TikTok is weird.
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TikTok is basically where people with low iq hang out with each other
At this point I’m not even surprised
Social media sites have always attracted different types of people
Its like vine but everyone on there has a wreath for a family tree
The real psychopaths on TikTok are the people that do the “Toilet Seat Licking Challenge”.
TikTok: Psycho’s
Reddit: Cirlcejerk
Tik Tok: “Who are you?!”
Tik Tok Psycho: “You made me a psycho.”
Tik Tok: “Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?”
Man people will do anything for content these days, especially covid related stuff :/
Yeah, I’d say about 95% of TikTok is people that you’d want to curbstomp
These people:
The bounty worth: $1,000,000
Me: Bravo six going dark.
Survey answer: I’d prolly just ask for another burger and go on with my day.
One of the things I hate most about tiktok is that people on unrelated social media repost everything. I mean you can’t go thirteen seconds on Instagram without seeing someones tiktok
Hey this comment is coming from a teenager
*I don’t get any sort of social media except YT & discord*
This video has 1.1k likes and 8 dislikes
1.1k: normal people
8 dislikes: tic tockers
Optimus: Tik Tok is weird
YouTube: Has videos of a girl eating a live octopus
This is why I avoid using TikTok altogether.
“Ah yes a worker licked there finger and touched food, maybe I should be a rational human being and alert someone or give notice. But… my son can film me going on a holier than thou rant.”
When someone says ‘All women are angels’ just tell them to download tiktok.
Thouth shallt seeketh outh thou wrongth and right, something like that idunno
Why do these entitled people always think they’re the “better person” with these actions and video’s?
Me: *Obeys the laws and common social cues, all in a reasonable way* “I’m a boring person.”
TikTok clout chasers:
I know I’m supposed to be listening to you but all I can think is “why did you shoot the dog?” 1:37
Tik Tok’s entire purpose is to be the internet equivalent to a dumpster fire.