Here is my take on the ongoing Youtube vs Tiktok Controversy after Carryminati roast video. #lalitshokeen #youtubevstiktok
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Let me know your views guys.. aap log kya sochte hai en baare mein? spread this video if you agree with the points in this video!
Kon Kon Report Karke Play Store Mein Tiktok Ko👍
Tiktok and like apps, somewhere killing youth productive time. Changing minds of school kids, the content they watch, try to copy is scary. It should be stopped. Good thoughts Lalit bhai…
or ha Maa ko Ram Ram 🙏
Thank you soooooo much for helping in destroying the wrong and filthy thing in india and making India a better place to live❤
You really tell truth about this app.sometime I think it’s a plan for spoiling our youth.
Agree sir… love u❤
Stay safe in America
Carry minati has started clearing the kachra from social media.. We all should help him…❤@carryminati
Send tiktok to Moscow for 6 years. 🤣🤣🤣
If any one is reading this comment 🖐️🖐️🖐️
I wish you and your family safe from covid-19 /corona virus🤗🤗🤗
1% people who ever reading this may ur mother happy 💯 years 😊
*99% Peoples don’t read this comment but 1% are reading*
*Readers parents live for 100 years* ❤
जो खूबसूरत आंखें इस वक्त comments 📖📖 पढ़ रही हैं | भगवान करे उन आंखों के सपने पूरे हो जाएं🙏
Who is like in this?
Tik tok (Like)
YouTube (Comment)
WHO WANT TIK TOK BAN, HIT LIKE ❤👍👍 sir aap etna pada likha hoo🙏, sir aap kisi tarah you tube india se, baat kar ke pata lagaya, kis dialogue ki waza se carry ki video delete hue 🙏 because you have knowledge and power🔋
Modiji be like मित्रों, आत्म निर्भर बने।
चीनी सामान का बहिष्कार करे
Every Indians (carry’s fan specially) ban tiktok 😂🤣😂🤣🤣🤣😂
😂Tiktok 4.5 star earlier Now 1.2 star🌟
Tiktok ki rating 1.3 karane me kis kis ka yogdaan hai
दुसरे के दम प कद तक दिवाली बनाव गा भाई🤣😂🤣😂😂😂😂😄😃😄
Gajab line 🤸♂🤸♂🤸♂🤸♂🤸♂
2019-JCB ki khudai
2020 Tiktok ki chudai
966 dislikes ☺️… Everybody knows who they are #cheap_tictokers
sahi bat lalit sir ..we love you ..
100% Agree ✌️
This is the rsn I respect uh a lot❤️
Hiiiii lalit u r always right. I love ur all vedios
U nd ur family r amazing.
Love u. To u and ur family
Nd tik tok must be banned
YouTube: REMOVED CarrMinati’s VIDEO from YT
Meanwhile Me: ‘HAPPY ENDING’😁😂
Agree with you bro I have also deleted this app
Sir…. You are really amazing ❤️❣️
4:40 like carry said mehnat toh gadhe bhi krte h….🤣😂
Really impressed by your video Sir, you just got a new subscriber. Stay safe. Take care.
I agree with you and appreciate your thoughts.
Lalit sir ji best reply , love you as always ♥️🤩😁🥺🥰
This is a Chinese app
Corona and tik tok aare brother from same mother
Sir ji Bilkul shi bole aap 🙏🙏
Or yo India h PRADHAN 😁😁
#Bantiktok 🙏🙏🙏
Sir I was waiting for your video only. u r the only one who shared so Nicely without showing hatred towards tiktokers. keep smiling sir. lots of love for you and your family
मैं आपसे विनम्र प्रार्थना करता हूँ कि यदि आपके फ़ोन में भी है टिकटोक तो कृप्या डिलीट कर दें । हो सकता है लाखों में फॉलोवर्स हों आपके TIKTOK पर । लेकिन आप भी तो फॉलो कीजिये अपने *भारत* को , अपनी *भारतीयता* को ।
– आजाद
Best video on tik tok vs YouTube absolutely satisfied with your views sir !
Agree with you bro♥️
Sir, i strongly agree with all of your points. Thank you for teaching us more about this scrap.
Tik tok Ban ho jana chahiye
Time waste application for children’s and youth
I support Lalit bhai and I support Carryminati and i support Harsh and i support elvish yadav
Great Efforts Sir 👏👏👏
A Big Respect For You ♥️
Yes Sir Your Every Word Is True 👌
Ye dislike krne wale kon log hai?
Wahi honge jo ye sab kaam krte hai.
Finally! This video was much needed. A mature one speaking about the tru fight, which is against assholes who promote hate, violence, criminal msgs.
I really appreciate ur way of telling the truth …
But brother, India: everything goes on in it
Hats off sir, I appreciate ur positive attitude towards this, continue with the same spirit. Thank u sir
This video is great Lshokeen films, btw
have a look at this video guys
even i shared my opinion on this topic
, enjoy my vlog
बिल्कुल Ban होना चाहिए Tiktok.. बच्चों के भविष्य के लिए खतरा है Tiktok जैसे सभी Apps जैसे कि Like, Hello, Bigo live etc.!
Jis jis n tiktok ko report kiya h.. Thoko like❤
yes tik tok is vry useless app
Completely agree with you and i also request to ban such apps and website
Sir India ke kuch youngsters are literally hutiya, ratan tata sir k kam followers aur wo BSDK faizu k ache khase. Tiktok mujra karne k platform.hai.
This is the best message and answer from any YouTuber…🙏👍message from a literate and respected YouTuber….
Big fan sir🙏
Aap ek sache social influencer
Mujhe garav hai ki aap haryana se ho
I agree with you and appreciate your thoughts
Really satisfied with your thoughts
I agree with your all words and appreciate with your thought.
Disliker =tiktoker 😂😂😂😂😂
I appreciate your thoughts sir.
आपकी वीडियो का एक एक प्वाइंट वालिद है भाई जी, टिक टोक हिंदुस्तान में बंध कर देना चाहिए।
बहुत दिन हो गए भाई देशी प्रेम कहानी का एपीसोड 6 का इंतजार करते हुए
I appreciate your thoughts
Sir, I think we will have to take an appropriate steps simultaneously to remove this kind of waste.
I am ready to take the action.
Plz give ur point of view. Sir.
I never downloaded tiktok in my life but have seen videos through YouTube roast or people’s WhatsApp status …..but i should say we should stop crticism
मान गए डाकदार साहब , ले लो खीच के,इनके सही गिण दिए आज।
बच्चे मां बाप से लड़ाई करके Tiktok बनाने के लिए महंगे-महंगे Camera-Tripod और Lights खरीदते हैं, जबकि उनके मां बाप उसे afford नही कर सकते… आप का क्या कहना है…
Thank you so much sir…..
I’m 15 years old and deleting tik tok now
Just like a gentleman he says all in a very nice way. He puts all his thoughts in a great manner and in short words