Who did the tiktok dances better? 100% in sync dances. Comment below!
Charli D’amelio VS Addison Rae TikTok Compilation
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Who did it better?
👍 Like for Addison
💬 Comment for Charli
the first part was my favorite because they was dancing together
they both had their good ones and bad ones but I think Addison has the best bouncy personality
I like how Addison’s mom just came out of nowhere and joined her 0:41
They both are the only talented ppl in that whole group
Honestly I think people shouldn’t compare anyone everyone is perfect is in their own way.
Anyone else thing Addison is really pretty with her glasses
i love how addison and her mom are close in their tik toks lol . that third one was my favorite. and the first one because charli and addison were both in it.
This whole video I found myself looking at Addison instead of Charlie sorry
Addison and Charli’: *dancing*
Jalaiah: *laughs*
I like when Charlie was laughing and fell on her bed
I honestly enjoyed watching Addison way more but that’s just my opinion
The way I see it
Addison: not so serious but entertaining
Charlie: serious but gets me hype
Charlie D’amelio: is very precise with the way she dances, you can tell that she knows what she doing
Addison Rae: is having fun with the way she dances to the songs, you can tell by the way she smiles
However when I dance: people go crazy thinking I’m having a seizure, you can tell by the way people look at me frightened
I think they both did good cause like someone else said we shoudnt compare people to each other everyone IS perfect in their own way but if some of you havent already go check out “The Kid LORAI – Addison Rae”
When adisson Rae and Charlie we’re doin the dance no idea
my favorite part is when charlie barley throws it back but then Addison just goes for it😂@ 0:31
How many people vote Charlie ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Who do u prefer ??🤩
Like: Addison
Comment: Charli
When Charlie was doing. The savage