Art I Found On TikTok V48 🎨


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#Art #Tiktok #Compilation



People who have art styles are so lucky! I’ve been trying to find my art style for awhile and I can’t

Cobia Lennon

Hey guys! I’m once again late!!!! Ha, here’s your art tip tho… (Spoiler: it’s a “how to not feel weird while drawing guys” tip)

Alright, so you know when you sit down to draw, or when you’re just doodling, having a great time, drawing your three quarter view girls, humming some annoying Disney tune that’s stuck in your head, when you finish the doodle, look at the page- and realize that it’s absolutely full of girls, and not a single guy in sight??? And you’re not even ok with that, because deep down, you know that you’ll have to learn how to draw those guys eventually!? Well, I’m here to (try and) make this task a little easier.

So, drawing guys. A very intimidating thing for lots of people, especially gals, I hear. This is a subject I could go over for hours about, and still not cover all the ground. But I’ll just give you some basic information, to save your eyeballs from having to read all of that, too.
Now, I want to clarify that I’m not going to tell you how to draw guys, that’s for another day, but I’m going to address one of the two most popular problems people have in drawing guys…

The most popular reason why lots of artists can’t draw guys (this one really applies to female artists), is because you feel wrong, or dirty drawing them. What I mean by this, is that you feel like you look like you’re drawing them for the wrong reasons. Like if your friends or family is going to look over your shoulder and ask if that’s your crush or something. Maybe you dont need to worry about anyone looking at your art and making fun of your “dream guy” or whatever, maybe you just feel wrong drawing them.
In this case, you should forget about what people will say about you drawing guys. When they make fun of you, or make dumb jokes about it, ignore them. If it still bothers you, then draw them in secret till you’re confident enough to a start showing them, or you could just tell them how their teasing makes you feel. But here’s a trick that really helped me…
As the artist, you can do whatever the hecc you want with your art (just please don’t go overboard), and (usually) get away with it! Because you’re the artist, and that gives you permission to do what you want with your art, and it gives you the excuse of “I’m drawing guys, because I want to improve”. The best part of that, is that non-artists don’t really know how drawing works, so they can’t really argue! There’s still one more tip for this. You know your own mind, and so you know that you’re not drawing guys for creepy reasons. So you’re not doing anything wrong. And that means that you’re innocent, and shouldn’t feel wrong. Now if you are drawing guys for the wrong reasons, I won’t say nothing bad about you. There’s this thing called “Guilty pleasure art”. And anyways, no one needs to know. Because for all they know, you are totally 100% innocent.

So there it is, my art tip on how to master the art of guy characters! Or, the first step to it, anywyas. Keep practicing, and stay cool! Happy drawing!!

(If you have any questions about anything (I recommend keeping the questions to art. I don’t know what the capital of Canada is, lol), just ask me. I’ll reply as soon as I can. If you’d like to hear about any specific topic on art next time, let me know, I’d be glad to help!)

Nana Chan

For the people who started to draw, I hope you’re doing an amazing job on those drawings on yours! If people say negative things about your draws just say “screw you guys!” And draw away! It’s fine if your drawings don’t become perfect like most artists do! Just continue drawing and you’ll improve without even know like how I did!

Side note: if the creator of the video pinned this, I don’t mind at all! I’m just here for the people who comment how they feel of how there art style isn’t like the drawings here shown in this video!

Queen of cuteness _ملكة اللطافة

3:50 ommg!!! Iam gonna go to my rovlox account and write : crush on…
I showed him to my sister and we kinda got a crush on him even tho she hates anime
U r hawt honey 💖💖😊😊💖💖😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Was watching this to help motivate me to finish the drawing I’m working on but now I’m just too chill and want to go to sleep lol



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