is equal and amazing
Us youngins need to take a yearlong break from the internet, its to much, and also people making fun of the kid on tik tok and calling him names are literally fighting fire with fire, he made an oopsi , stop acting as if you have never maybe once said something that was offensive or an aggressive opinion and didn’t realize it was wrong till after the fact? If you haven’t you probably because you are human.
Okay Kyler…What happens if a girl is raped and pregnant?
i could not care less about him being pro life it was the way he said it calling pro choicers murders and saying his opinion was a fact pro choicers just want people to be able to make that decision on their own.
But people like the doctor’s who kill the baby are murderers
no Idea they aren’t murders people have their reasons to get abortion it’s okay to be pro life but respect the people who aren’t
no Idea it’s not even a baby it’s a fertilized egg you don’t have to think abortion is okay but like i said it’s wrong to push your opinion on others not all pro choicers get abortions we just want people to have that decision on their own
when most people have abortions it is still a ball of cells, not a baby, not even a fetus, it’s a ball of cells and people don’t understand that. a lot of doctors won’t preform abortions past a certain point in a woman’s pregnancy.
he’s also just contradicting himself saying he’ll be friends with gay people but doesn’t support them and that he loves everyone but doesn’t support homosexuals. there’s also plenty of Christians who support abortion and being gay, blaming you religion for how ignorant you are is seriously fucked up.
can you decide whether someone gets an abortion or not? https://pics.me.me/can-you-decide-whether-someone-gets-an-abortion-or-not-41024263.png
Men should have a say in abortion if it’s their baby no matter if its you’re womb it’s their baby too and if they really don’t want you to have one and they really want the baby then keep it or think about it alot and fully because they matter too.💕
uh he seems not cute to me regardless of what he said
Nobody asked for your opinion
Im sure theres a lot of mature and respectful pro lifers out there but it’s people like him that give them a bad name. whenever I go on instagram and see a post related to supporting women’s choices and abortion theres a bunch of clowns in the comments like him and majority is male which is even sadder. they just comment MURDER everywhere and when a pro choice person tries to put in their opinion these people completely bash them. if you won’t respect my pro choice opinions I’m not respecting your aggressive pro-life ass.
a person who is pro-life: *inhales*
Entire internet: literally attacks them for having a different view.
its rather that he was being disrespectful (not that pro-choice ppl arent) and was being rude and ignorant saying “doctors are males” and calling his fans brainwashed and stuff tho
kaya desai oh I am not defending him. I was just saying in general. When the topic was very big I saw this all over eh place.
Its just his damn opinion, stfu. If you don’t like it unfollow, unlike and whatever else y’all can do on Tic TOC…I’m not supporting it or denying his claimes..
Ok but like why do people need to talk about religious or political opinions in the first place if you know your gonna get hate??? That’s why those things are to be kept privately.
Kyle: mUrTeR
Me: idk what murter is but go off
Kyler: I am a good Christian boy
reminds of the iM lOokiNg fOr a cHrIsTiaN gyUrLfFriEnD guy lmao
Without the hair and clothing he’d literally look like a priest
he’s educating fans through his opinion, he should teach them to have their own opinion and not force his religion or opinion people
he said *MURTER*
This is why I don’t have a tiktok account
Rape left the chat.
All I hear is clown music
“Pretty good looking” I dont see it he’s gross 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮
He triggered you so much that you have to attack him on his physical appearance LMAO
Listen, he just needs to take a chill pill. Like damn, I understand you wanna say your opinion and it’s perfectly fine, but the way you speak about it could give other people different perspectives of what you are saying. I’m also religious and believe in Christianity, but never in my life have a spoken badly about homosexuals. I have plenty of friends that are homosexuals, and I’m perfectly okay with it. I also don’t think it’s his place to speak about abortion, you’re a dude, ladies should be the ones that speak out about that topic.
Honestly I don’t see the point of attacking him, he’s not gonna change his opinion and everyone has the right to their own opinion. He could’ve stated it better but he apologized and stated he respects people. Why did he have to bring his beliefs on tik tok tho? 🤷🏻♀️😂
if you don’t support abortion just don’t have one lmao
I believe in pro life
Unless someone RAPES you, then I don’t want that person to have to carry a full term pregnancy.
But everyone has opinions and if you’re pro choice, cool. That’s your opinion, if you respect mine then I respect yours.
i’m not justifying his opinions but some of y’all had to see these coming because this boy is practically mormon
Kyler: 🤡
I hate how he uses his religion as an excuse. like sis I’m huge Christian, but I’m LGBT and am pro- choice. so obviously it has nothing to do with religion💀.
He sounds so dumb i-
I’m losing brain cells as we speak..
You know that I love donuts but dunkin donuts you know that I dont support that. Periodt
*actually sips tea*
I swear this guy literally reminded me of Donald Trump 😳
Donald Trump actually supports the LGBT community.
Just because something is illegal in some states doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. In some states you can marry your cousin, does that mean it’s good to marry your cousin? In some states marijuana is legalized and in some states it isn’t, does that make it good or bad? Abortion is protected under the 14th amendment in the US constitution and the right to have an abortion is held in the Supreme Court case Roe v Wade (1973).
He looks gay I’m confused –
I get he has an opinion, but how he expressed it..
having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against homosexual people.
He doesn’t even make sense like?? There’s female doctors.
“i love everybody”
*continues to preach for men dictating victims and just regular women’s lives like a fucking PRICK*
homophobia is disgusting being pro life is disgusting thinking its okay have an opinion on someone else life or body is disgusting
It’s a babies body sis, it’s disgusting to kill another human life. Especially since most of times people don’t want to give up their partying life.
no Idea it’s not a baby if a baby was being killed it would be illegal it’s cells
Nothing is wrong if he doesn’t support it tbh he has a choice
somebody said he looked like a bicycle seat and it SENT ME
Why is he saying periodt in an apology
At this point, if you know ur gonna say something controversial just keep it to yourself 🤦🏾♀️
Everyone has different views in my opinion males shouldn’t be commenting on abortion and I feel like you don’t have to like lgbtq+ people but respect that they are people to and I feel like people should stop commenting on the lgbtq+ because it there life not ours .
Not all Christians are like this ok. As a Christian woman I do believe abortion is wrong in a way but the government specially a mainly male government should not take away that right. And if u get an abortion I’m ok with it. Just I would never get one. And if your gay it’s fine with me. It doesnt make u any less than me, and I won’t treat u differently because of your sexual orientation. If u are my friend and coke out as gay I will explain to u that it goes against my religion but doesn’t affect our friendship or how I view you.
Omg thank god my mom didn’t murTer me as a fetus
christian person smoking, drinking alcohol, getting tattoos, having premarital sex, committing adultery, etc: …
(chill btw i know not all Christians do this issa joke)
imagine thinking you, a male, have any kind of say on a woman’s life. “use a condom” Oh yeah! cuz r*pe victims are to blame for being forcefully violated OH YEAH! MAKES SO MUCH FUCKING SENSE
U probably won’t see this, but I just wanna say that ur intro is dope af, and, he’s disgusting for spitting in a girls mouth, like I’m sorry it’s a bit irrelevant but I can’t get past that. Ur sick 4 that kyler
he justifies his reasoning as “being a christian” but in christianity it’s up to god to do the judging of people’s choices. so like, ?¿??
shoutout to his christian soundcloud music 😊🙏🙇♂️
@corb LOL
Sometimes condoms and birth control fails prolife people piss me off
I mean it’s not homophobic if u don’t support the lgbt community only if u show respect to them. But the way he put it was very disrespectful.
Yo I thought it was Tyler the creator
he said “it’s murTER” 💀💀
He did wrong but he cute doe 😗
‘it’s called M U R T E R”
lmfao take social media away from these ugly ass white boys
He’s disgusting
In a video u made a couple months ago u stated u didn’t support abortion?? Really confused?
Yo it’s fine he just don’t support it based on religion
Edit:*listens to the rest of the live stream
Me: homophobic headass periodt
i was so early i saw when the title said “tyler” instead of “kyler”
sis, sit down and drink ur e-boy juice.
I’m prolife but I respect other people’s opinions… being homophobic tho?💀gtfo please
He is such a clown he doesn’t understand how that effects so many people on this planet & not all doctors are males that’s sexist he’s sexist,homophobic
Theres nothing wrong with being homophobic, people are allowed to their own opions. Dont be such sensitive snow flakes and think an opossing opion in bad.
But people are also mad since he was saying and doing really bad things
Okay I’m sorry but, I agree with his opinions; that I respect your choice to be gay but I don’t support it. Annddd I also don’t support abortion because even though it’s the woman’s body, the child in her has rights to have a chance to live. But the way he stated his opinions was very aggressive and it made people with the same opinion as him look rude. Idk this is just my own Personal opinion
why did i think he said “nigger”
He cute but his attitude isn’t
am I the only who doesn’t find him attractive 😩
Just to add in a tiktoker Addy when she was about 15 got asked for nudes when he was about 18/19. Another thing was where he got angry at a Muslim at a skate park for being Muslim. I got this from Addy when she went live on tik tok yesterday.
it’s called
When he said, “i love jesus” i instantly thought about Trisha’s song about her loving jesus. 🤭🙈
sis doesn’t have social media. but this guy not even close to cute.
its called *M* *U* *R* *T* *E* *R*
he acts like all the gays want him as a friend
Babies that are male die so he deserves a opinion. Babies that fathers also want die because the women. So….the whole males shouldn’t have an opinion is stupid and this is coming from a woman 💀
ty for covering this i was so confused
I am so confused, how can you be friends then??
“it’s called murTer”
he looks like a 🤡
Jesus is disappointed.
and to think i thought he was cute 🤮🤮🤮
no uterus, no opinion
Ugly ass white boy how y’all like these weird ass boys look how he dresses 😂😂😂
I hate those people attacking them. LET HIM HAVE HIS OPINION. Please.
i feel like the word “christian” is being thrown around too often.
Men have no control on what women want to do with their bodies,PERIODTTTT😌💅
_ask yourself if your opinions are rude then say them_
_otherwise don’t say shit cuz it hurts_
hot take: if you need religion to be a good person, were you even a good person in the first place??
I love how people jump him for being “homophobic” when he said he would be friends with gay people. And they attacked him over his opinion, like honestly shut the fuck up.
Kyle just needs to learn how to speak correctly
Honestly I don’t even know him but it’s his own opinion so honestly stating ur own opinion is bad now, that’s just wrong leave him alone. It’s his own opinion. I support everyone but I mean just leave him alone
m u r T e r
I am pro life but if a woman gets a abortion I respect her and her choice. it’s her body and her choice I have no say in it. and yes I am a female as well. and I respect everyone who’s pro life or pro choice.
first of all he’s not and will nvr be cute😒
and y is he voicing his opinion on something he knows nothing about 🤦
and his pronunciation of the word murder is like a five yr old
I just hafta say 1 thing:
No uterus
No opinion
God I need help
he’s also kind of sexist for saying that the doctors performing abortions are all male, acting like female doctors aren’t a thing ??
Im a Christian too. But I’m not homophonic AND I’m pro-chocie. This dude is whack
Y’all keep making untalented white boys famous but then wanna be mad when they show you their privilege
Wonder how many times he has wanked and killed all those sperm. THEY COULD BE FUTURE CHILDREN! Oh no put a ban on that bitch
and people expect everyone to agree with everything they say, honestly though, shut the fuck up you stupid hypocrites, no one gives a fuck that “everyone has to be like you”
Tyler: I respect woman
Also Tyler: dIcK oN hEr LiP
I’m pro life but I was born female and have a different view on it
there are two sides to every opinion and people are allowed to have their opinions. i personally am pro life but i don’t agree with the way he stated things, he could of said what he was trying to say a lot better and on a different platform lmao
i’m laughing at all these *mUrTeR* comments
Yes, I’m a Christian. Yes, I am pro life. Jesus said love everyone, and the LGBTQ+ community are people too! I’m personally not gay, but I still respect them. Heck, even my best friend is gay! I know some Christians and be stupid. I can be. You can be. Can we just frick fracin love everyone 🙂
if men can’t give there opinion on abortion then women can’t give there opinion on video games “that appeal to the male fantasy”
*”You are literally allowing these males to kill your baby.”*
Because I made the decision to do it and I gave them *MY* permission to do it🙄🤦
Ok so rape, do we choose for that? No. Abortion should be legal everywhere. Imagine being raped and getting pregnant by someone you DON’T know someone you’ve never seen before and hurt you. Imagine being a whole ass teen and you get fucking raped. How can he say shit if he’s a male. If he choose to have sex and choose for it to do it without a condom, that’s your own fault and you should know better.
Um I am triggered holy fuck
i believe that he has a right to whatever he believes in but he really doesn’t have an opinion on abortion i’m sorry but yeah🤔
Tbh white Christians are probably the furthest from god 🤷🏽♀️
Honestly he not hating like yeah he’s shaming people who get abortion but like ;-; I don’t even know this guy it’s just like his opinion ( PLZ DONT HATE BCZ I HAVE A UTERUS AND I THINK ITS STUPID WHAT HE SAID ABOUT IT)
kYleR: I would love to be a gay persons best friend, but I don’t support it
common sense: am I a _joke_ to you?
I think if u respect ppl belief to be gay but don’t believe in it I don’t think u homophobic
He’s not homophobic for not supporting lgbtq 🤷
Am I the only one who thinks he isn’t cute💀
I want to throw up now. He literally spit into a girls mouth. 😭😭
In my personal opinion he’s not considering the girls who get raped it’s so sad young girls get pregnant when that happens to them some of
I choked on my apple sauce when I saw the #AbortKyler
This makes me really mad because I’m pro life and Christian and I really hope people don’t think all Christians/Pro Lifers are like this. (Btw I’m a female)
All I’m saying is the potential “father” has a say in the matter but can’t choose for her in the end🤷🏾♂️
i lost brain cells when he was talking about abortion-
“I’m not homophobic!”
“I don’t support gay people”
“I could be friends with a gay person”
no because we don’t want to be friends with you
this is why i stay away from christian people 😔
he says it because “iTs EdGy”
why is it that any pro life person on social media gets so much backlash for saying what they think, the way he said it was bad, but people r twisting his words so much and making him look sexist and homophobic, like sorry all u guys r looking like 🤡🤡
oh so he’s transphobic as well for intentionally misgendering syd 👀👀 hmmm
I think personally his opinion is idiotic but I respect the fact that he has one the only reason I got mad is because in his live he said that ” he loves his fans and he was only educating them” he should be telling his fans his opinion and telling them to do their research and create their OWN opinions and not “educate them” with his opinion 💀
7:00 Tyler?
Is it me or every body respect lesbian and I respect gay boys
so there’s no female doctors? look we get your opinion, if you don’t support it then whatever that’s nice, but come about it in a more respectful way. the way he came about it was pretty harsh and aggressive, i feel as if his apology was a bit half ass, as if he was only doing it from the hate and not actually caring about how aggressive he was. then again that’s just my thing, but either way he shouldn’t be talking about abortion especially when he’s never really been put under that pressure/position, like MY body MY choice. no one wants abortion to happen, but if someone was raped? yes, you can give it up for adoption and other things like that, but at the same time i don’t think that’d be a solution for the victim, especially if they just want that unborn child out of them immediately, i’m pretty sure they’d want to forget about the whole situation.
Idk who this dude is but oooo my blood is boiling
Honestly I don’t support abortion either but what he said about gay people isn’t cool
“i love gay people and I’m not homophobic. but I don’t support it tho”
i t s c a l l e d *M U R T E R*
Him: men don’t have a choice what about the doctors they have a choice and their men
Me:….. I- ok then
my only question is…
why would he be bringing abortion to a platform where literally almost nobody is talking about abortion or even saying anything about that topic. Tik tok is a place where you like make fun videos and you can be creative. Why is he just bringing a very sensitive topic to an app like that. (sorry, I just needed to get that off of my chest)
we killin babies that aint even formed yet lord
“Its called *murter* “
he says he does respect a womans choice to get an abortion, but doesnt support it. but then goes and calls woman who get abortions “murderers” if he truly respected the choices to get an abortion he wouldnt judge someone who does. like actually lost all my respect for this dude💀
this is so popular how have i not seen this on tiktok once. PeRiOd
i can’t stand that he keeps saying “period” like stop.
I dont get what’s so hard about saying you disagree/agree and leaving it at that, calling people murders and being homophobic is just ridiculous and old.
i mean you can be friends and love someone but not respect their decision, I’m not saying hes right tho so dont come for me 😂
Why would I respect your opinion if it disrespects me
*me deletes tik tok and can’t log in for one day* :
This is like when u miss a day of school and then theirs fights and stuff smh 😂
Technically it’s not his body, it’s not anyone’s body except the lady who wants an abortion. I believe abortion should be allowed if they need it. If they knew the consequences of having unprotected sex and did it anyway that’s there fault. And that’s when it’s there fault and shouldn’t have an abortion. Anywayyy he shouldn’t be talking. And I support abortion to an extent.
i LOST IT when he said “period”
i was just thinking if you would make a video about this
he’s literally 20… he asked addy ( another tik toker ) for nudes when she was 15… and he called syd ( a trans boy ) an “ it “ on live. He’s a piece of shit. peRioD
kyler: i- i- *sweats profusely* i could- be- be friends with.. *gulps* a g.. *whispers* a gay person.
hes saying period like hes doing something
Kyler: abortion is bad I don’t support gay, being gay is a choice
Also kyler: I love gays, I love everybody, I love woman.
Abortion is not “murder”. So if a girl gets raped she has to keep the baby or she’s a “murderer”. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He had the audacity to say “period”.
Kyler: I don’t support gays
Also Kyler: I’m not homephobic
h o m e p h o b i c
period, m u r t e r
i’d seen him on my foryou page a few times and i thought he was gay ngl
Eboys all look gay
When he was saying periodt like it did something: 🤡
Y’all are doing something that’s illegal and it’s called ᴹ ᵁ ᴿ ᵀ ᴱ ᴿ, you guys are ᴹ ᵁ ᵀ ᴱ ᴿ ᴱ ᴿ ˢ
I’m on his side idk what y’all is on and I’m a girl………it’s not the right that the girl has to her body like wtf it’s not her body that’s being killed it’s a fuvking child that belongs to ITSELF and it should be the child’s choice when it wants to die just like we all have but since it “hasn’t fully developed it doesn’t really matter” smh y’all social justice warriors are fucking stoopid I’m not tryna hate or anything I just don’t support fucking MURDER!!!! 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️an infant isn’t a fully developed child either even after it’s born but it’s still considered one
He’s internalizing some shit..
its called murter
Wtf is a Kyler
Murder? It’s not his body + not everyone can take care of children
All my family is christian but is pro choice lmao that don’t justify shit.
He’s the kind of person where he think he knows IT ALL and he’s “always RIGHT”😭😂he should have kept his mouth shut (unfollow)
I’m going to follow him now
He can have his own opinions, he doesn’t have to support things he doesn’t feel comfortable with. They don’t have to constantly attack him it’s his free speech and them bullying his opinion is taking away it. I was never ever disrespecting anyone purposefully and all he did was state his opinions🙄
Edit: I don’t really like him but ya know I don’t think the first time he went about it correctly but most ppl knew what he meant and still continued to attack him
Honestly I’m prolife but I do believe that if you get raped it’s ok but not just if you screw up. USE PROTECTION. (If you’re not ready) not starting anything just saying. Don’t come at me.
whew a whole clown 🤡🤡
I used to be sad when I learned about abortions BUT SOME TIMES WOMEN DONT WANT TO CARRY A FUCKING FETUS FOR 9 MONTHS…
Sorry I cussed
he’s so uneducated that its making me uncomfortable
i’m a christian, but i’m pro-choice and love gay people. i swear we aren’t all like this
“I love gay people, but I don’t support it” um what?
Hey, I get the religion part but he sounds so aggressive while saying it
Everytime he jerks off he’s a MURTERER!! poor sperm 🙁 It could have become a baby :c
He puts a bad name on those that are pro-life. He should’ve just sat there and shut up.
Sid said on his recent video “you called me an it” wtffffff like you can have ur own opinion every one has but don’t disrespect Sumone like that tf? Oooo let me not start 🙄
Ty for the video tho
kyler: saying what women should do with their bodies
some girls who like him cus he’s “cute”: PERIODT😍
Bro hes all over my fyp
bicycle seat boy go away 😔👊🏻
no uterus no opinion SHUT THE FUCK UP KYLERRRRRR 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢
I respect his opinion I don’t agree with it but HIS LOGIC OMMMMMLLLLLLLLL
The points he made:
•rape doesn’t exist
•all doctors are male
•doesn’t support people
•kyler s homophobic
•kyler is ignorant
•he doesn’t act Christian
We should muter him
“I dont support gay people but I love you and I’d be best friends with a gay person.” bitch I’m gay and no way in HELL would I ever be best friends with someone who says they dont support my sexuality that I cant change. bitchass
Why are people still saying that they are pro life? They are pro birth and nothing more.. They don’t give a shit what happens to the baby after it has been born🙄 Like why not first fix the adoption system?? First help those children that actually feel things. And homeless people? It also doesn’t help the over population the earth is facing in the future.. Banning abortion won’t stop it.. It just takes away the safe way to do it.
he clownin tho fr fr 🤡
#abortkyler was the funniest thing I saw today
idc what anyone says because this is my opinion as well, but I 100% agree with him about abortion, and so fucking what if he’s a male speaking on abortion? It’s HIS opinion and it’s also his decision whether he wants to support gay people or not. Just because someone doesn’t agree with what y’all agree with doesn’t mean you need to attack him. Just saying🥰
He looks straight from imvu 💀..
love how he’s trying to talk big about abortion like he’s a woman..
“I’d be best friends with a gay person. Do I support it? *No.* *_i aM nOt hOmOpHobIc!1!1!1”_* Make up your mind damn dude
If he doesn’t like gay and women or doesn’t respect them maybe he shouldn’t use language influenced by them
how can anyone take him seriously when he said “periodt”
im laughing so hard. when he said “period” i almost lost it. hun you did nothing akajakshk
Why do people think squidward is cute?? Pfff cardi b is so educated lol
“It’s called ᴹᵁᴿᵀᴱᴿ and it’s legal in 4 states”
my opinion: period.
He’s cancelled, who is he ? Lmao
There’s always 2 sides, this mostly showed people against kyler. their were people who supported his opinion BUT stated it respectfully.
Why the heck did I think she was talking about Tyler Oakley??? Hebebwidjrniejebebfofpdojwnw
Lmao I’m pro-life and he is an embarrassment. Periodt.
you know what’s disgusting MEN telling WOMEN what to do with their bodies. “pErIoD” lorddddddd getcho murTer headass outta hereeee.
*M U R T E R*
No no no. I’m pro life but the way he approached abortion was so gross. He needs to be more respectful towards pro choice. Also if the woman can’t support the child she shouldn’t be forced to keep it
The Dope and meech😂😂😂
Deeply sorry my ass
Question. So it’s okay when a male supports abortions, but when they don’t suddenly every female who supports it believes they shouldn’t have a say in it?
Why is everyone flipping their shit over this? I’m sorry but is he not allowed to have an opinion? All because you don’t agree with him doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. He was aggressive at first but he apologized. The only reason y’all don’t forgive him is because you can’t accept others opinions not being the same as yours smh.
I hate how this isn’t even a joke and he’s actually serious. Like he is a cis white straight male who has no place to talk about what women should or shouldn’t do, like the tik Tok said.
we not attacking him for being pro life we’re attacking him because he is shaming girls
I saw his live and I was like NO 🤢
0:55 & who’s making the laws about not being able to have an abortion? Male.
I thought it say kylie 💀
periodt murter
3:20 I DIED
This dude has a little sister…
Girl I am so so sorry that your brother doesn’t think you deserve basic human rights
Bruh lowkey agree wit him
MurTer 😂😂
He’s entitled to his own opinion and the only problem is the way he stated it.
i think men still have every right to comment on abortion because when a woman is having an abortion and the father of the baby doesn’t want her to, legally she cannot have an abortion because it’s the fathers baby too. kylers views on homosexuality however i think we’re very insensitive and he should think twice about what he’s gonna say about homosexuality.
wait you can love everyone but you can’t support gays? (or the LGBT i’m assuming) how is that true acceptance lmao
I know it’s serious but I can’t stop laughing over “murter”
So be honest I might get attacked for this but I feel like if it is his opinion then no one really has the right to hate on him I get it! The things he said was really disgusting and he should had kept it to himself but like cmon if someone hated you and threatened you for your own opinion I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t like that!(please don’t hate on me;(
He still cute to me and I agree with him… Yeesh people can’t have an opinion without getting attacked
condoms don’t always work lmao
It’s sad how you can’t even voice your opinion because the people who view differently would make fun of you.
So true. Liberals go crazy when someone has different views than them.
I agree with him
some wat lol
You should talk about Radical seb and how he is a pervert and racist.
i said 🤰 but then i aborted it 😭
#abortkyler LMAOO
why is nobody talking about how his name is fucking KYLER DKDJDJ
when dudes talk about abortion like it’s their business kinda annoys me
Olivia Claire
I mean they did help make the child…
Bruh girls are being raped everyday around the world. Most of them become pregnant. Do u think a woman wants to keep a baby of a monster ?
Rayah’s ratchet Channel
1% of unwanted pregnancies are from rape, so that’s basically irrelevant.
You and spill are the only commentary channels I go to. For opinions
Who asked him tho
What drug is he on-
why would people think he was cute in the first place he literally looks like the guy from *Rio*
no offense but like I thought he was gay lol
ok ok he fucked up about how he said his pro life opinion but him not supporting the lgbt community is something you really shouldn’t be mad about,many religious people might not support it but support the person because you sexuality won’t stop someone from being your friend,he’s just religious as fuck and can be close minded which makes my ass go crazy wyd
“It’s called murTer”🤡🤡🤡
He’s making himself look like a 🤡
he should be allowed to have his opinions. i think what triggered ppl is the way he presented his opinions. he did it in a rlly rude manner which isn’t okay. but other than that, the hate he’s getting for his opinions is messed up.
Okay so I feel like he shouldn’t be getting as much hate as he is getting. Like part of the reason he is getting so much hate is due to him being pro life. But when someone says their pro choice they don’t get hate…. I am pro life and I experience this “hate” a lot too. Both online and in person. But people like to stop “hating” on me as much as soon as they find out I have a child at 16… I had the choice and I chose to keep my child. However I completely respect and understand people who are pro choice and I don’t send them hate. I do think abortion is okay in some circumstances… like when the child’s life would be in more danger if it came into this world or so many other justifiable reasons… but for the majority I am pro life. I do understand why he is getting hate for the “homophobic” statement he said. However he didn’t say he hates gays he just says he doesn’t agree with it (pretty sure due to his religion) which I wish people would respect too. It’s his religion… but I do understand that his statement about gays was pretty harsh. Made me definitely feel uncomfortable as a lgbtq+ person but it’s his opinion. I feel like people want everyone to just believe the same thing. But that’s what makes us different is our beliefs and people should respect his. He should have just been more careful with his words…. but again just my opinion 🤷♀️
Faythe Harmony there are other reason he’s getting hate. He got mad at a Muslim person for just being Muslim at a skate park. He also asked Addy for nudes when she was 15 and he was 18/19
smh liberals are better than this
All he’s doing is voicing his opinion and beliefs and not doing harm to anyone while doing so. The only thing inexcusable about this situation is the way he presented his opinions and beliefs, which was aggressive. Other than that, I agree with him. Democrats go crazy when someone opposite of their views voices their opinion online, pathetic.
how fucking ignorant and clownish do u have to be?
Based and redpilled.
Killing your baby isn’t an opinion, it’s a fact.
Homosexuality is destructive for physical and mental health.
you can be pro life and pro choice.
please don’t start anything, I love you all no matter what <3 human is human.
Kyra Hendershot huh?
Kyler is literally a mf 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
I mean they can share their opinion….but I’m not gonna listen to it 😂😂
I just think it wasn’t in his place to talk about abortion, homosexuality, or his religion. One, being homosexual or getting abortion both don’t have anything to do with your religion. I’m Christian, and gay, and those are two very different things about me. Also, he really shouldn’t be talking about abortion. It’s okay if he’s prolife, but he went full beast mode on that sh*t when he’s a man. Men don’t have kids. If a women can’t take care of a child, can’t afford a child, doesn’t desire a child, or simply isn’t ready, that’s her choice. He shouldn’t make women who get abortions feel ashamed. A fourteen year old could be pregnant. Is she supposed to care for a child that young? No, it’s a women’s decision.
Everything aside, no hate to him I just wanna disagree.
You can be pro life for your own body and never want to have an abortion, but don’t take away the rights of someone who’s pro choice and wants to have an abortion because it’s their own body and it’s no one else’s business. Period
he really said he respects women but then doesnt respect their choices. he also talks alot about his religion but he spit in somes mouth,cusses,cuts his hair and tons of other things. also he like”dont have sex”sexual assault is a thing and hes doesnt have a vagina nor a uterus so he has no right to speak about abortion
This is why I stay off Tik Tok
okay fine, *kyler logic*
I will be civil toward kyler however I do not support him due to our DRASTIC difference in opinion. perIOD.
How can he be posting religious stuff and not expect others to not have opinions *lesson learned*
He looks like Sebastian Bails
Wait but when he said the doctors are male he failed to protect the women with his whole “im a feminist act” by basically calling women dumb like he’s such a joke 😭😭
I totally agree with him and everything he said!!!! My opinion so don’t @ me please
Kyler is allowed to have his own opinions and beliefs, it’s his right as a human. But the fact that he is trying to force it on other people isn’t ok. We are all allowed to have our own beliefs and people shouldn’t try to force you to change. Also he keeps deleting his apologies and then going back on live and making it worse for himself. Like him purposely misgendering Syd (punker_irl) and won’t stop, even when he “apologizes”. Also his ex said that he forced her to have sex with him, while she was 16 and he was 18. I’m not 100% if it’s true but if it is that’s statutory rape and sexual coercion. This dude is just getting on my nerves rn
do men give birth?
just keep your opinion to yourself *PeRiOdT*
Also you guys can’t define him by his past. People change, he might have been a different person back then, so stop holding him to that. And you can love everyone and still not support them. I do agree he went the wrong way about saying it though.
you guys know this is A publicly stunt right? before this whole situation many people had no clue who this guy is.. all of a sudden he gets into this crap and everyone’s talking about him… his acting is terrible and you can tell he is faking
I never liked him, he s so fake
Ok I’m not on his side but I think we should respect everyone’s opinion as a Christian my self iim discusted by his arrogance because all good Cristians khow that we should respect everyone’s sexual orientation and beliefs because then we are not being the bigger person or like God wants us to portray people that represent him !
I know everyone has their own opinion but I feel like we should get accept anyone for who they are and i don’t understand homophobia.
why should a rape victim be forced to keep their baby?
4:37 *wElCoMe tO BiBlE sTuDy wHeRe WeRe aLl cHiLdReN oF JeSuS*
i am someone who has the same beliefs as him, but maybe he could have done it in a different manner. the last video of him explaining himself was better. the other people that were making tiktoks about didnt seem like they respected his opinion, but not alllll of them. im just stating my opinion and i hope this doesnt rub anyone the wrong way💚
im pro choice but i still think we shouldnt hate on kyler
im the only one? ok
I actually respect what he said in the beginning :/ don’t hate on me… it’s just my opinion
i’m a christian and i’m pro choice & i support lgbtq+
Me : say m-u-r-d-e-r
Kyler : m-u-r-t-e-r
Me : 😐
The freaking hashtag to end him cracked me up 😂😂😂😂
Lol I’m Christian and I’m not pro choice. I also support the gays. Yee yee.
who tf says “murter”
i cant be the only person who had no fucking clue who he was until all this drama happened
Just wondering, why is he speaking about abortion badly when you can’t get one unless the baby is less then about two months old? Like they don’t have it after because that we be considered ‘killing’. But before the baby hasn’t fully developed to be alive. Just saying he should do research before he says this stuff on the Internet.🤷♀️
Fuck gay niggas
He’s unclear and rude at times but his voice is soo attractive 🥶😍🥵👀
Kyler: I dIdNt DiSrEsPeCt AnYoNe PeRsOnAlLy
He called syd “she” when syd is clearly a “he” and then when he was called out he ignored it
I brought Mur…MURTER!
I mean like, I’m Christian and I fully support the lgbtq+ community, and I’m also pro-choice. I’ll admit I use to be against abortion and homophobic because I was ignorant at the time, but after understanding these things better, my views changed. I’ll admit I do think people can respect the lgbtq+ community without supporting them, but normally if this is the case they don’t publicly express it. On the topic of abortion, I feel like if you don’t agree with it you should apply that to your life and not force your views upon others. Kyler, being of the male gender can’t even have an abortion, therefore I agree that he shouldn’t be speaking on behalf of it. As I said, I use to be against abortion, but then I realized that rather that trying to take that away from other women I should apply that to my life by choosing to never have one, and let other women be able to have that option.
sorry bud, but until you are capable of having a baby, shut up. *In this voice:* period
A male having an ‘opinion’ about women’s bodies, and women’s rights? HAHAH. He’s SO uneducated, it makes me laugh.
How u friends wit a gay person but dont support it????? Whattt?!??!
Disrespecting and disagreeing with the LGBTQ+ are two different things. Personally, my family doesn’t agree with it but that doesn’t mean they don’t support it or disrespect them.
i was going through his tiktoks and almost every caption was “4 the girls” or “4 the girls only” i-
I agree with kyler
“its called MURTER”
Let he who has not sinned cast the first stone
I mean like abortion is okay in certain circumstances but it’s a touchy topic because it’s murder pretty much but you should only have a kid if your ready to
I’ve never heard and seen this guy in my life until now
it’s definitely not… murter😂
how is he cute
he literally looks like a symmetrical carolyn kopp
James Charles is not alone now
Sorry, but as a female, I think men should have a say. Disagree to disagree but everyone can say their own opinions whether y’all like it or not. It’s his beliefs and opinions, just like y’all have yours.
2:58 omg syd I love him👽✌🏻💖
Okay I guess I get what’s happening… But at this point all his hate is becoming cyber bullying. He said nothing wrong but i’m guessing it’s the way he expressed it
hm i’m pro-life myself however understand the importance of prenatal care and sex ed. he’s just stating his opinions in really calluse ways.
Love your vids 😘❤️🧁
i love how he says if we get an abortion he wouldnt judge us but on his live he called it “murter” interesting…
“i love gay people”
“but i don’t support it”
uh- what?? xD
ghoulette people are saying hes not homophobic. he is though. in one of his live streams he said Being gay is bad and if you are gay, youll go to hell. sounds pretty homophobic to me 🤷🏽♂️
Sometimes good looking people just don’t think about what they have to say because of how “BiG” of a fandom they have
Im dead
how is this exactly what i was looking for??
Woah I’m speechless ITS MERTER
Honestly hes kinda a hypocrite for saying that hes loving jesus and then making a song thats saying some stuff thats against the bible, if yall know what i mean. Honestly some people need to chill, a lot of people say stuff like this and its just their opinion. like, yall shouldnt care anyway because a lot of people say stuff like that?
no one:
not a single SOUL:
kyler: 𝕄𝕦𝕣𝕥𝕖𝕣
I personally think that you don’t have to support lgbtq+, but you should respect them.
I think it’s childish that people are bringing videos back up from his past. People can change.
i was pro life for abortion, to a point. there are some girls who use it as it’s nothing like a birth control and that’s not right. and that’s why i was pro choice but however there are girls how should/cannot have a child for mental reasons(and many others as well) so i feel like it should all be a woman’s choice. it’s not like it’s fun to have to have an abortion. it’s heartbreaking but in some cases it’s something that has to be done. so that’s kind of where i stand now. idk if it’s just me or what
these clowns going to hell smfh
13k view (:
Someone take ‘periodt’ out of his dictionary🙄
i agree abt the abortion thing (sorry) but i disagree with his views on homosexuals
Our queen enjajaja dragged him
To Kyler
1. What you said about gay people is kinda dumb cuz u say u love then but u also say u don’t support homosexuality. Imagine if ur future son came out as gay and felt like if he wasn’t your son he wouldn’t be accepted by you at all, and for what, what if you two had an amazing relationship and then u freak out bc you think being gay is wrong, would you ruin a relationship that valuable. When someone comes out as gay their still the same person they were, your just learning something new about them.
2. Not all doctors who work on abortions are male
In some situations having a baby could literally kill you. Who tf wants to die!
he also said he thinks a man should be the head of the household like 🤡🤡
Personally, I’m not offended by what he said. It was just the manner he did it within. He can have his opinions just like i can have mine. As long as he can respect somebody from the LGBTQ+ that’s all that matters at the end of the day. I see nothing wrong except for nobody asked for his opinion and it was sort of out of nowhere. He doesn’t deserve the amount of hate he is getting.
First off I completely disagree with him BUT something that pisses me off about people is the fact that they are getting mad about someone not supporting the lgbt even though they respect them like sis no
I don’t support the LGBT community and I see everyone for their person If you’re mean I won’t like you if you’re nice I will
Like god most of my best friends and friends are LGBT+ and I’m not bothered they’re not bothered we don’t need to support each others beliefs or opinions all that matters is that we respect and support each other as people
if you don’t support something, just be respectful. but when it comes to abortion, he doesn’t need to open his mouth
You dont control what women do with their bodies. If you think its wrong you dont do it but you dont get to tell other people what to do and make it illegal. You can express your opinion but it shouldn’t be illegal. Religion also shouldn’t be your excuse for homophobia, racism, etc. This is coming from a bi catholic too so like.
This is my opinion, I’m really mad
“Abortion is muder” but when a girl gets fuckin raped at a young age or raped any fuckin age it’s muder smh..
I agree with what he says, we can support the Igbt but personally we wouldn’t do it ourselves, and abortions are wrong no doubt about it or am I confused lmao
Wake up in the morning I got “Murter” 🤜🏽👶🏻 on my mind