Dancer Ajani has nearly 3 million followers on TikTok, so Ellen invited him to show off his moves for her audience! His visit was perfect as Ellen introduced the “Tip-Top TikTok Awards” and showcased some of the funniest videos on the popular app.
U know ur early when the comments aren’t disabled
Thanks for the likes loves❤️💕⭐️
His leg moves at the beginning tho🐙
She needs to have Cameron from Walmart on here
He’s cute and talented..thanks ELLEN FOR APPRECIATING EVERY TALENT🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬🇺🇬
He’s viral but I haven’t heard of him..
I seen a famous person in there her name was avany gragg
Who is he!?? I also watch tiktok everyday but i never saw him before
There are so many good dancers online. I feel like I’ve gotten a little desensitized. It’s much harder to be wowed these days.😣
Wait till this gets 2M views and then 2030 kids gets this as a recommendation.
i don’t know who this is but he hard.
Am I the only one who’s heard of him
That lady was like, “Are you going to trick me again?”
Ellen is so cute, standing there smiling. She’s so please with watching ppl express themselves.
Ajani is such a great dancer, he deserves to be famous
“How came up with this?” Ashley be like
0:48 penny wise lookin
I love him, he’s an amazing dancer. How have you not heard of him
Omg literally everyone on tik tok is blowing up and making big moves …lol imma need to get that app😂😂
I love how Ellen enjoys the youth doing their thing and she acknowledges it thats awsome
I thought she meant Avani at first and I was like 🤦♀️ oh lord
Ajani: dances
Me: how he move like that