https://cinecom.net/5daydeal – Learn how to create 3 Fast & Easy TikTok effects. In this tutorial recreate popular TikTok VFX in Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe After Effects.
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#Cinecom #TikTok #AdobePremierePro
The best YouTube channel ❤️
how to not say “first”
The effects were so cool
I was going to watch an other video BUT I saw yours and I Clicked on it. You guys do amazing work 🙂
Seeing yannick without eyebrows was so funnny
That walking one was bugging me. You guys are essential workers.
I posted this on your poll and some other videos, but I’m not sure if you saw it. I HAVE AN IDEA! Hear me out: what if you do a cinebattle with the viewers? You give an effect and then everybody does their take of it and sends it to you, within a time limit (one week, maybe?), and then you select a winner, whoever did the best effect, and give them a small prize, (maybe a digital gift card, or perhaps a one year subscription to somewhere filmmaker related? Bragging rights?) You could even do it once every month or something
Pls make Justin’s where are u now effect
Hey make a tutorial on magneton effect from X-Men apocalypse
the first and the last one are really cool ahaha
3:36 haha your face Yannick…
from ph here
2:34 WOW he does de Michael Jackson’s anti-gravity lean
Your intro music reminds me those day in which I get started editing….about 2 year ago
imagine he end up kissing the floor ;D
I’m so proud, i did the eyebrow one in 5 minutes using resolve…LOVE IT. I’m going to put that as my intro for the next video. Yannick rules!
You guys are the BEST! Ya’ll are one of the main reasons I started to learn AE
3:26 “don’t turn it on…. unless you want to speed up the effect” I’m dead lmaoooo
bruhh Yannick’S reaction after the eyebrow effect is priceless
The Give-Away contest is now LIVE 👉 https://cinecom.net/5daydeal